Daily Download

Reality’s a funny thing… How can we define what’s real when atoms never even touch? When particles aren’t particles but fields of energy? Spinning and vibrating bits of information? How can you be sure it’s not a simulation when the universe and our brains operate like computer code? Here’s the key: Every tiny grain of …

Daily Download

Portals between worlds exist everywhere where your mind decides. Every turn. Every step. You’re a probability matrix processor shifting through multiple dimensions, perceiving energy, and turning it into your reality. Where there is the possibility you exist, you are here now. Let’s make something good out of it, shall we? =D

Daily Download

Stop thinking ‘the universe’ is something separate from yourself. People say the universe makes stuff happen — but really it’s just a reflection of what’s present within you… Life Consciousness Expansion In the big flash of the early universe, it started with the intention, be light, and the universe responded, light be. Because that was …

Daily Download

A singularity is a point where you can no longer go back. Like the event horizon of a black hole. And the birth of the universe. That’s why science couldn’t explain what happened before the Big Bang (until I did). And that birth is within each and every one of us. In every single bit …

Daily Download

When you look out into the universe, it’s not just stars you see. There’s entire galaxies, clusters, and even invisible dark matter. It’s all connected. One cosmic web. And depending on how you look at it, there can be either order or disorder. The map of the cosmic web shows that on smaller scales it’s …

Daily Download

You don’t have to have it all figured out. After all, you are the evolution of primordial quarks and gluons that make matter, atoms forged by generations of stars and spread throughout the early universe, and precursor molecules to life that form everywhere there’s water. This all happened so one spinning rock can come alive …

Daily Download

Omniversal Truth: There’s more good in the universe than anything else. Because everything contributes to creation… ✨Creation of matter ✨Creation of stars ✨Creation of life’s building block molecules All of the known forces of the universe are working in concert right now to make your life possible. And you give it meaning. So why is …

Daily Download

It’s an enlightening experience to realize that every atom in every cell of your being was forged by stars. Generations of them. The iron in your blood was spread throughout the early universe before our galaxy formed. Even some of the water in our solar system is older than the Sun. What’s even more amazing …

Daily Download

One of the most fundamental questions humans ask is, are we alone in the universe? The unpopular answer: yes. Not because we haven’t detected life on other habitable planets yet. Not because we haven’t observed UAPs on Earth coming from another planet. Not because we “haven’t” been contacted. It starts out as yes until we …

Daily Download

We are the afterlife of stars, molded from the stardust from generations of stars. You are a 3D shadow of a 4D physical self. Plus time. Plus expansion. Plus cause and effect, which as it turns out, are reversible and coexist in parallel realities. Right here and now. There is a parallel universe for every …

Daily Download

You’re not just cosmic stardust… You’re a fucking supernova! Because the whole process went into creating you. The entire evolution of your ancestors as stars. Yes, your ancestors were stars! Each generation built upon the foundation set by those before them and exploded in the most magnificent fashion to spread your atoms throughout the universe. …

Daily Download

Today is the best day to embrace the chaos. Embracing chaos is embracing the natural order of things–to surrender into divine will. Because things don’t return to order. They won’t return to “normal.” Rather, a new normal will come of this. This is the law of entropy. Things go from order to chaos. And while …

Daily Download

By transcending limiting thinking from your past, you allow yourself to enjoy more of what life has to offer for you right now. What if you simply did that? Allow yourself to enjoy life even more right now? What could you possibly be holding onto so much so that you wouldn’t do this one thing …

Daily Download

Ever worry about how long it may take to accomplish your goals? Well allow this to put things into perspective: You are 13.8 billion years in the making. It took the universe this long just to make one of YOU. So perfection takes time and practice. The universe has to first make space for all …

Daily Download

Life is a gift. And you–you get to be present! Maybe all of life’s challenges were simply there for contrast. To show you exactly how the past has passed. To show you how the future will be exactly what you make it to be from this point on. With a clear mindset free of past …

I Just Met My Dark Knight of the Soul–I Had No Idea This Was Going to Happen Though

When I look up I see my light. When I look down I see my shadow. The shadow is where I’ve blocked my light for a very specific purpose. I’ve stored secrets in my dark side. So that is where I go to uncover the truth–into the darkness. And it is there that I have …

Daily Download

The universe isn’t as special as we make it out to be… It’s more. So much more! You see, the universe has this one little formula, from when it is first turned on to when it is fully expressed throughout every bit of your presence, that creates magic, transmuting energy into the physical world we …

Daily Download

I’m not buying all this stuff people are saying about your chakras being blocked. No, your chakras are going to send energy exactly where it’s best for you at the time. They’re just energy centers–hubs for moving data. Some of the best damn ones available in the universe! Ain’t nothing wrong with em, only your …

Daily Download

The universe loves you. So much so that she’s just flowing with love! And the universe doesn’t make a big deal out of it. Know why? Because you’re already kind of a big deal. You’re the universe expressing itself as vibes that make energy turn into physical being so you can enjoy the good stuff …

We Are the Aliens

The other night in the sky above my head there were waves in the clouds as the rain approached, like under the surface of the ocean’s waves. Gentle oscillations in the patterns of the layers we live within. Life as we know it is still reliant on the media that surrounds us, whether it be …