Daily Download

Once you become aware of your past patterns, they now transform. You simply cannot fall back into an old pattern with awareness — unless that is what you allow. Your past patterns do not define you. Rather, they were there to guide you to this state of awareness. And with awareness, old patterns transform into …

Daily Download

Most people have science backwards. They think there’s a scientific explanation for just about everything. But good science explains nothing at all. Because once you strip away the “answers,” you find that what is known is what has been filtered through one’s perception, and the meaning only comes from within. Then you get to the …

Daily Download

I read somewhere that in the past, unicorns weren’t considered literal horses with horns. They were drawn that way to represent horses as conscious beings, which is how the ancients recognized these magnificent beings. The horn symbolized its connection to the divine. It was its wifi. And that reminded me of how in this modern …

Daily Download

Don’t believe everything you hear or see. It’s a trick. It’s also how we learn. The subconscious mind takes in information from all around you and codes it into your hidden programming. Whatever it is that comes up for you in the moment, it’s a chance to observe. Any given topic gives you a chance …

Daily Download

Earth has been around for over 4.5 billion years. And it’s got another 5 billion years or so before our Sun turns to a red giant… In the present day, humans sometimes reflect upon their own presence negatively. Like scientific media reporting how bad human-induced climate change is. But that’s really just a mechanism to …

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It’s ok to not have all the answers. Einstein once tried to disprove quantum mechanics. Didn’t turn out like he and his colleagues planned. They found that separate particles, regardless of distance, could share the same state, and it happened instantaneously. They literally discovered quantum entanglement and tried to use it as evidence against quantum …

Daily Download

Sure, close encounters with aliens are cool and all, but… Have you ever had a close encounter with a human? I mean getting really down to it to see a human exactly as they are? Prob not what most people even think human is — on the surface we’re all just running around acting like …

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When people ask, why the fascination with the universe? Maybe it’s realizing a spiritual experience, as Neil DeGrasse Tyson put it, in the knowing that generations of stars before us lived and died to forge the atoms we’re made of and spread them throughout the known universe. Because then the realization is that the stars …

Daily Download

If you are one of many who want to “escape the matrix” here’s a brief guide of beyond the surface consciousness. Time isn’t linear. All time exists all the time and can be perceived through any number of dimensions, not just 1. The physical world is a continuum. As above, so below. Every grain of …

Daily Download

What if you could fall in love with yourself so much so that you become manifested as every single aspect of the divine through every living thing and every being across all of the universes simply to witness yourself through infinite ways? Many will tell you what the divine mind is. Many will tell you …

Daily Download

Ever wonder why the Earth keeps spinning? It’s to keep you moving forward At the speed she rotates, even if you tried waking backwards you still can’t sit still. Except maybe close to the poles. If you still desire to do so, you can still hold onto the past. Even though you are always moving …

Daily Download

Shatter the idea that you have to be the best at something to be successful at it. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been practicing what you do for a long time or if you’re new at it. What matters is that you do it. No matter what they say, think, or tell you what to …

Daily Download

When we say you create ripples throughout the universe, remember this: Every bit of physical reality comes down to how energy is expressed. That’s why everything exists in duality — as both waves and particles. A particle is simply the convergence point of that wave’s energy interacting with the energy of what’s around it at …

Daily Download

The universe exists because it loves itself to pieces. That’s how the Big Bang happened. And now the universe loves itself through all of its seemingly separate pieces. That’s why things attract. That’s why there’s one underlying force beneath everything we know — attraction. That’s why when humans feel attraction we call it love. Because …

Daily Download

Have you ever used your eyes to see what happens inside the brain? How many ways do you think you can sense your own inner workings? And are we really ourselves, or is self image and identity just something made up in the brain? Do this with me. Point to yourself. Hold your hand out …

Daily Download

As it turns out, life is a consequence of physics. The building blocks are everywhere in space in cosmic dust, asteroids, comets, and planetary discs. Life follows the basic principle of the universes to always grow toward increasing entropy. Consciousness is one and the same. Except not tied completely to the physical. It’s like your …

Daily Download

The universes are on your side. The universes favor life. Sound crazy? It’s not… Our universe has one mystery scientists have been trying to solve. It’s called antimatter asymmetry. What it means is that there is an abundance of matter (so matter and antimatter don’t cancel each other out). Yes, abundance! That means chances are …

Daily Download

When you open up with awareness of the consciousness of all things (CAT), everything becomes your teacher. Just as life force flows within all beings, consciousness is the flow of this underlying universal force. And what is this force? All things attract, and in the living, we call that love. That love is the underlying …

Daily Download

When I decided to incarnate as a vessel of consciousness in physical form, the universe said to me, you must be out of your mind! That’s because in order to create a focal point of consciousness into being, I first had to create the illusion of separation from the divine mind of all that is. …

Daily Download

You may have heard rumors. That this is the ‘one true reality.’ That ‘things don’t change.’ That someone’s master plan is your ‘destiny.’ We’ve all been exposed to at least one of these… Got any to throw in the mix? Let’s set the record clear. ✨For every possibility right now, there is a reality present …