Daily Download

Be aware of where your energy flows. Your energy becomes what you attract. And this invites you to be aware of what it is that you are attracting right now, knowing that it is a brand new moment. Not being aware means that you are attracting things happening to you. And it’s perfect for you …

Daily Download

What if there is a way that I could show you how I really see the beauty in you? A way that you could feel just as wonderful as it feels for someone to truly embrace you, seeing through another’s eyes and hearing your own words of encouragement through their ears? There is! This is …

Daily Download

Know possibilities. Once you see something once thought not to be possible, it expands your beliefs. More and more you notice every day something someone does that breaks the mold of what you’ve been to conditioned to believe is possible. And as you bring these new possibilities into your field of awareness, notice how you …

Daily Download

Your soul shows through. I see it. It’s in your facial expressions and skin tone. It’s in your words and actions. Your soul is communicating. Some are right up front, outwardly reflecting themselves. Sometimes it takes a step back if you’re momentarily out of alignment. Yet for others, their soul may be screaming to get …

Daily Download

When you think about it, the odds seem staggeringly stacked against our favor. At least that’s the way you’ve been conditioned to think. The chances that the universe has spots where galaxies formed, and then stars with planetary systems, some of which are capable of harboring life, and out of all of the possible candidates …

Daily Download

What’s the definition of insanity? Is it when you do the same thing over and over again expecting different results? At least that’s what we’ve been told, right? But did you question the source? It was Einstein, but what did he know about psychology? He didn’t. He said that in response to quantum physics. He …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If you have ever wanted someone to be happy so much so that you were willing to give up your own happiness, then you have a belief that someone has to be hurt for someone else to be happy. How else has this come up? Are you afraid of hurting others? Do …

Daily Download

When you raise your vibration, you raise your standards. The right people will see you in this light, understand your path, and be there to lift and support you along the way. Yet some may focus on the ones who don’t understand. If so, what then are you telling yourself of your own acceptance of …

Why Science NEEDS ‘Psuedoscience’

Let’s be straight with each other. Science ain’t an exact science. Fact is, science needs cutting edge, thought-provoking people to shake things up, rather than procedure-following drones. Everyone wants to shape scientists into the mold. Conform. Do as we say. And when you don’t fit in, you get blasphemized and blacklisted. That’s why the term …

Daily Download

What was it that I showed you about yourself? What were you pretending not to know? Something was stirred in you. Something came up. If you weren’t ready to face this truth from deep inside you, that’s exactly why you went back to old patterns. It’s why you went into your comfort zone. That’s why …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When we label each other, we promote separatism. The blue and red political system doesn’t divide us, you do by subscribing to the beliefs of those labels. The fact is, if you were born on Earth, you are indigenous! It doesn’t matter where your relatives came from because you are right here …

Daily Download

Alchemy was about turning lead into gold, right? Well, at least that’s what they told us. It is an analogy about transmuting something less desirable into something more desirable. Alchemy was a precursor to science and also a spiritual practice. So why didn’t they teach you that? It was because people forgot. They forgot who …

Daily Download

I show you your light within. It just happens. Something always happens. And what if you were taken back? What if you then withdrew? What was it you saw in yourself that you were hiding from? Did it scare you? Did you need to go back to the way things were in your comfort zone? …

Daily Download

What if, instead of trying to rescue people or solve their problems, we could just listen and acknowledge? Healing happens through observation. I AM a healer, but I won’t heal you. I will allow you to find the healing process within yourself. We all have the ability. It’s simply a matter of unblocking it, because …

Daily Download

Do that. Whatever it is that you deeply desire. Embody it. Because why thy fuck not? Are you more interested in making up reasons why you shouldn’t do something you know you desire? What if you simply allow yourself to say yes to things, knowing that the opportunity has been presented for you to gain …

Daily Download

What you resist persists. It’s a truth that just won’t go away! 😉 The question then becomes, how has the resisting served you in the past up until now? We all have something we gain from resisting until it’s time to let go. And you also gain by questioning, are you pushing away from something …

Daily Download

Here’s a little trick that proves there’s more to you than just the living body. Your mind has thoughts. Everything running through your mind, every emotion, and every perception are information, yes? For decades physicists have argued the information paradox within black holes. Information cannot be destroyed. Even stuff that falls in has its information …

Secrets of the Universe Unveiled

View GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Facebook View @GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Twitter View dbertolacci’s profile on Instagram View davidbertolacci’s profile on LinkedIn View +davidbertolacci’s profile on Google+ I’m really good at not keeping secrets. 😉 This secret is the answer to an age-old question. What is the meaning of life? In the midst of cracking the universal …

Daily Download

The universe is a conspiracy to love you. It’s everywhere. It’s everything. It’s the attraction in between every single grain of existence. it’s the illusion of separation. It’s all love! And the universe has direction and purpose. That is consciousness–the flow of love. Consciousness allows all things to grow and evolve. And that’s why you’re …