Let Go Part 3

Letting go creates the space for change. It initiates an energy flow for healing and manifesting. I thought I summed it all up in the last article telling us how to let go, but this evening it came back up again. Make part 3 my thought said. It is my angels our guides speaking through …

Let Go Part Two

In my previous post, I discussed why letting go is important – not only to our daily lives but for the universe as a whole. Now I am going to discuss how we let go. This is very powerful yet at the same time, very personal. It is a process that I find myself in, …

Let Go

Letting go creates space. Letting go creates space for change. It is how our universe was created. It is how the Big Bang started. All things are working together in this creation. When we let go, we create space, and life happens! Right here. Right now. Before the beginning of time, something wonderful happened. Our …