Messages from the Divine

To love yourself is to love your journey. And with that, to love every part of it including the pain, the lessons, and those you’ve chosen to distance yourself from. See the challenge? All of those ‘toxic’ people were attracted by you in order for you to gain something. So how did cutting them out …

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Ever feel like you need to give anything up to find your life partner? Do that. Give up your expectations. Give up your attachments. Give up your self doubt and any beliefs that you are not enough. Give up any need to feel complete with anyone else. Give up the desire to find peace through …

Daily Download

Nothing is random. Just get this idea out of your head! It is a human condition that limits your perception. ‘Nothing to see here, just a bunch of randomness.’ This is simply not true, because the real beauty of nature lies just on the other side of what we don’t yet understand. There is an …

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Blunt Force Truth: Whether or not someone returns your love is of no consequence to a heart that’s pure. Because you, my dear, are here to love them unconditionally anyway (and every way). You came into this existence simply to give love in devotional service to the evolution of humanity. In doing so, your heart …

This Might Just Be The Universe’s Best Secret 

We’re all here for a lifetime, and we all fall in love. It can be with yourself and/or others. Maybe many times over. That’s perfectly ok, because you’re perfecting yourself in the process! There’s a very unique way each of us has to view this process. Yet somehow, a common belief will emerge from the …

Daily Download

Sometimes as human incarnations of the universe, you must complete some tasks of your purpose by being invisible. You’ll be working in the background to help guide others. There is no coincidence when you come into contact with someone. You are here on purpose. When you help them, they will see you emerging from the …

Daily Download

Embrace this moment. Everything is perfect exactly as is. And this moment is like no other, just as perfectly unique as you are. The life force of all of the universe flows through completely into this moment specifically for you. So embracing this moment allows you to be in flow. In peace. In love. Do …

Daily Download

Are you manifesting what you desire in life, but it seems like you’re getting just a little bit? Do you ever say you’ll take what you can get? Because if so, that’s what is holding you back. It’s a belief of scarcity or limitation. What if instead you can say you’re thankful for what you …

Daily Download

Have you ever felt happy but then something happened and took it away? Do you anticipate this happening? You’re not alone. Everyone wants to be happy, and the funny thing is, you already know how. It’s not even something you have to get. So, instead of happy being your peak state now and then, would …

Daily Download

Einstein said God does not play dice. Hawking says God does play dice. In reality, God IS the dice. S/he is the infinite possibilities playing through at every single brand new moment that appears to us as random chances. Bui nothing’s random. These possibilities are the fibers of existence our lives are built upon. We …

Why You Shouldn’t Seek Your Twin Flame

As we sat on the edges of our seats listening to the guidance of an angel, she divulged the truth of the twin flame relationship to our group of beautiful souls. As Gerry Gavin channeled his angel Margaret, she directly answered the question asked about finding your twin flame.The answer is not what you’d think an …

Be Your Own Spiritual CEO

Imagine you’re running a huge company, with tons of people working for you. You’re the CEO. And every top manager reports directly to you with specific details in every area of your business. You’re completely covered. So how do you manage all of the incoming data they report to you? You look at the vital statistics. …

Daily Download

Show me your darkness. Show me your pain you will overcome. Show me all of the dark spots within your magnificent aura. Because if I were to look at you and see a perfectly luminous aura, I’d be bored. What could you possibly heal being so perfect? What lessons would you learn? You and I …

Daily Download

Everything happens for a reason, right? Then why stop there? Because what that reason is will give you profound insight! Here’s the answer–it’s because you attracted it. And why you attracted it was to witness your subconscious bringing some sort of limiting belief or block to the surface, allowing you to see a reflection of your …

Daily Download

The universe is expressed infinitely through every grain of your existence. So much so, that math can’t be used to describe it. Math isn’t the language of the universe. You know what is? It’s the attraction that brings all things together, that you feel in your body and soul–it’s love! Because love is infinite. You …

Daily Download

We’re all on our own path. Where you are on your path doesn’t matter as much as just knowing you’re on the right path. And we’re here to guide you. The reality is you’re not where you think you are. Because your timeline holds the secrets. All of the possibilities are already there. So you’re already …

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There are basically 3 ingredients in the universe: Space, love, and chaos. Space is the canvas upon which you create your reality. Love is the attractive force that allows you to build the pieces of who you are. So what’s chaos doing here? Most might think chaos is bad. It’s very good! Chaos spreads love. …

Daily Download

There are those of us who believe. We have the power. Angels, guides, saints, and any other mythical figures are our archetypes. That means they are templates for your higher self. Just like a word template for a letter or resumé, they are designed for a specific purpose, and those who know use this to …

Daily Download

Has being broken-hearted shown up as a source of pain in your life? Notice how this resonates with you, because the language you speak into existence is executed by the subconscious. So if you say any part of you is broken, the subconscious works to create that reality. My guides once said you can’t heal a broken …

Daily Download

I believe in the power of love. It’s not only the driving force of attraction everywhere in the universe, it’s the very life force pulsing through your veins. It’s the consciousness that rises above the physical. It’s the natural flow. And it’s completely accessible to you at any time simply by loving yourself. This is …