Daily Download

When you value yourself, you’ll find value in what others give. If all you want is freebies, you might end up accumulating things without value. It is only by adding your value that things become valuable to you. And know this: Everything you do for others adds value. If and when the others know their …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Seeking proof to validate your limiting beliefs only serves to hold you down. It’s a self-serving way of limiting yourself. So in that sense, is it really serving your growth at all, or just your limiting beliefs? Don’t get me wrong, proof is good–when you allow the proof to shape your ideas …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Everything that’s happening right now is preparing you for what’s next. Even the bad stuff prepares you to handle things better! You become wiser and more knowledgeable. You become stronger and more vulnerable. And even amidst the chaos now, you’ll see how purposeful it was in the aftermath. What seemed like a …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Not believing in something doesn’t make it any less real. What it does do is prevent you from being able to see it though (so you think you’re right). That’s just how the subconscious mind works! It doesn’t negate things. It simply finds more of what’s in alignment with your current beliefs, …

Daily Download

Life is a dream. Exactly how you follow your dreams is up to you. You can be in the fullest expression of living your wildest dreams and desires. Your life is a dream come true! Or you can choose not to see things that way. Life can be a scary nightmare. It’s your choice. And …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When you make things about you, you’re setting yourself up for punishment. Taking things personally is a choice. Interpreting things about you is your choice. Reading into a situation from only this perspective limits what you will perceive and understand. Even if it is about something you said or did, you have …

Daily Download

Sometimes I wish I could just take off my skin suit and fly around this world, meeting and greeting everyone from that which is my pure essence–unconditional, unadulterated, universal love. To just let it be raw and unfiltered. To let our naked souls be free as we make every single encounter with one another the …

You’ve Been Brainwashed, and the Way Out Is In

There is absolutely no doubt left that the universe we live in is programmed, aka ‘a simulation.’ Everything in the universe in its most basic form, according to the most recent, hard, evidence-based science, is that everything is simply bits of information. Just like with a computer’s machine language, those bits can be put together …

Daily Download

I’m sure we’d all prefer to reward ourselves for doing well than to punish ourselves for not, right? It is very liberating to step outside of the frame of reference of punishment. And that’s only the beginning! Next, you’re invited to step out of the duality frame of reference. See beyond the judgment. See into …

Daily Download

You don’t have to find reasons for things. Ain’t that a relief? And it’s not just because you could be having reasons or results. This goes deeper than that. It’s because we can’t always explain everything that’s going on in any given situation. And we certainly can’t control the situation! Trying to find reasons before …

Daily Download

Support other’s successes. It’s not just to help others out. It’s not just to lift them up and empower them. They are a reflection of you. How you treat others is how you subconsciously believe that you deserve to be treated. And that’s how you treat yourself. And it’s not even just that! Support other’s …

Daily Download

Bring out the best in people. By seeing the best in their intentions. By anticipating the best in their behaviors. No, it doesn’t make you naive or a pushover to be nice to people and see their best. It makes your subconscious focus even more on that, making it a self-fulfilling prophecy. You see infinite …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Flexibility IS power! People that try to exert power over another really have no fucking clue what they’re doing. They’re just expending their own energy for nothing! It’s hard to believe that some people actually think they can manipulate others or have power over them in some way in order to gain something. …

Daily Download

Follow the path of least resistance. You could easily fall into negativity and spew out hatred coming from your own fear and anger. But it’s actually much more consuming of your energy to spread negativity about others than it is to lift them up, encourage them, and empower them. Negativity builds tension in the body. …

Daily Download

Ever had somebody think that you’re making it all up? Have people ever said something’s in your head? Here’s one way how you can respond: Tell em they’re right! Because that’s how it really works! Your brain is the supercomputer that’s running the simulation we call “reality.” And you placed them exactly where they are …

Daily Download

Dear Universe, I love thee so. My presence is of that. I belong to you. To every galaxy. Every star. To every planet and moon. I belong to life itself. To the molecules that create life. To the atoms and subatomic particles. I belong to every single bit of energy that’s vibrating in exactly the …

Daily Download

Dear Universe, When I first saw you, I fell in love with you. Your pure beauty. Your sheer elegance. Your perfection. But you were so perfect, I couldn’t see you through your mask. So you see, you had to be cracked open. You had to break through your shell so your light could shine through. …

We’re Living in a Simulation, But Who’s in Control?

Lots of tech experts and scientists agree that chances are very high that we are actually living within a computer simulation. The physics of the universe follows a basic kind of programming code from start to finish. And the biomolecular building blocks of life also have their own programming code. They’re basically robots and 3D …

Daily Download

No good deed goes unpunished? It always rains when it pours? Bad things happen in threes? Stop saying these limiting phrases to yourself, because you are choosing to incorporate them into your programming by doing so. You are telling your subconscious mind that you are expecting bad things to happen–and that tells the subconscious to …

Daily Download

Wanna do something to help yourself heal, grow, and enlighten? Help your community. Spread love. Do acts of service. Help others. What you give without expectation or attachment is going to come back to you exponentially. This is Omniversal Law. Wanna do something to help your community? Then focus on yourself. Love yourself. Find peace …