Blessings of the Omniverse Part 7

Seven is a poweful number! As an angel number, it can mean awakening, developing spiritual gifts, enlightenment, intuition, and clairsentience (knowing). I had an unexplainable experience connecting me with the universal quantum computer in my 20s, and clairsentience was experienced on a level unbenownst to me at the time. Not long after this, I started …

Official Press Release

I promised a sneak peek at my press release and here it is! Thank you so much to everybody for all of your help and support. And this weekend something new came to me: While the Omniverse is one of my first visions to become a groundbreaking scientific proposal, I explained a new vision in my last Omniblog (Dream …

I Shift Myself… And I Like It

Out of the darkness something is disturbed… And greatness emerges. This is the first shift in perception of the universe. From nothing to something, the universe emerges from a singularity in a spectacular inflationary Big Bang. Levels of existence then shifted into this expanding universe we see today. First, gluons and quarks filled the universe, …

Debunking the Illusion

A long, long time ago, ancient masters taught the principle of maya – the illusion. The world you see before your eyes is not really what you see. The true reality is not that which can be seen. It is pure consciousness. Just being. Even more writings built upon this principle. Jesus taught people about our …

Seven Secrets of Success Part 7: Compassion

Love is the most powerful substance known to mankind. Modern physics seeks to answer questions about the universe and the underlying energy that all known forces originate from. This underlying energy is pure love. The universe is made of love! It’s that powerful. We may have been taught that love is an emotion, but it …