Daily Download

According to the universe, you are anything BUT insignificant. Simply put, you are everything. That’s because the universe is within you, in its entirety. Talk about being whole and complete, right? The universe is a singularity — a single entity — that’s expressed holographically. That means every pixel contains an image of the whole. 💫Every …

Daily Download

The most revered works in physics are often the most simple concepts. Like Einstein’s famous equation. Michio Kaku raised the bar by simplifying string theories and collaborating on M-Theory, the first quantum theory to work with classical relativity. This statement he made is what inspired me to write Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse: “Someday, …

Living as Love

Life has no expectations of you. You simply live and in doing so, become a conduit of universal love and knowledge. So why do we place expectations on life? What is the highest intent? To experience love? What if there is another way to experience this love with less frustration? There is! Simply release and …

Win a Free Signed Copy of Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse

Announcing the signed book giveaway ushering in a new era of discovery! I will be giving away free signed copies of my book, Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse, the controversial new book that is changing the landscape of our scientific knowledge of how the universe began. It all started with a simple question: What …