Daily Download

The most interesting thing about duality is that it actually isn’t duality. Think of the “dualistic” nature of a particle… Energy is perceived as both particle and wave forms. But energy is just energy. One thing. It’s the human perception that creates the dualistic phases. The human mind likes to categorize. Think about the word …

Daily Download

They say that you’re the bad guy in someone’s story. No matter how much good you’ve done, there will be haters. They will try to tear you down. And probably because you helped them. That’s a sign to keep helping those in need. Just because you’re the bad guy in their story, that doesn’t mean …

Daily Download

What you feed grows, and what you starve dies. This is often used to describe the duality of consciousness, light and dark. I will add that what you perceive to be separate won’t add to the whole. Until you accept all your parts you’re going to be operating from within the illusion of incompleteness. Because …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Duality is a mind-fuck. If at any time you believe that you or someone else has to pick a “side,” you’re falling into this trap. From a universal perspective, duality only exists within the illusion (the projection from source). What may seem like positive and negative energies are simply different spins of …

Daily Download

With the ultimate power comes ______________. What comes to mind? Is it positive or negative? Is it fear-based or love-based? Our social conditioning says one thing. Truth says another. And truth is, what you’ve been conditioned to believe what power is, is nothing but a power struggle. Everything we know is based on our open …

Daily Download

You can be right or you can be happy, right? That’s what the meme says. So tell me then, how does it make you happy shutting yourself down? How can it make you happy if you don’t allow yourself to express your own emotions or feelings? Why does something you read online seem like good …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: To stand FOR something, stand against nothing. First of all, you don’t have to be against something unwanted! That’s still attracting what’s unwanted, simply because your subconscious mind is still focused on it. The ‘for’ mindset also transcends “polarity,” which is nothing more than social conditioning that you have agreed to abide by. …

Daily Download

It’s not about conquering demons. It never was. It’s not about fighting evil. It’s about raising your vibration so you’re not as affected by it. Darkness is present because of our deep-rooted beliefs in duality, the basis of the tree of knowledge. Shit’s gonna happen, but how you react is in your power. That’s why …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You’ve been brainwashed. We all have, by our own doing, and it’s not a conspiracy! It’s the mindset of polarization. Duality. Choose sides. Home or away. Christian or other. “Blue” or “red.” You’re on one side or the other. For example, Parkland shooting survivors protest for the value of their lives. Yet …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Everything you’ve been told about competition is wrong. It’s not about us vs. them. That’s the illusion of duality. The illusion of being disconnected from the prime directive of your own subconscious mind that supports cooperation, adaption, and evolution. True competition isn’t taking all the resources from one because you want it …

Daily Download

Life is a gift no matter how you choose to perceive it. You can see the good. Or you can see bad. It’s not only your choice, it’s your perception. And either way you choose, there’s still the lessons. There’s still the karma. Wanna know a secret? Reacting reinforces a karma–a specific energy behind the …

Daily Download

Chaos is just love with a twist. Imagine all of the forces of attraction of all things loving each other unconditionally. Now, throw in the illusion of separation… What do you see? Now everything thinking it is separate embarks upon a quest to attract a partner. There is purpose. Duality now becomes part of the …

Daily Download

There is no truth. Only your truth. Truth is perceived in absolutes but can change as your perception evolves. Go higher. Rather than focusing on what’s right or wrong, true or untrue, transcend the duality of truth and step into honesty. This means you are open to receiving facts and changing your idea of truth …

The Three Trees of Life

To science effectively, a good communicator engages the audience. S/he speaks into the people’s understanding. And one of the single most effective methods of communicating uses analogies. This allows you to relate the concepts to any audience. View GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Facebook View @GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Twitter View dbertolacci’s profile on Instagram View davidbertolacci’s profile …

It’s All Good!

What if the good and the bad were merely tags we used to add meaning to events in the past? Can you envision these experiences from the higher perspective of simple truths instead? Consider that rather than good and bad, we have the kinds of truths with a soft gentle welcoming feel and truths that …

The Art of Transcendence

I just witnessed something I’ve never seen before. While walking through the countryside, I looked behind me to see the cloudy skies being illuminated by a setting sun, resulting in a beautiful pink glow. Almost apocalyptic in appearance, the mysterious glow intrigued my senses. And when I turned back around, I noticed a full rainbow …

Blessing Number 9

I enjoyed sharing the last eight bessings of the Omniverse – wisdon I gained from writing Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse that I am grateful to be able to share with you. And that’s the real blessing in this whole process. You are the ninth blessing! My life has been turned upside-down, and I …