Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Love creates space. Not the kind of space that separates you though. Love creates the space that allows you and those on your path to heal. When you love someone unconditionally, you release your own expectations in the process, allowing you to create space for them to heal. Space is the very …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Your purpose is not to seek, or even to find love with another. You cannot seek that which is not fully embodied within the self. You cannot find anything that you might have led yourself to believe you are missing. If you choose this path, your fears will be reflected back upon …

Daily Download

Why is vulnerability so powerful? Once you break through your conditioning, you see vulnerability as a positive experience, and it opens you up to a whole new world of possibilities. Simply because you’re being honest with yourself and your feelings. You’re allowing your emotions to flow naturally as your subconscious automatically processes for you. Basically, …

Daily Download

What makes the world go around? Everything’s moving somewhere, and we’re orbiting around the sun, spinning along one of the fingers of the Milky Way, moving in the Local Group that’s being pulled along with everything else in the Lanikea Supercluster towards the Great Attractor. Gravity pulls things toward another while the motion puts its …

Daily Download

How to flow: Be in alignment with yourself. How to be in alignment with yourself: Trust yourself. How to trust yourself: Forgive yourself. How to forgive yourself: Love yourself. How to love yourself: Just be in the flow!  =D

Daily Download

How do you know when you can trust someone? If they say ‘trust me,’ what thoughts come up? I would prefer you not trust me. Rather, hear my words and see them in action. When words and actions align, trust happens automatically. Because alignment is your natural state. Anything less than trust isn’t really being …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: The universe is NOT testing you. The ever-present energy is simply reflecting back to you the energy you’re emanating. You’re attracting energy in other words. And like attracts like. So if you feel like you’re being tested, stop blaming and start looking within, because that’s where the change happens. And at the …

Daily Download

Your eyes are the window to your soul. Deep within the darkness of your pupils, your light shines through the space within the space. And from your soul’s eyes, this is the portal to drive you through infinite dimensions of possibilities for your highest and best good. See what your soul sees when you look …

Daily Download

Meditation isn’t something one must learn ‘how to’ do. There’s no special trick. There’s no wrong way to do it. Spirituality doesn’t require anything fancy. It’s simply being in touch with yourself, aligning you with love. You don’t have to do rituals. You don’t have to go seeking a life purpose. You don’t need to …

Daily Download

Speak your truth. Notice how easily you can let it flow, where in the past you might have held back. And what were the results of holding back from speaking your truth? Maybe it was difficult to reveal your feelings. Or maybe you thought you’d hurt someone. But maybe they were hurt anyway because you …

Multiverse in a Bottle

There are synchronicities abound when you see the universe in new ways. The universe is full of similarities from the very large to the very small. As above, so below. The universe repeats on many scales. The beginning of a galaxy’s life looks like the beginning of a cell’s life when it divides. The universe …

Daily Download

What if you could replace struggle in your life with flow? And how do you see yourself if you can replace the urge to resist with simply being free? You trap yourself in the cages you construct, allowing others to have power over you until you realize that it is the programming in your own …

The Greatest Gift

Once I was taken out of this universe. It was to see this creation from a new perspective. And for me to choose my path, my purpose, and my world. I came here to discover. To learn. And to spread the gifts of love. There’s more to us than what we know. There’s more to …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Being strong ain’t always about being strong. Being strong is having the strength to be vulnerable and open up to your feelings. Being strong is allowing emotions to flow. And being strong is definitely not about reacting. It’s finding the strength to act with love for the highest and best good of …

Daily Download

You don’t have to be right all the time. But you can be. Just be right here, right now. Being right isn’t about conflict, justification, or rectifying anything–it’s about presence. When you’re present in an argument, you put love above all else. Because love really is the essence of everything, so you’re honoring the natural …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: You can love unconditionally, but not everyone will return your love. But the universe does. You see, every person who comes along your path and receives your unconditional love is learning how to do so themselves. As they grow and evolve, they will do the same for others. Eventually the entire planet …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: We tell ourselves that healing takes time, but healing is inevitable. Telling yourself that it takes time only delays the healing because now you’re focusing on time. So that’s what you get. Healing takes love. Because love, dear ones, is timeless. Love is the very essence of this universe, the attraction of …

Daily Download

Everywhere you go, you’ll hear about mindfulness. It’s the new trend. And it’s a great way to be conscious. But what happens when you pull in so much more of your surroundings into your field of awareness, offering yourself even more gratitude, connectedness, and unconditional love? That’s thoughtfulness. That’s being aware of everyone, their feelings, …

Daily Download

The world benefits from your presence. You are making a difference, no matter how big or small. And together, through your own connectedness and love, your contribution is amplified. So keep loving the way you know that’s best for you. Stay healthy in the way your body knows how to. If people don’t understand, or …

The Reset Button

A lotta people are gonna get mad when they find out that the “karma” they wished upon someone can easily be stopped in its tracks. So tell me then, if you believe karma is some kind of punishment or street justice, who’s hurting who? No, karma is an energy that attracts. A pattern that repeats …