Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You don’t have to justify your feelings. Ever. Your feelings are coming up for your transgression of lessons. Your transmutation of lead into gold. And no matter what happened, who said or did what, you are allowed to express yourself emotionally. If another person doesn’t get it, let them off the hook, …

What Does the Illusion Mean?

What will you do when you get to Heaven? And where will you go from there? Right now you’re invited to look at those who excel at pushing themselves to the limits, beyond what ordinary people can do. There’s something they all have in common. They are continually striving to take themselves further. Even the …

Daily download

Let your soul speak. This is how you set yourself free and liberate your soul. Just let it come out. Let it BE you. Let it love you and everything you do. Let that love spread to all as you realize nothing less than the absolute fullest potential of your life on purpose. Expressing your …

Daily Download

What if your intuitive powers were simply the power to love, and it’s just as simple as that? To love yourself deep down at your very core. Your essence. Your soul. To love others unconditionally. And to see through this love that we are all one and the same at our very essence? Spoiler alert: …

Daily Download

Things don’t always happen to you–except when you perceive it that way. Doesn’t mean that shit doesn’t happen, it’s just how you choose to see it. You get to choose to see that the universe presents unlimited opportunities to you. Kinda changes how you see your life, doesn’t it? Life brings opportunities to you. What …

The Secret of Earth’s Hum

Life comes from a specific vibration. When you strip down nature to her very essence, you find that everything is vibrating energy. Dancing energy. The universe has music for those who listen and move with the natural flow. And life is the symphony–the concert of all different vibrations in synchronicity to create something beautiful. Like …

Daily Download

When you look out into the cosmos, nature reveals her greatest mysteries. And while you may not be able to explain everything, you’re able to take in all of her natural beauty. That’s the gift. As humans, we have the ability to see beauty in things. That can be applied in the here and now …

Pieces of Me

As you follow my blog with the Daily Downloads, you’ll notice that there are some recurring themes. It’s not just about science. It’s not only how we apply new learnings in our lives using the latest knowledge of science and spirituality. And it’s not just about positivity. It’s all of those things, and it’s streamed …

Daily Download

Will you let yourself love? Will you allow yourself to be you? Will you acknowledge within yourself that you are love at your very essence? The change starts within you. And maybe all of the world’s problems won’t go away right away. But your old reactions will. Let yourself grow. Allow yourself to evolve. The …

Daily Download

Breathe fire. Walk on water. Love fiercely. Live gracefully. You are a power to be reckoned with. And your abilities are present for good. Your life is on purpose. There are no accidents or coincidences, and nothing is random. Every action you take and every thought you take keep you aligned on your path of …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: There’s a huge difference between being comfortable and being in a comfort zone. You can be comfortable with someone you love, or as a friend, and be completely safe, secure, and trusting. Being comfortable might mean that you know someone on a deep soul level and you are completely free to do …

Daily Download

Ascension isn’t what happens after you transition from the living. Ascension is available to you in the now. Every single brand new moment invites you to raise your vibration as you ascend every single day. And all of the new cells born in you vibe off of your ever-increasing, magnanimous energy. They thrive in your …

Daily Download

What if limiting beliefs were a publication–would you subscribe? Would you be waiting for the newest issue? What if it were a popular TV show? Would you binge watch it? Would you let its story line consume you? Would you talk about it non-stop like it’s the Walking Dead? Would you let its story take …

Daily Download

We dress ourselves up every day. Not just the clothes we wear, but our skin and bodies in the physical are part of our costumes. Your emotions are part of the mask you wear. Your past that you still carry with you becomes energetically woven into your identity (until you let go). Your worries too. …

Daily Download

We all have superpowers. Everyone has intuition. One nice little trick to developing and expanding your intuitive abilities is this: There is no effort involved. You simply allow it in. Information is always flowing. Your thoughts aren’t necessarily from your own head or even your mind (the nonphysical body of thought). Information enters the mind, …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everything you say and do is going to be reflected back to you in the way that’s perfect for you. This is not karma. This is how the universe works. Attraction is her language and your thoughts, words, and actions are your communication that tell the universe what it is that you are …

Daily Download

Trust that the universe brings you exactly the right experiences at just the right time for you. Everything’s happening for your growth. Your teacher presents herself or himself to you, not coming from a place of being complete on their path, but for their learning too. You are both the student and the teacher. And …

Want to Be the Best Version of Yourself? Try These 7 Universe Hacks

What if you could just show up as the most authentic version of yourself everywhere you go? Who would you become if you fully embraced your power each and every brand new moment? What if I told you that it’s not hard at all? It’s possible. Just set the intention and work on yourself a …

Daily Download

If it is love that you seek to experience, here’s a secret: Because you are connected to all that is, it’s simply a matter of realizing within yourself that love is available. Your availability aligns you with the connectedness of all that is, making it easier for you to love. Your unconditional love raises your …