Daily Download

Why’s it matter that we can see the beginnings of the observable universe with high tech like the James Webb Space Telescope? Because what’s more beautiful than seeing yourself in this reflection? What’s more spiritual than knowing that all of it — yes, everything — is within each and every bit of your presence? The …

I’m FINE! (What Not to Say to People Experiencing Chronic Pain and Fatigue)

I’ve been hiding something from you… For my whole life. I’ve been pretending to be normal… Pushing myself to succeed… Giving everything I have to achieve something… Yet no matter what I do, how hard I’ve tried, how many times I’ve gotten back up, it just wasn’t fucking good enough. In the past. Or so …

Daily Download

Every day I AM called into this existence by a former version of myself. Every waking is simply an actualization of the dream I create. When I want to be more compassionate, I put that into my intentions to dream awake. When I want more love, I infuse the canvas of reality with ever-increasing love …

Everything’s Actually Under Control and Here’s How

Things seem chaotic on Earth right now in this present time. Divergent realities are polarizing people’s viewpoints. Those in control have an arsenal of subliminal weaponry they’re using to control you. Here’s what you can do to break free of the old paradigms behind the mind-control tricks. First, what’s your WHY? Why do you want …

Daily Download

Ever wonder–with the way people talk when they argue online and shitpost, what their self-talk must sound like? Kinda puts a new perspective on things doesn’t it? If they’re still their greatest critic, they could be in for it. What if people talk to themselves the way they talk to others? Or worse? Spoiler alert: …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: A hater is just a lover who’s afraid to love. Their fear keeps them from moving forward and when left unchecked, turns to anger toward people who do what they love. Just like Yoda said, fear leads to anger, which leads to hate. So don’t hate the haters because that’s giving in …

Daily Download

Would you give more love knowing that love is an infinite source? Would you give even more compassion knowing it comes from this unlimited source? Because it is infinite. It is unlimited. Love is what makes you YOU. Love flowing everywhere across all time and space gives us consciousness. Love binds things together–the raw attraction …

Daily Download

Ever notice how people say one thing and do another? Does it bother you? You’re not alone… But here’s what might change your reaction: People are showing you that they have an incongruence in their core values. That means they are getting negative results with respect to a positive value. And they’re doing the best …

Daily Download

Lotta people testing positive for karma… Good and bad karma. And the only way to go is through. The wheels of karma gonna keep moving whether you try to stop it or not. That’s the beauty of karma. It just pulls you forward. It can do so into a better version of you or a …

Daily Download

Sometimes wisdom isn’t silent. Sometimes it’s not keeping your mouth shut to avoid arguments. Wisdom is simply knowing the right time to speak your voice. Because wisdom IS speaking up for what you believe in. Wisdom IS rising up to carry your message of love forward. Anytime there’s an injustice present. An inequality. A person …

Daily Download

For every door that you open for love, know this: That door will never close. That’s just the nature of universal love. You might change over time, as well as others. You may drift apart. But that love will remain. Everybody that came together for love had the intention in the beginning to love, and …

Daily Download

Stop choosing sides and instead, choose compassion. Stop choosing to let people gaslight you into believing one side or the other is right or wrong. Stop allowing others’ misinformation to be coded in your mind as truth. You are the guardian at the gates, after all! And you can discern when emotional manipulation, bias, and …

Daily Download

You literally create your own bubble of space-time by how you define reality, and that bubble combines with other like bubbles to co-create your little section of reality. You really are this powerful. Just a subtle shift in perspective is all it takes to start creating something new. Maybe the distraction was to keep you …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: What you see is the distraction. That’s not just your social feed or what you see in the controlled media. Yet still powerful to know that one thing may be presented simply to take your attention away from something else that matters. It presents the social conditioning–the limiting belief that you have …

Daily Download

Looks like all the racists are back at it again… Triggered? Good! A message to the haters. You know who you are. If you’re mad about what’s going on, guess what. That’s a call for more compassion. You see, you had a core value in your subconscious programming triggered negatively. So if you are being …

Daily Download

What if the virus was going after only those with hate? Only those who haven’t resolved their internal struggle with anger and projecting their rage and dissent unto others unknowingly? What if it knows when you have hatred in your heart? Would it matter where hate came from, whether it’s your cultural programming, religion, or …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth:Your triggers are your greatest teachers. Why is that? Because it illuminates the values that shape your beliefs that drive your behaviors. Even a negative trigger can become a call to action in the right direction, aligning you with the highest positive intent of your value. And when you see things through a …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: We’ve all been programmed. Since in the womb we take in energy, vibrations, and language that build a framework for how we learn, who we trust, and ultimately what information fits the belief system we are programmed with at childhood (and even before). When you think other people act a certain way …

Daily Download

What if categories were not boundaries? We humans categorize so we can understand something. We gain its hierarchy of order so we can know where it comes from, ultimately gaining more understanding of where we came from. And in all of the different varieties from our origin, we come from different cultures, territories, and understandings …

Daily Download

The reason we give categories to things was simply to describe them in ways we already understand, not to force things to fit into a certain mold. The idea of polarization is a radicalization of the human psyche that gives the illusion that things must fit a certain preconceived idea without deviating from that. But …