Raising Your Vibration

This could be titled ‘How to Raise Your Vibration,’ or ‘xx ways to…’ But this is far more powerful than a how to process or any number of steps. After all, these titles are usually designed just to catch your attention—not to guide you through a process. This is not going to shock you or …

Life Beyond Life

Wasn’t sixth-dimensional consciousness awesome? Isn’t it absolutely amazing knowing that these levels of consciousness are within and serve our highest and best good for even more unfoldment of the discovery of ourselves? Yet I still wonder how many of us, like me, have been tricked by our own perception, clouding the view with our understanding of …

Ancient Secrets Backed by Science

Our perception is influenced by our own cognitive process according to new research. In other words, our perception shapes our reality. What is reality really then? It is the field of infinite possibilities. All possible variations of space and time existing all at once. However, our brain cannot understand that much information at once, so …

Win a Free Signed Copy of Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse

Announcing the signed book giveaway ushering in a new era of discovery! I will be giving away free signed copies of my book, Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse, the controversial new book that is changing the landscape of our scientific knowledge of how the universe began. It all started with a simple question: What …

The Next Level

What if I told you that there’s even more aspects of your self and your consciousness that can empower you in all new ways just ready to be discovered? Could you benefit from being in a place of unconditional love? How would you feel about being able to experience all there is in this universe …

The Hopeful Romantic

Every day I awaken to a brand new sunrise filling the skies with beautiful colors. Each day is completely unique and a whole new experience. As I breathe in the cool, crisp morning air, the cells of my body rejuvenate with every breath I take. The oxygen I breathe in every breath is just as …

Let Go

Letting go creates space. Letting go creates space for change. It is how our universe was created. It is how the Big Bang started. All things are working together in this creation. When we let go, we create space, and life happens! Right here. Right now. Before the beginning of time, something wonderful happened. Our …