The 595 Rule

People say don’t trust an atom-they make up everything. People teach that your genes determine everything from your health to lifestyle. People also think they’re in control of their minds. People are full of shit! The universe, which is inside every single grain of your existence, follows a different pattern: The 595 rule. Less than 5% …

Daily Download

​Love simply because you are love. Love is the ever flowing energy of all that is throughout every grain of your existence, after all. Love yourself. Love everybody! Even if no one loves you back, you still have a cup overflowing with love. So pour that shit everywhere!  =D

Daily Download

Consciousness is more than self awareness. And individuality is more than just yourself. Think of consciousness as an infinite field of awareness. Your individuality is tuning into this broadcast. Everything does so on its own channel: Plants. Angels. All kinds of life forms! You’re not assimilated into a beehive mentality–you’re intimately connected with the field. …

Daily Download

The acorn has no idea what it’s capable of when it’s just a seed. It’s stuck in its shell. Nothing happens there. It has no ears to hear or eyes to see. The forest, knowing that the seed will grow if it believes in itself, can only love the acorn. The seed must crack on …

Daily Download

Perspective hack: You can be falling apart while others see you in a completely new light, reflecting the positivity that you might not even see yet. And that brings an important lesson to see ourselves through each other’s eyes. We can help one another just by seeing through different perspectives. So next time you’re down, …

Daily Download

I love broken people. We all go around hurting each other, breaking ourselves a little more. We knock each other down. And we try to pick each other back up. But sometimes that’s not what we need. Just be present with your brokenness. People will say you just need to do something, or somewhere out …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You are going to love people than can’t/won’t/don’t love you the same way. Love them anyway. You can be open to receiving without being attached to them or expecting anything from anyone. Your path is brightly lit by your own love. This shows you again and again how strong your love is. …

Daily Download

You chose this time. You chose this place. You did so from you all-encompassing awareness of all time and space. Your job here is to remember. For these choices are deeply ingrained within multiple levels of your own consciousness, whether or not you are aware. Your beliefs provide a structure with which to build your …

Daily Download

Silence is a way to heal. Because sometimes no matter how badly you want to say something, someone just needs space and time to figure out their own shit. I’ll be there for you to hold space. I’ll be there through the process. I’ll be there in the end to pull you up. I’ll be …

Spiritual Glitter

What if you had magic fairy dust that could change everything in your life and around you? Glitter that sparkles with life as you simply blow it into the air, spreading, peace, love, and joy. Wouldn’t you just sprinkle that shit everywhere? Well you can. And you’ll be guided through a process to do just that… …

Daily Download

There is no truth. Only your truth. Truth is perceived in absolutes but can change as your perception evolves. Go higher. Rather than focusing on what’s right or wrong, true or untrue, transcend the duality of truth and step into honesty. This means you are open to receiving facts and changing your idea of truth …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: People who say to silence the mind are full of shit. The harder you push back on it, the more it’s going to push back. Allow the mind and the ego to do their thing. Meditation happens in the background. It’s like turning on the heater in your house. You don’t have …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: “Game” is a lower vibrational way that people use others for their own self satisfaction in order to avoid dealing with themselves. Ready to step up the vibration? Try loving yourself. That allows people to come to you in a safe environment. It doesn’t mean you ain’t sexual. Loving yourself allows you …

How to Channel

When your mind is ready, the answers come to you. That’s why you’re here right now. First the mind gives you the idea, and then science backs it. When electromagnetism was discovered, it revolutionized science. All kinds of field theories followed EM. It even lead to quantum physics. And now you know that you live …

Daily Download

Allow the people around you to lift you up. When you’re in this mindset, it really doesn’t matter whether they’re positive or negative. Negative people might say don’t let others get you down. But then where’s your focus? Now you simply rise above your own negativity. You even keep rising as you constantly find new …

Daily Download

I can see beauty beyond the superficial. You see, the standard for beauty in magazines and media is missing something important. Facial expressions. Body language. You can say more with a smile on your face and open arms than a faceless mask. Just let that sink in (and feel free to smile!).  =D

Daily Download

Life is not about what you deserve. It’s about what you’re willing to receive. What’s your limit? You see its kinda like giving. What are you willing to give? And kinda not. You can be giving and not be open to receiving. The beauty is that you don’t have to focus on anything to widen …

Daily Download

You don’t always have to tell the answers–if you can stimulate the senses. That’s how discovery happens. It’s not in what’s already known. It’s taking unknown and making it known in the now. To bring the reality of discovery into this present moment you are first going to get the spark. And that could bui …

Taste Your Soul

There is space inside you just as there is space around you. Everything in its natural state is empty. It gets filled with life and love. And all the shit you hold onto. But as you go deep within, you can effortlessly clean all that shit out. Effortlessly. Just imagine your cells hollow and empty, …