Daily Download

You literally create your own bubble of space-time by how you define reality, and that bubble combines with other like bubbles to co-create your little section of reality. You really are this powerful. Just a subtle shift in perspective is all it takes to start creating something new. Maybe the distraction was to keep you …

Daily Download

Reality. It’s as real as you want it to be. We use beliefs to either create or limit reality. But limiting doesn’t actually limit reality itself, it limits your perception of your environment. It filters reality based on what you believe. So instead of getting infinite possibilities, you just narrow down the possibilities to fit …

Bubbles of Infinity

If you’ve ever had random thoughts floating around inside your head, even melding together, you already know how the universe works! But you might have been taught different. You see, you are a completely unique channel of divine love, and those thoughts are from this eternal consciousness, filtered by your own perception! The ones you …

Change Your Perception, Change Your Universe

Imagine that everything you can see right now was inside a bubble. And everyone else saw from inside their bubble. As more and more of us got closer, our bubbles merged, allowing us to share our vision with one another. Yet, still no one would see outside the bubble. Collectively though, miracles happen inside the …