You Are a Star

As stars live and die, the very building blocks of life are created. But you are more than the cosmic stardust in this process. So much more! You see, everything you’ve ever been told about the afterlife is true. Heaven is real. This is it! This is Heaven on Earth, and you are the afterlife of …

Introduce Yourself

The human body has over 300 trillion cells, each imprinted with the same identity. They all live as one community. You also have other organisms vital to the life of the whole in a symbiotic relationship. The body channels life throughout the whole. As the heart pumps blood, a magnetic field is generated. And as …

Lessons From the End of Earth

When you look around, you may see a lot of doom and gloom from our scientific community and media. Everybody loves to scare you with tales of how life will end. Fear controls and manipulates people, so naturally it makes for good exposure. That’s why there’s still so much coverage about the “asteroid that killed …

Being Omnipresent

What if you could experience expanded ways of seeing yourself, allowing understanding, love, and healing powers so much more so that your environment changes fire the better even more? Would you be open to being guided through a process that effortlessly expands your perceptual position? And are you wholly free of any objection? Great! The …

Do You Live Only Once? Here’s What I Found

When I was growing up, there were many things I was taught to believe. I attended school and learned about science. I also went to Sunday school. My parents were Catholic, so my brothers and I learned from the viewpoint of the bible. I didn’t see much difference between the scientific and religious viewpoints. It …


What if we could enhance our connection so much more so that every beautiful soul on our path to enlightenment delivers us in just the right direction for our forward progress with even more purposeful authenticity? Notice how easily we can recall exactly how this natural process is embodied within each and every one of …

Love. Just Love.

“When we recognize ourselves in each other all of our lives are enriched.” – Father Greg Boyle, founder of Homeboy Industries Ancient knowledge is resurrected with each new generation on Earth as we awaken to who we really are. And I know you. I know who you really are. It is with deep love and …

Venture Forth

This is a call to join the revolution of new science—to be on the cutting edge of thoughtnology. How can we better empower ourselves to break free of the mold cast by the past up until this point in the present moment? It’s one thing to learn the science of things, yet a whole new adventure …

The Soul of the Universe

Just what the actual heck are we? What is the human condition? We can easily say that we are the universe experiencing itself, but we are about to venture forth to explain what that really means! To explore the meaning of being human, let’s view from a different perceptual position. Instead of life happening to …

The Power Within

Superman could do anything. He had strength to lift cars, stop trains, super speed that could reverse time, and even x-ray vision. When we are attuned to our intuition, we are unstoppable with our own superpowers. But there was a little something from when Superman was a baby—a piece of his home world. Kryptonite made …

The Little Box of Secrets

Last night’s Living as Love unveiled how we release and let go of expectations, freeing ourselves of the perceptual bars we entrap ourselves within. We simply observe. By observing, we become an active part in the creation of our Big Bang. We see how the universe is the projector in a movie theater with our lives …

Echoes of Divinity

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if we had the technology to create experiences and gifts simply from our consciousness, project them onto a magic screen, then step into the screen to live out these awesome experiences and gifts? Perhaps we could benefit by taking a little trip through the universe to …

Win a Free Signed Copy of Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse

Announcing the signed book giveaway ushering in a new era of discovery! I will be giving away free signed copies of my book, Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse, the controversial new book that is changing the landscape of our scientific knowledge of how the universe began. It all started with a simple question: What …

Free the Mind

We spend most of our lives being conditioned. It’s everywhere. We are conditioned by our families, friends, schools, governments, religions, even social media! Seems like everybody has some idea for you on how you should think. How you should act. Sometime however, we wake up and shed away the layers of conditioning like a child running …


Today I’m sharing one of the advanced topics from the Omniverse to our world. Who out there is interested in learning something new and even more empowering in such a way that it helps all of us live up to our greatest potential for the highest and best purpose of our existence? Yes, it’s that …

Where Does Consciousness Come From?

Love is an underlying energy that pervades throughout all space, connecting every seemingly individual particle of matter and force, like invisible strings. It is our very existence. With this love, the illusion of separation dissolves. All things are one. The universe and all of its parallels are one singularity. That’s why it’s called a singularity! …