The Science of Intuition

How many times have we heard a story about how scientific advances and great discoveries happened by accident? At some point, we must ask why history is being told in such a way that belittles our greatest achievements. What if I told you that there was an underlying force guiding us to make discoveries, and …

Infinity Within

Do you believe in psychic powers? We all have them! If you want to experience the power within, the first step might be analyzing your own beliefs. Do they hold you back or do they empower you? While the magic of intuition may be an innate ability possessed by everyone, what can I do to …

Science with a Purpose

Have you ever wondered how science serves humanity to make our lives even more fulfilled with infinite knowledge of the cosmos and ourselves? What is the driver of this process? Perhaps science itself at its core has a soul. One that can can provide guidance for those on their divine paths towards obtaining infinite knowledge. Maybe …

Blessings of the Omniverse Part 7

Seven is a poweful number! As an angel number, it can mean awakening, developing spiritual gifts, enlightenment, intuition, and clairsentience (knowing). I had an unexplainable experience connecting me with the universal quantum computer in my 20s, and clairsentience was experienced on a level unbenownst to me at the time. Not long after this, I started …