Daily Download

When you transcend your own identity and the very concept of self, you become life itself. You see beyond the faces we give ourselves. You see past the physical face that’s just an interface for your own programming. It’s as much an unbecoming as it is becoming. Because when you remove the face, you see …

Daily Download

Humans are obsessed with the next crisis and when things die. “The universe is dying, a new study confirms.” And everything about climate change is a doomsday scenario. Don’t be so obsessed with death that you miss out on life. Don’t be so attached to the end and you won’t be missing out on the …

Daily Download

I am the destroyer of worlds. Worlds that people create with their perceptions. Worlds that people create with their limitations. We all create our own reality perfectly unique to us. It’s just how the subconscious mind works. You filter infinite data into your own version of reality. The problem is that limiting beliefs and blocks …

Daily Download

Dear Universe, I love thee so. My presence is of that. I belong to you. To every galaxy. Every star. To every planet and moon. I belong to life itself. To the molecules that create life. To the atoms and subatomic particles. I belong to every single bit of energy that’s vibrating in exactly the …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: We all live and die in a day. Every day. Every breath. Each breath in brings with it new life and every exhale lets go of that which has served in the past up until now. You are a cycle of regeneration. Gut microbiome live and die each and every brand new moment. …

Daily Download

Life is not the exception–life is the rule. Everything in this universe evolved in such a way for life to happen. Life here, life on other planets, even life spread throughout the cosmos by comets. Earth isn’t the only place where life is, and even if we don’t have the tech yet to discover it …

Daily Download

Life is a love affair between death and the eternal. And spirit is your irresistible lover. She embodies beauty in every aspect. She dances between dimensions effortlessly and gracefully. She makes love to life, kissing you gently on the forehead, only to go home and return to death. This is our greatest irony as the …

Daily Download

In the search for intelligent life, humans have been scanning for possible radio signals from other planets. We’ve received strange signals from stars, but nothing from planetary life. That’s because the technology we’re listening for has only been around for a fraction of time on Earth. So we’d have to be able to detect a …

Daily Download

What is the purpose of existence? The answer may be simpler than you think. The purpose of existence is life. It’s to live. That’s it! Because life is a natural consequence of the physics that govern our universe. In other words, the universe favors life! Life is the flow of natural energy. The evolution of …

Daily Download

The reward for living a great life IS living a great life! It’s up to you what to make of things. Every lesson that’s part of your plan. Every learning. Every single brand new moment knowing that the universe is working for you to match the energy you radiate! Life is a celebration of life. …

Daily Download

Everything on this planet is a gift. We have fuel, energy, food, and water, all simply here from the creative forces of the universe. All gifted. And the creative forces aren’t necessarily something that designed it that way–they’re simply the conditions that allow life to flow. Every habitable solar system has its ‘Goldilocks zone’ where …

Daily Download

Music is made by the space in between the notes. In art, it’s the space between the brush strokes. In the universe, life happens in the space between stars. Space isn’t nothing–it’s everything. All things flow through space. All energy. And it’s all available to you all the time, because the space inside you is …

The Lightbody

I don’t always know just where the channeled messages are from. But some things always draw you closer to source. And it’ll surprise you how it happens when you’re just doing whatever you do on an ordinary day. Yardwork in my case. Just trimming the palm tree. I want you to meet some friends I’ve …

Daily Download

What if the very things you want in life are one and the same as others? How could simply knowing this one thing bridge worlds together as your understanding and compassion grow? To survive, the body needs nourishment, hydration, and breath. Energetically, we need hugs too. Everyone strives for love and success in the ways …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: The universe wants you to keep moving forward in life. You may see her working through spirit or angels guiding you. They keep nudging you forward. The catch is that they’re not focused on specifics. That’s your task in the physical. The universe provides the energy (life) and the space to conduct energy. …

The Meaning of Life Decoded

What if everything was present and all of the conditions were absolutely perfect for life to form naturally? It’s been the Holy Grail of science. And it’s real. The process by which life starts–that initial spark of life–has been found finally. And it was here all along. What other great wonders are ready for discovery …

Alien Takeover

It’s not aliens taking over that people should fear. AI is taking over. Artificial intelligence is born right here on Earth. And we’re the aliens. The universe has reasons… Biological life got started a lot longer ago than once thought. Over 4 billion years ago. Most of it was nearly eliminated early on during the …

Why Do We See 3 Dimensions?

There’s infinite possibilities of dimensions. Yet we see pretty much three of em. Why is that? It turns out that there’s a little trick the universe has in store to make it more hospitable to life. Dimensions allow space to be created for your growth and evolution. That’s the special secret that’s not so secret …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Your belief shapes your reality. Your beliefs determine how you see the world, and how you see the world allows it to contextualize as is. You bring in just enough sensory data for your mind to put it all together for you. As powerful as belief is, there’s still some things that won’t …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Nothing is significant (or insignificant) other than the significance you give something. Nothing has meaning other than what you give it. That does not mean you are insignificant, because the significance you give yourself is exactly what makes you uniquely you! And you are not the meaning others give to you. You are …