Daily Download

See beyond what the eyes can see. it’s as simple as thinking of something. Your eyes don’t see it, but your mind does. This is your gateway to higher senses. And it happens automatically when you look into someone’s eyes. Look deep inside, into the pupils. There is space in-between and inside every atom. That …

The Universe is Rigged in Your Favor

Spoiler alert: Everything’s working out exactly as you need. That’s because you attract a certain energy that manifests your lesson plan. Your consciousness exists in many levels, and on the highest level there’s nothing but love! So all your lessons down here are coming from this level. Yes, I’m talking about everything. Because I’ve seen …

Daily Download

Science may not be the end-all to belief systems—it’s a passion! You can ask any question you desire and explore the infinite possibilities of your own perception as your mind travels the universe. The answers may come, or they may not. The pursuit is the fruit of the endeavor. Even if there are no known …

Daily Download

You are being called to see beyond the judgment of others into your own personal inventory. What you see in others is a chance for you to see your own bias or judgment, opening the door to your values. When your values are crossed, what arises within yourself? If it’s not for the benefit of …

Daily Download

You can either let your past imprison or empower yourself. If you’ve blamed yourself or others, you’ve chosen to imprison yourself. If you take personal responsibility–not blame–then you are choosing empowerment. That is how you break free. And as soon as you do so, you begin empowering others. Do that. From this moment forth, you …

Daily Download

I support my sisters standing together for love, peace, and the recognition of rights they deserve. I support any color, nationality, religion, and sex as I embrace togetherness. I stand with the natives of the land. I love the people. I love the land. I love how science and technology brings the world all together …

Daily Download

Ever notice how some people repeat limiting beliefs? Maybe it’s someone’s personal experience. Well, that’s not universal, isn’t it? When meditating, people may say ‘the challenge is to silence the mind.’ Do you know what this does? This creates a focal point for the subconscious based on ‘challenge.’ It’s actually not a challenge at all… …

Daily Download

Relax… Nothing is at it seems. Everything is happening on purpose. Rise above what’s happening to you to see how things are actually happening for you. Is it to get you back on track with your purpose? Are you getting confirmation for doing things right? These signs are all around you. Learn to tap into …

The Secret Sauce

When you realize the secrets of the universe have everything to do with the life you’re living and what you’re attracting—love, blessings, money—then you continually thirst for more. What you thirst for is the juicy flow of all that is. This is the realm of peace, love, and knowledge. And yes, it is all available …

Daily Download

There is no love to seek once you embody love within yourself. People will come and go, but those who love themselves as you will stay. That is the law of love. Everything in this universe is love. Everything attracts. So when you’ve reached this badass level of awesomery, seek within for even more knowledge. …

Daily Download

Don’t call it Singles Awareness Day. Just because you have solitude doesn’t mean you have to be sad. Let it be a chance, whether you’re single or with the one you love, to simply love yourself. Spread that love everywhere you go! Empty yourself and let the universe keep filling you again. Make this day …

Daily Download

Trust love. Maybe you’ve fallen out of trust with someone, or maybe even yourself at times. It’s ok. Because what are you supposed to be learning from these situations? There’s a process to your evolution. And this process leads you to the best version of yourself. So love yourself. Love your lessons. The more love …

Daily Download

Rise above with love. Love transcends the duality you perceive. Love is beyond good or evil. Above right and wrong. Love allows you to see beyond, to the lessons and the blessings. When you view in this way, you can see that every act, whether good or bad, has a higher intent. Somebody was seeking …

Daily Download

Trust your gut. It’s not just about how your intuition benefits you. Your temple’s well-being benefits as well. The gut and mind have an intimate connection. The health of your gut affects the health of your brain. The gut even gives it serotonin and dopamine. So a happy gut means a happy you! Why feed …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When you love unconditionally, there is no need for a perfect partner. With love this powerful, you can attract the broken hearted, the hurt, the downtrodden, even the invisible. Your love will forgive those running from something. It will protect ones in hiding. It will heal the hurting. Your love will create …

Daily Download

Truth doesn’t hurt. You’ve been told wrong. It’s resistance to accepting truth that hurts. And that brings to light a benefit you’ve been getting from resisting or holding on. And in this new light of awareness, wouldn’t you be better off not hurting because you’ve realized the gifts, learned to let go, and become open …

Daily Download

You are all powerful. All of you have all the power of all that is within you! This power is the power to love unconditionally as you realize all is one. Then you see how the illusion of separation was only created by you to be able to bring all your pieces back together, loving …

Daily Download

You are projected unto yourself. Your unique projection is your very special connection. It is exactly as unique as you are. And through your connection, you shape your own perception of what you see, hear, feel, and understand within this grand reality. You see the world as you are. And it’s good to know that, …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You came here to love yourself, not to seek this from others. Your purpose in this existence is to fully embody this love within your temple and then spread your light everywhere, sparking the same within each and every beautiful soul you encounter! Do that.  =D

What Happens When We Die? 

It’s an age-old question: Is there life after death? The answer may surprise you. A team of scientists recently explored the phenomena of near death experiences, published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition. And they found that people do experience unusual memory events near death.  People with near death experiences reported having their “life review.” In …