Daily Download

Cool science fact: We’re all just dreaming reality. Because your mind creates a waking hallucination by reading energy stimuli, translating through your perception, then matching up to your subconscious data bank of what’s known to you. Truth is we’re just floating through space reading energy as we go. We are energy reading energy. How cool …

Daily Download

Every day I AM called into this existence by a former version of myself. Every waking is simply an actualization of the dream I create. When I want to be more compassionate, I put that into my intentions to dream awake. When I want more love, I infuse the canvas of reality with ever-increasing love …

Daily Download

Dear humans. You do not awaken from your dreams. You awaken to your dreams. Your conscious mind creates memories throughout the day of people, places, and emotions. While we tend to think we’re consciously awake, the subconscious mind is processing this all behind the scenes. When you awaken to your dreams at night, the subconscious …

Daily Download

You’re living in a dream. Here’s why: When the brain receives sensory input, even when it’s not enough to formulate a complete picture, it fills in the gaps. This is one of the prime directives of the subconscious mind. It automatically fills in gaps when there’s missing information. That’s why sometimes you see something, thinking …

Daily Download

Life is a dream. Exactly how you follow your dreams is up to you. You can be in the fullest expression of living your wildest dreams and desires. Your life is a dream come true! Or you can choose not to see things that way. Life can be a scary nightmare. It’s your choice. And …

Daily Download

I’m writing this now as I’m constantly upgrading the broadcast, tomorrow this will be a completely new show… Just putting this out there: I have lifetime season tickets to one of the most amazing shows ever made. Its got music, it’s got dreams and drama, and it’s got lots fun rides and adventures! The best …

Daily Download

Everything happens in time. Yes, everything! You create your reality right now in the present moment. And as you focus on manifesting, notice how everything happens at just the right time for where you are on your path. After all, it has up until now, hasn’t it? And the universe will continue to do so …

What Happens When You Align These 3 Powerful Archetypes?

Success happens. End of blog. jk 😉 Looks like we’ll do this from the bottom up—a very powerful way of living actually. This means you can allow energy from the root to enter your chakras (as opposed to a head-strong top-down approach). So ground yourself for this powerful lesson! Because you are going to see …


Is it conceivable that our reality is merely an expression of our perception? Can you envision an expanded awareness that changes your perception in ways that allow even more understanding of our true nature? What if this understanding also led you onto a path that you know you are meant to follow, with confirmations and …

Dream School 101

Dreams are powerful. Much more powerful than we’ve been led to believe. Our entire existence could be the dream of our soul itself. And you can see plenty of instructions on forums like Spirit Science on how you can improve lucid dreaming experiences. Many say when we sleep, the soul leaves the body. But what I …

Dream Power

Have you ever wondered how powerful dreams can be? They can literally shape your life through your subconscious mind. They are a pathway to the higher self – a window to the soul. With practice, dream control can be achieved and you can be unstoppable! The dream state is a state of mind that must …