Daily Download

You are a time traveler who’s infinitely coming back into the now. Because you have that ability built-in. It’s one of your higher senses! You have the innate ability to pause, rewind, and fast-forward time. You can navigate through your timeline to perform a life review–finding lessons in every situation where in the past, you …

Daily Download

In the end, we were only limited by our beliefs of ourselves. Our outcomes were only limited by our decisions, coming from a place of self-imposed limitation based on what we believed ourselves to be capable of. In the end, it all became clear how it was only us that held ourselves back in any …

What Happens When We Die? 

It’s an age-old question: Is there life after death? The answer may surprise you. A team of scientists recently explored the phenomena of near death experiences, published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition. And they found that people do experience unusual memory events near death.  People with near death experiences reported having their “life review.” In …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You’re not going to be judged. Unless you choose to judge yourself. Then you’ll see others judging you as a perfect reflection of your own self-judgment. Sometimes people need that to wake up. Other times people get addicted to the belief that they need to be judged. So much so that they’re …