5 Aspects of the Self

What would you do with the ultimate power within, knowing that you’re capable of accomplishing anything, as you manifest even more love and abundance? The key is loving yourself. Loving every bit of who you are. That means in the physical and beyond. And to love the self is to know the self–all aspects of …

4 Keys to Unlock Your Unlimited Potential

There’s a sure-fire way to be in even more harmonious alignment with the universe. And when you are in this alignment, all things happening are synchronicities. You become better aligned with Gaia, the nature consciousness. You become more compassionate with the living beings on this planet. You attract like qualities in the people around you. …

Secrets of the Universe Unveiled

View GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Facebook View @GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Twitter View dbertolacci’s profile on Instagram View davidbertolacci’s profile on LinkedIn View +davidbertolacci’s profile on Google+ I’m really good at not keeping secrets. 😉 This secret is the answer to an age-old question. What is the meaning of life? In the midst of cracking the universal …

Confessions of an Overthinker

Overthingking will get you into trouble. It’s bad! One of the things you must do is stop overthingking. One of 10 steps to zen: avoid overthingking. And I’m over here like, seriously, is somebody trying to brainwash me into not thinking for myself? All yall spiritual mafuckas out there wanna explain to me why you …

Embrace Chaos

Ever wonder where the law of attraction comes from? The answer may surprise you. It’s hard to imagine such a thing when the universe itself is continually spreading apart. But it’s all part of the illusion. I’ll tell you why.    View GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Facebook View @GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Twitter View dbertolacci’s profile on …

Spiritual Dynamite

What if you could just blow the doors of perception off the hinges, allowing all of your senses to enliven so much so that you step right into the badass spiritual being who you really are? After all, it is you that’s waiting to become you! And over here the surface mind thinks that there’s …

Saturday Night Download

No matter where you are in life, no matter who you love, you can project your best simply by loving yourself even more. You need to seek nothing externally. Just go to your center. From here you emerge anew. Take the universe for example. In eternal time, the big bang is a continual projection from …

How To Create a Universe

I am in love with this universe. I see it. I feel it. I know it in every grain of my existence. And I’m divulging its secrets to help you accomplish your purpose in life! That’s what the universe wants after all.    View GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Facebook View @GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Twitter View dbertolacci’s …

The Handy-Dandy Guide to Life

Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a user manual for life? Everyone has a different understanding. So how do we bridge beliefs of all kinds and acknowledge infinite possibilities, bringing us even more coherence, regardless of what backgrounds we come from? In the interest of a complete understanding, here’s an update ready for you …

What is on the Other Side?

Think there’s only one life to live? Is your body the only thing you feel alive in? Well I have some great news for you. You can overcome. With a little empowerment and knowledge, you can meet your real self.  It all starts in the energy field. Everywhere there’s particles of energy projected from the …

5 Gifts for the Soul

One thing will always be true. Every life is unique. And every path taken is just as unique to each individual. When we cross paths, the waves we create amplify. Or they cancel themselves out, depending on our vibrations. On this path I have striven to raise the vibration, serving those who have graced my …

Scientific Evidence of the Akashic Records Found Hiding in Plain Sight

Can you imagine how you’d react if nothing you were ever told was true AND none of it was a lie? Nobody purposely misled you. Everything you believed to be true was what you allowed to be true. And that’s how your brain programmed itself to perceive that which you thought to be true. And with …

Daily Download

Life is magic. To say that reality is illusion doesn’t really do it justice. You see, everything in this universe is energy. Once it starts vibrating, it can no longer hold itself in. The Big Bang happens as space is created and the energy expands. This core is projected to every single particle of force, …

Daily Download

I see the universe differently. It is a point from which infinite possibilities are projected into space that I create. The Big Bang is nothing but a starting point. Once you dive into the experience, you’ll find yourself dancing with me through all possibilities of time and space, our energies intertwined. We made ourselves separate …

Change Your Perception, Change Your Universe

Imagine that everything you can see right now was inside a bubble. And everyone else saw from inside their bubble. As more and more of us got closer, our bubbles merged, allowing us to share our vision with one another. Yet, still no one would see outside the bubble. Collectively though, miracles happen inside the …

Daily Download

You separated from yourself. And that’s ok. It was a long time ago. The beginning of the universe, in fact. The purpose was to set yourself on the path of coming together and being whole. In that sense, everything you perceive as separate is mere illusion. This grand illusion has many tricks and obstacles to …