Come to the Dark Side

You manifest your life. All of the love and abundance you are fulfilled by right here and now is a direct result of your manifestation and co-creation of your reality in concert with the beautiful souls you are with. But that doesn’t mean shit don’t happen. It does! So why then, if you are such …

Daily Download

There are two types of people: There are those who live lives of love. There are those who love in devotional service of others. There are those who unconditionally love. There are those who forgive and let go. There are those who flow in consciousness. There are those who serve to protect the environment. And …

Daily Download

I know you’re strong. You’ve been through everything and you’re still standing. Yet even when it feels like there’s no one else, know that you are supported. Every step of your way you are fully supported. When you need protection, imagine angel wings wrapped around you and your loved ones. And when you get tired …

Words Create Worlds 

You get to see the world around you like nobody else can. Your creative prowess is so powerful that you can literally shape  your reality with the words you choose to describe it. You get to be in it. To live it. To go full out and make this the best fucking universe possible! It’s …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Nothing’s ever changed for the better just by sitting still. Shit gets stagnant. So if it’s change you desire, then you must first change yourself. What subconscious beliefs have been attracting the challenges in your life in the past up until now? Would you be willing to exchange them for more positive …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If people could feel all of the pain inflicted upon others physically, emotionally, verbally, energetically, there would be a lot less hurting each other. Truth no. 2: There are those who feel everything. They may have run away. They may have hidden. But we surface, one-by-one, realizing our capabilities are there to …

Daily Download

Own your shit like a king. Things haven’t worked out as you planned because something wasn’t exactly right? Own it! Be responsible for yourself and your pride. This is how you transcend limiting beliefs. The only reason anything went wrong in the first place was because your beliefs were surfacing to be processed. So run …

Daily Download

To love yourself is to love the entire universe. Every bit of the universe is expressed wholly throughout every single grain of your existence. And every little speck is connected via quantum entanglement. The connection allows flow. And that flow shows up in your life when things are happening for the best and you are …

Daily Download

Do you ever feel like you need to be poor to be rich? Ever thought you needed to give something up to get a step ahead? Well this mindset may be what attracts setbacks. Instead, how about believing that everything you need is being provided to you right now? Feel it as it’s happening in …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You cannot expect change if you keep going back to the same thing. However, you CAN drop expectations all-together, allowing you to accept what is and love your lessons unconditionally. And that opens up a whole new level of possibilities because now you see beyond what you had thought was a problem. …

Daily Download

Things DO get better. But for some, you might not want it to. How do you feel saying things always get better? And does this illuminate where you have been blocked? Even when you say you want better, what’s happening underneath in your subconscious? Are you ready to transcend that so you’ll be out of …

Daily Download

All of the answers to the questions you ask are being answered right now. When you open yourself, you become a conduit. You download information. You experience pure thought from the mind, once opened, allowing you to receive. Your questions about love, career, family, and/or money tell you that you’ve manifested your challenges based on …

Daily Download

If you are to be shown exactly how and why everything’s happened in your past up until now, will you be ready? What secrets do you have in store? What will be unveiled? What will you learn and how will this make you grow? I ain’t sayin everything has a reason, but it does. And …

Daily Download

Be strong. Strong enough to allow yourself to melt in the embrace of my arms. Be gentle. Gentle enough to nurture my spirit to grow and flourish. Be wise, knowing that all of the universe flows through you and life is for you. Be as bright as the brightest star, because that’s what I see …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If success to you means cutting unsuccessful people from your life, maybe you should first look at why you attracted them in the first place. There’s a lesson in that for you to overcome. Because success isn’t necessarily about money. It’s about being there to lift others up and help them on …

The Real Life

A beautiful soul asked her friends, what is reality? Everyone’s answer was different. That’s because reality is custom-tailored to the experience you’re creating. Your reality is every bit as unique as you are. So color this world with your beautiful presence! It is our diversity that makes life beautiful. And it is our curiosity that …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Disbelief IS a belief. And it biases perception. In doing so, it limits what one can see based on what they are willing to accept within the framework of reality created by the limitations of their own belief system. Just because you don’t believe something exists doesn’t mean it doesn’t. And claiming …


It all started in a dream unlike any other. Someone or something was contacting me, and it wasn’t human. The message this being was giving me was “We are coming.” I knew exactly why he had found me. Every night I asked for the answers of the secrets the universe held. I would imagine a …

Daily Download

The shortest distance between two people is understanding. It’s what builds bridges between beliefs. It’s finding the highest intent as love, regardless of religion, nationality, color, and sex. Understanding allows you to see beyond another’s limitations and even emotions. To see the beauty beneath the skin. And there will be those who don’t yet see …