Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Some people have said to me that the purpose of spirituality or religion is to give others a false sense of security based on fear of death–the concept of eternity has nothing to do with fear though. It’s not about escapism from reality. It’s about creating your reality. It’s about creating the …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: The center of the universe isn’t actually in the observable universe. The reason is simple. It’s because the universe is projected from source. What we observe is from within the projection. But there’s still a connection to this source. A connection to the center. Inside the universe, everything’s connected and observable as …

Daily Download

Spirituality is rooted in love and compassion. Yet there are ways with which it can go off track. If any vibration you are receiving–any message–is fear-based, incites anger, or tries to manipulate people into joining a specific ideology or conspiracy, the message isn’t being conveyed right. It’s ok. People get confused. We get emotional. We …

Daily Download

If you’ve heard of the concept of Maya, you know that this universe is an illusion. Specifically, it is a multidimensional holographic projection from the point at which the Big Bang starts. A point that spreads on a surface outside of the known universe. The surface is the event horizon of a white hole that …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You are a product of your programming. Until you learn to take control. But it’s not really as simple as that sounds. It’s not just a decision you make. You gotta first dig deep and find all the programming that you made your own. And yes, you gotta acknowledge that at some …

Daily Download

The problem isn’t that you think you have time. You do if you do think so. You don’t of you don’t think so. And even though everything’s temporary you do have all the time you need to get done what you wanna get done. Consider this your sign to start. Or to start over. It …

Daily Download

The universe loves you. So much so that she’s just flowing with love! And the universe doesn’t make a big deal out of it. Know why? Because you’re already kind of a big deal. You’re the universe expressing itself as vibes that make energy turn into physical being so you can enjoy the good stuff …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You can’t change your DNA, your upbringing, or your past. But you can sure as shit change your attitude about them. You get to decide whether to let your past define you or to use it to empower you. Because none of what happened is you. Even now, who you are is …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Judging others only serves to punish yourself. Because it holds you to the same vibration of what you’re against. And as long as you keep your mind focused on something you judged, your subconscious automatically sets forth to find even more of what you focused on. So you basically attract even more …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Cold isn’t really a thing–it’s just the absence of heat. Darkness is similar. It’s just the absence of light. And surprisingly, freedom is the same. None of these are actual things. Freedom is simply being free of something. What then, are you telling yourself you want when you want to be free …

Daily Download

When a plant doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment it grows, not the plant, right? No. It’s not your job to fix any other living being! You planted the seed, and you gave it water to grow. Stop trying to control things, whether it be the plant itself or its environment. The plant will grow …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Sex is about more than just the orgasms. Even with all the different kinds of orgasms you experience, it’s like stepping stones to something so much greater than the partners alone. Sex is about channeling energy. Every kind of orgasm is a massive outburst of energy. Some experience something different with every …

Daily Download

Being loved by someone is definitely one of the most amazing feelings, isn’t it? So be that person that loves you in this way. What’s that do? It releases dependence and gives you freedom and liberation. It allows you to love someone else even moreso, because you love yourself so much. And you love them …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Perception is personal. Every single beautiful soul sees things not just as they are, but in the best way possible based on how they filter infinite data. You are perceiving an infinite source. Your mind decides what information it can handle. Your mind filters infinity into smaller packets of ‘reality.’ What is perceived …

Daily Download

The Big Bang, aka creation, was really just the awakening of one conscious mind. It was the observation of oneself, through every single particle that was born of this illusion of separation. And every single seemingly separate part became co-conspirators in this creation by reflecting back to the mind, while also seeing the awakening reflected …

Daily Download

There are two kinds of desires: Those in alignment with your soul and all else. To be in alignment is simply to desire something on purpose. You know what you want and you know what to do when you manifest it. You’re grateful for the lessons involved whether the desire comes into fruition or not. …

Daily Download

We talk about releasing expectations and attachments and also about knowing what you need vs. being needy. But those things still happen. Sometimes if it’s not for the best, you can catch and release. Catch yourself going into those modes. Then simply let go. Or if they’re of the highest order, they’ll serve you positively. …

Daily Download

Follow your soul to see through the window into you. In doing so, you let go of many things. Like regrets, strong emotional charges, and attachments. You also let go of the need to identify yourself as anything. And letting go of identity accepts oneness automatically. You’re unbecoming as much as you are becoming. The …

Daily Download

Your soul, being a window to view this world, is neutral. Your soul doesn’t have the same identity as you. In fact, you will let go of this identity one day. A common thing people say is that we live on as the soul. That’s applying the identity from the physical realm to something which …

Daily Download

Your soul is a window to the universe. A way to perceive the living world. And your perception adds color, creating stained glass, even kaleidescope views. You choose how to see the world. And your archetypes allow you to see more clearly, adding compound lenses to your window of reality. Every aspect of you… Everything …