Daily Download

Forgive yourself for ever thinking it was your fault. Any of it. All of it! Forgive yourself for pretending to play along out of guilt, fear, or shame. Forgive yourself for acting like you believed the lies and manipulation. Maybe it was an agreement you made in the past to store the emotions just because …

Daily Download

Don’t meditate to be in silence. Do it to enable every single thing–sound, thought and action–to make you even more aware. Don’t meditate to be spiritual–do it to open yourself to infinite possibilities of what you want to accomplish right here and now! Do it just to be aware and open. And breathe… It’s about …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Sometimes people are faced with a love so great–a love so magnanimous–that they become afraid, simply because they haven’t experienced love so strong before and don’t know what to do. People get caught up in the ‘how’ sometimes and become overwhelmed not knowing how to accept and receive or how to move …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Enlightenment isn’t something only for a select few. Rather, it is something available within each and every person! That’s because every version of you, past, present, and future, is available to you in the now. It’s simply what version of yourself you are accessing at any given time that determines where you …

Daily Download

When you look deep down inside you, all the way down to the cellular level and beyond, you discover a natural intelligence that binds your cells together and expresses your genes in response to your ever-changing environment. And it’s all automatic! Like the beating of your heart, you don’t have to think about this process …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: The stronger your flame burns, the greater the chance is that someone will get burned. Your light is gonna attract moths flying into it. It just happens. But this flame doesn’t need to apologize for the moth’s actions–it simply does exactly what it does. So keep that light bright and burning strong …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: The problem is that you think it’s the other person. So the solution then becomes you. You must first work on yourself so you can present the best version of you. Because if you don’t, you’re only going to get reflected back to you what you are embodying. That can be good …

Daily Download

The universe teaches us about ourselves and in turn, learns about herself. Like your kundalini life force being pure potential to create your life the way you desire. And the present moment bringing infinite opportunities of what you can do. You have the power to create a better now. Always. And the universe will just …

Daily Download

Stop using science to try predicting the end of the world… We already have religion for that! 🤣 And you’re scaring the children when you make false predictions! Climate change ain’t out to get us. It’s just the Earth responding to conditions based on human activity and natural cycles. Life will go on. It’s just …

Daily Download

Just because you may not have everything yet that you’re manifesting, you’re not doing it wrong. It doesn’t have to mean that you’re in your own way. Consider this: What if you telling yourself that you’re in your own way is a form of beating yourself up? Well then, why do you keep beating yourself? …

Quantum Relativity

There comes a time when the understanding of time changes with time. It’s called each and every brand new moment. What if I told you that everything you were taught about time being linear was not all the way right? Time isn’t linear–our perception of it is. Until it isn’t. For humans, there’s infinite possibilities …

Daily Download

I want you to see this. Yes, you. Blunt Force Truth: “Too good to be true” is a LIE and could be exactly what’s pushing away the very things your heart desires to manifest right now! Let be honest. Who has ever said those words without first hearing the phrase from somebody else? Hmmmm… Get …

Daily Download

Be a giver. There’s nothing wrong with that! And when two givers come together, magic happens. Because it’s a sign that you’ve transcended old karma that no longer serves you. It’s been let go! You no longer need to attract assholish narcissists, manipulators, or control freaks. Hell no, that shit’s gone! In that place you’ve …

Daily Download

If we accomplished everything humans have so far with hate, just imagine what we can do with LOVE! Blunt Force Truth: We did accomplish everything with hate. From one empire to the next, killing of entire populations for control of people, resources, religion, etc. has driven humanity beyond the brink of madness to where violence …

Daily Download

Humans are evolving toward being happier. Because in the past, we evolved through a means of limiting happiness in such a way that aided survival in harsh conditions. It worked because we’re here. And now you can look at the patterns and see exactly how hundreds of thousands of years’ worth of social programming have …

Daily Download

You’re never in the same place. Never. We are constantly moving, and even if Earth rotates and revolves around the sun, it never returns to the same place. That’s because the solar system is moving within a finger of the Milky Way, and that’s revolving around the galactic center. Even the galaxy is constantly moving …

Daily Download

I believe in miracles and magical shit. And so I create miracles and magical shit! That’s just how the universe works… What you focus on is what you see in the reality you custom tailor for your own experience. Those that are unaware get sucked into a vortex of negativity, even feeding off of others’ …

Daily Download

When light goes through a prism it’s split into different wavelengths, creating a beautiful rainbow. The colors aren’t really separated though. That’s just part of the illusion. The illusion is what makes the colors so beautiful! And through that beauty with the full spectrum of frequencies, they’re all still connected. Every photon is one with …

Daily Download

The world evolves as you evolve. Don’t believe it? Then dig deeper. The more you uncover within yourself and love yourself through it, the more it opens up your senses to see even more. As your subconscious becomes ever increasingly more aware, your frame of reference widens. And you see more like energy. You attract …

Daily Download

Don’t hate the haters. That’s just what they want you to do. They want you to feed into their hate. But that’s only adding more fuel to the fire. Instead, try loving them don’t-give-a-fuckedly. Yes, that’s a word (well it is now). Just hold them with love in your thoughts, prayers, and intentions. And pay …