Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If you base your happiness on another person, you’re setting yourself up. Maybe you can keep the illusion going for your lifetime, or maybe not. Bottom line is, the universe gives you lessons for you to overcome, regardless of what your self-aware mind is thinking. It’s responding to the frequency you’re subconsciously …

Daily Download

I fall in love with energy. It’s your vibe. It’s the feeling you freely give when you vibrate on such an awesome level of energy. It’s everywhere. It’s everything. Everything is energy. I openly receive, allowing your love to penetrate every cell of my being and every grain of my existence. Thank you, universe.  =D

Daily Download

Love doesn’t have to be logical. It doesn’t always make sense. Unless it does. Because even when it feels like a monkey wrench has been thrown into the gears driving your life, there is a purpose. You’re constantly attracting based on the frequency you vibrate, and as you rise, the universe can change things to …

Daily Download

It’s easy to think everything in life is physical. A solid object, like a table, seems solid, yes? But it’s energy. And space. A tree can tell you why. Not just because the table’s made from it, but because she is the bridge between the realms of energetical and physical. She stays firmly rooted in …

Beyond the Point of No Return

Ever since the idea of black holes was first introduced, we’ve been trying to understand the nature of the singularity. Time and space dimensions don’t exist anymore once inside. Everything is literally stretched to infinity once an object reaches the event horizon. It’s the point of no return. And you, dear ones, are the perfect …

Daily Download

You are the focal point of eternal time all coexisting in the now, a synchronicity of virtual particles coming into existence to attract more of who you are to create life. Every atom, every molecule, and every cell of your being work together in concert to create your physical self and fulfill your desires. You …

Daily Download

What if there is no line between friendship and romance? How do you see relationships without using “just” to minimize friendship? Isn’t friendship the very foundation of every good relationship? And in this light, friendship can never be ruined by romance because it’s simply unconditional love, isn’t it? There are no limitations. Be true to …

Daily Download

I fall in love with beautiful souls. And all I see are beautiful souls. As we’ve been reminded, our mission here is to love. So you see dear ones, there is no wrong person to fall in love with. Only souls on different parts of their journey. Instead of seeing where they are as permanent, …

You Choose How You See the World

Imagine a world full of energies, all serving the greater good of the evolution of life. All kinds of energies just flying around everywhere. Envision being surrounded by energy that provides the environment your cells respond to, helping you evolve into your highest self. Guess what? That’s reality! You choose to see the world exactly …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: You don’t ever fall out of love with someone–you fall out of love with the expectations you had of them. So why is it then if someone doesn’t meet your expectations that you expect them to change? Perhaps what can change is just your expectations. Accept people as they are and love …

Daily Download

Have you ever been afraid to fall in love? It can change everything. And it does. But fear in one’s heart occupies the same space where there can be even more love. The cool thing is that vibrationally, fear is love turned upside-down. It’s literally a polar opposite you have created in the past. That …

Daily Download

What is wisdom? Could it be the combines experience and knowledge that you apply in real life? Because that means you’re taking the nonphysical knowledge and turning into something physical. That’s real-world alchemy. That’s transmuting! So wisdom is the embodiment of your knowledge just like your body is the embodiment of your soul!  =D

Daily Download

What is knowledge? Is it a compilation of your memories stored in your brain, or is it more? Because you make it what it is with your experience, and your knowledge is completely as unique as you are. Which makes it scientifically impossible to pinpoint what your knowledge is. It’s not physical. It’s somewhere in …

Daily Download

What if deep down, every single person on this beautiful planet just wants you to be happy? Everyone has their own map of what happy means to them, and knowing this you can see how each individual speaks from his or her map, yes? Now here’s the interesting part: Do you believe this? Because this …

Do the Impossible

The bumblebees do something impossible every single day. They fly. Even though science couldn’t explain it, they did it anyway. Yet it was physically impossible. You know what the trick is? They didn’t study law. So gravity didn’t apply. And there’s a very important lesson for you. Because your barriers–everything you think that’s impossible–are all …

Daily Download

What is it that holds particles together? What is it that draws celestial objects toward another? What allows light to shine in this universe? It’s love! Love is your very existence. Your essence. Your soul. Love flows through every cell of your being. Don’t believe me? Try to stop existing then. haha =D

Don’t Call It Positivity

As I stare up at the night sky, seeing the orange haze behind distant rows of palms lit up from beneath and the mountains barely visible through the thick night air, I think that there must be something greater in store. I know something’s happening and I’m being tested. What I want to know is, …

Daily Download

Stay true to your feelings. They are telling you something. They are the window to the very essence of who you are–the love at your core. And know that you can react or respond. If you think someone’s provocative, that is your reaction to who someone else is. Know the difference. Be gentle and see …