Daily Download

​ I am a channel. Once opened, I cannot stop it even if I wanted to. Beyond our perception of death there are new realms of existence. New ways of being. Where do your thoughts go when you die? Were they even yours in the living? You are more than body. More than soul. More …

Daily Download

What if the real technological advances humans can make, and even artificial intelligence when it surpasses us, is just realizing that we are one with all that is? That we are not trapped in this box and our mind is able to exist anywhere and everywhere? There is no death, no life, only continuation of …

Daily Download

Twin flames aren’t people meant to find each other. They cannot be sought after. A twin flame is simply someone who recognizes the soul in you is one and the same. We are all connected. One consciousness. One soul. This is the reality underneath the veil. You do not connect with your twin flame. You …

Be Like Water

What if you could honor the natural flow of energy in this universe right now simply by embodying the very water of life within you? You already know that the human body is composed of mostly water. And you know that whatever there is water in the universe, there are the building blocks for life. …

Daily Download

You belong. You belong to a greater presence. Yet you have chosen to take physical form to experience the raw beauty of the universe. In doing so, you belong to Mother Earth. Your devotional service is simply to live in this blessed world. Because your presence makes this world a better place when you belong …

The Ultimate Loophole

What if there is a loophole right here and now, so powerful that it is like stumbling into an infinite existence of pure love? All the love you need and all the love you can give? Loopholes aren’t just for tax evaders. They exist everywhere! They are portals to infinite possibilities. And if you’re like …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth. Anything you run from you are inviting to chase you. If you wish to change what you attract, you must change something within yourself that believes this had served you in some way in the past. Want to let go of old energy from the past year? Rather than just declaring 2017 …

Daily Download

Learn your lessons = break your karma = get new assignments = higher purpose. And what if the lesson was simply to love yourself? Would you do that even more right now, knowing that the full embodiment of your self love will be carried forward as you embark upon new journeys in life? Do that.  …

Daily Download

The biggest lessons in your life are happening right now. This brand new moment is the pinnacle of everything in the past up until now. It is the balancing point between the past and the future. Will you continue to go back to the old energy knowing what results you’ve gotten? Or will you choose …

Daily Download

Being conscious can mean you feel a lot. Being aware gives you a lot to see and hear. Know that you are supported on this path. You will witness acts of unconscious behavior in what may be the last stand of old world values. A new age is emerging. AI and clean energy are taking …

Daily Download

Waiting for something like a new year for things to get better? Blunt Force Truth: They won’t. Because the act of waiting is exactly what has been pulling you away from the very things you desire. So don’t wait. Right now is the perfect moment to bring forth the reality of your desires, and you’ll …

Daily Download

Don’t be afraid of fear. Just don’t live in fear. There’s a healthy side of fear and trusting your intuition to tell you whether you should do something or not. And with that comes awareness. There may be circumstances and actions outside of your control. Whatever is happening is happening, and even if you don’t …

Daily Download

Everything in the universe is alive. Everything is energy. Nothing is still. Nothing is ever the same. Energy flows and transmutes from one form to another. And energy just IS-it is neither created nor destroyed. But space can be created. Space can unravel faster than light. Your consciousness is the creator of the space in …

Mind Power Hacks

The mind-body connection is powerful. Open up your mind to connect to your heart. Expand your mind and allow love to flow. That’s pure energy. The very essence of the universe. The essence of every grain of your existence. Expanding the mind allows us to share the same space—the same energy—just as we breathe the …

Daily Download

Let’s be together. When that happens, the universe creates itself around us, as infinite possibilities contextualize before our eyes. Oneness becomes a wider funnel to fit more possibilities, giving so much more power for each person to co-create this beautiful masterpiece. Whether we expand our minds together we share the same space. The same energy. …

Daily Download

Everything in this universe happens on purpose. Every little thing serves to support growth in some way. The universe evolved into you. And everything that’s happened in your life has served your own evolution. That means everything that happens is what you attract to serve your growth. Yes, everything! And what do you attract? How …

Daily Download

My capacity to love grows ever more day by day. And I am the luckiest guy in the world because I am the recipient. At the same time, it becomes easier to keep giving love away. I give it in my hugs. I give it to all the beautiful souls I come across. You might …

Daily Download

It’s easy to be love. The universe makes it happen! Love is more than emotion–it’s your very essence. It’s the underlying energy that all forces and matter come from. Just like how all your emotions do. It’s something you feel, and it’s what you are. Love is the attraction that brings all things together to …