Enlightened Mind

In my quest to explain the universe, the mind has been my greatest instrument.  My consciousness and identity is part of this mind, which is a nonphysical extension of my body.  It is an in-between state merging the human brain and the universal quantum computer.  Simply put, it is thought, emotion, perception, and intellect.  As …

The Cell of Life

Think you are whole?  Think again!  As it turns out, we are colonies of cells.  We evolved from a single-celled organism. Or did we?  We actually evolved chemically.  As entropy unfolds, the most likely formation of molecules becomes life (englandlab.com/uploads/7/8/0/3/7803054/2013jcpsrep.pdf).  Proteins form into amino acids, and a cell is formed once the cell wall is …

Intelligent Divine

This post isn’t about what you think it is – it’s about you!  You are the universe.  Every part of you, from the smallest quark to the largest galaxy cluster, consists of a series of decisions in order to exist.  The quark may have the simple life – starting from a virtual particle, it decides …

The Elegant Truth

The Elegant Truth

Regardless of what you choose to believe or disbelieve, nothing changes the fact that our existence is simply a product of the natural laws of physics of the universe. The universe lays the foundation for creation of atoms, stars, galaxies, biological life and its evolution, in order to become self-aware.

As humans, we have become aware to our direct surroundings. We have used religion, science, and/or spirituality to describe this one phenomenon. Every culture on this planet has a unique version and our origins can be explained in every language ever used here. Just because we don’t understand it doesn’t make it untrue. There are no absolute right and wrong ways of describing it.

There is, however, a simple truth to our existence: We are here. We have everything we need to survive on this planet. We are elegantly formed by energies of the universe that affect every aspect of our being. In short, we are loved and cared for. Love the universe you’re in!

Peace, Love, and Knowledge
The Omniverse

Photograph: Cirrus cloud angel seen over the Royal Palm Beach area in South Florida on March 14, 2013