Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek

Here’s a teaser cover for the book! Tell me what you think…

Please follow and go to for more updates and book news. Everything we know about the universe is about to change. =D

The Higgs Mechanism and the Omniverse Model

It was a discovery waiting 50 years to happen.  But on July 4, 2012, physicists announced that they had conclusively detected the effects of the “Goddamn particle” at the LHC.  Officially named after Dr. Peter Higgs, the elusive particle was finally found.  I have to admit, before the announcement, I didn’t know its significance, or …

Natural Intelligence

Today’s blog is about evolution.  But this covers more than biological evolution.  We will be delving into the psyche of the cosmic consciousness to determine if there is an intelligent decision-making process governing the creation of the universe, and contrast it to our modern viewpoints. The three most common descriptions of how we came to …

What They Don’t Want You to Know about ‘Global Warming’

Sometimes I blog about the infintely-hot Big Bang or the universe’s predicted demise, ‘The Big Freeze.’  Sometimes I wonder of the regional warming of our planet, which affects global average temperatures, is just balancing out some other forces.  Actually, it is – and we are the additional input in this equation.  Our roots have been …

What is the Omniverse?

What is the Omniverse?  It’s what our universe comes from. New web updates: Follow the Omniverse blog, Omniverse on fb (, and Twitter @GrandSlamTheory.   Please like and share! =D  

Omniversal Consciousness

“What is mind?  No matter. What is matter?  Nevermind.” – Homer Simpson Since the dawn of time, humankind has philosophized to explain our existence.  Different fields of study have spawned different variations of how we came to be.  Nevertheless, we are here.  And now we are answering the ultimate questions about our universe – is …

The Edge of the Universe

If you know the Omniverse, you know the edge of the universe isn’t real.  It’s just like any other made up territorial line we humans tend to use to limit our thinking.  Those like me question what is real in this universe.  Are we really just some matter and a bunch of space?  In actuality, …



Think we know all there is to know about the universe? Was the Higgs the last great find? There’s much more to the picture. The LHC will be conducting high energy supercollider tests in 2015 in hopes to find more fundamental building blocks of our universe and maybe rewrite the laws of physics. Gravitons and superpartners are among the list of forthcoming discoveries, if observed.

The Omniverse proposal in 2013 (coming soon) will look at the entire universe as if it were a particle. The universe is, in fact, a singularity. Only a Planck length. The Omniverse is the big picture. It is a mechanism to produce the singularity and create the Big Bang. Our universe s like an electron to the Omniverse.

If the universe is like an electron, is it a fractal repeating pattern? What happens when we continue to look smaller? This is where you get into the space where tiny, curled-up dimensions are found. This is the Nanoverse. Inside the vast space between quarks in a particle, the Nanoverse involves fundamental energies and dimensions yet to be observed. Once we understand the nature of extra dimensions, we will understand how gravity works on the quantum level. Then we will know the underlying force. Even matter may have roots in the higher dimensions. Dark matter, whose effects have been observed in space, might have a similar dimensional profile to ours, but not close enough for us to be able to see it. Someday, we may even be able to decode the multidimensional profile of complex molecules, like DNA. There’s more to discover about everything!

Pictured: First photograph of molecule showing different types of bonds between atoms. From IBM.


What does universe mean?  Everything we know and all of the physical laws relate to one universe.  Does that mean it is everything?  Just like in the past, what we think is everything is subject to change.  We used to think the Earth was flat and the solar system revolved around us.  That was our …

The Origins of Life

What is life?  Based upon observations on our planet, we define life as a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have signaling and self-sustaining processes from those that do not.(1)  This is generalized as biological life, focusing on organisms: cyanobacteria, bacteria, protista, fungi, plants, and animals.  All organisms have a life cycle – they acquire energy, …

Is the Higgs boson really the Last Great Discovery?

After the news of the discovery of the Higgs Boson on July 4, 2012, followed by the confirmation of repeated results on March 14, 2013 (, it is being reported that it is the last great discovery (  It is being heralded as the final piece of the puzzle of the Standard Model of physics.  …

Expand Your Mind!

Expand Your Mind!

Are we the only life in the universe? Just an insignificant speck on a 8,000-mile wide planet, 93 million miles from our sun, in a solar system that’s 3.7 billion miles across, in the 100,000 light year-diameter Milky Way galaxy, that is part of our observable universe, 93 billion light years across?  It seems we’re just spatially challenged!

You are more than your location. In fact, every atom in your body is in communication with atoms anywhere in the universe through quantum entanglement. The key to this process can be found in the mind. The mind is the field made by you. It is like an atom’s electron field. As you become aware of greater distance from yourself, your mind grows. As a meditation technique, this can give great results. First, imagine the space around your body at 1″, then 1′. Then, imagine your building, city, country, solar system, galaxy, and the entire universe.

Now you can go up another level to the Omniverse. This is what produces the Big Bang. Before the Big Bang, our universe is just a singularity, so every atom in the universe today is part of it. The reason we become entangled with other atoms everywhere in the universe is because we are part of a single point particle. From the Omniverse’s perspective, this point particle is held within a strong field, holding back the Big Bang until it is hit out of the park. Once out of this field, the singularity isn’t stable and our laws of physics begin. This is our universe’s habitable zone. Just like our galaxy spinning around a massive black hole with our solar system on a giant finger of the galaxy, and our planet spinning around the Sun within its habitable zone.

Our solar system is the best example we have of a habitable zone for life. The only example we have, in fact. We have found that other planetary systems might have habitable zones in our galaxy. We can imagine the number of possible habitable planets in the entire universe. Based on studies in part of our galaxy, it could be a very large number.

So, is there life in the universe? Just ask an atom! If atoms in you are entangled in a quantum dance within the universe, wouldn’t you want all of your atoms to be in habitable zones? This is how consciousness is born. You are here by choice. If we choose to disbelieve the possibilities for life in the universe, then we find nothing. But when we choose to explore the possibilities, we see infinity! Welcome to your mind. Feel free to move around.

What Is Space?

What Is Space?

Space appears to us as if it were empty, wide open areas in-between planets and stars. There is so much space in galaxies that stars collide with nothing when galaxies merge. Space is even inside of the very atoms we are made of. Imagine your inner space as the membrane in which quarks vibrate on in space, creating subatomic particles like protons and neutrons. In essence, it’s a canvas on which you are created. Outside of us, we perceive space between us and the world. And as we look further, we see it beyond our planet and everywhere in the known universe.

So, is it really empty? Not when you realize that instead, space contains everything. Simply put, space is the fabric the universe is made from. Your inner space allows quarks to vibrate and create particles. On a large scale, space is filled with gases. On any scale, space is filled with fields. Fields carry energy. Large structures, like planets, stars, and galaxies, are surrounded by magnetic fields. We even create our own magnetic field by circulating iron through our bodies. Our thought creates its own field, which can be measured in brain activity. On the quantum level, the strong field makes objects feel solid to us. And all of space is permeated with a Higgs field, which interacts with particles to give them mass. So space is actually full of fields, energies, and particles. It is compressed energy that vibrates in such a way that it is creating the Universe!

Where did space come from? Before the Big Bang, our entire universe is a singularity. At the very beginning of the Big Bang, space rapidly expanded to near its current state. Like unfolding fabric super fast, space unfolded faster than light. Like turning on a 4D TV, space is a projection of energy from its singularity state.

What turns on space? A new scientific proposal shows how. The Omniverse consists of a source that produces the singularity, force that pushes it away, and a field that keeps it stable. When the singularity is pushed away, the field weakens, and the Big Bang unfolds its space.

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