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The universe reflects back to you based on your energy in any given moment. Like a mirror image. What if I told you that in the same way a mirror reflects back an image of 3-dimensional space that it’s also possible to reflect back in dimension(s) of time? Because space can be perfectly still while …

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Seems sometimes like there’s a conspiracy for just about everything these days. So much so that people try to explain why people subscribe to them. Here’s a little secret prime directive of the subconscious mind: everything (yes, everything) has a highest intent. Those who think differently may seek acceptance from like-minded individuals. Those who shame …

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Wanna know what it’s like to be contextualizing multiple timelines, karmas, and parallel realities in an ever- expanding universe to fit it all into a 4-dimensional projection from source? You’re already doing it! Beautifully. Just trust the process… You got this! =D

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We’re all just interacting with the supernatural. Everything in the universes is energy. Energy transforming into other forms of energy. Energy to matter. Just like how we transform ourselves. And to be human means we are interacting with the unexplainable every single brand new moment and interpreting what’s beyond explanation. Yes, that means every explanation …

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Sure, the Earth may seem round, but we live in a higher-dimensional blob that’s 3D PLUS time (in multiple dimensions) AND EVEN infinite possibilities of parallel realities. And all of that is a projection from the surface of the event horizon of a white hole that spun off the singularity that the universe was created …

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You are the universe. Because science. In its entirety, the universe is expressed through every single grain of existence. Every subatomic particle in your entire body. So any time we fall in love… Every relationship we have… And every single interaction… Is just the universe loving herself through us. It’s up to you how you …

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Earth has been around for over 4.5 billion years. And it’s got another 5 billion years or so before our Sun turns to a red giant… In the present day, humans sometimes reflect upon their own presence negatively. Like scientific media reporting how bad human-induced climate change is. But that’s really just a mechanism to …

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It’s ok to not have all the answers. Einstein once tried to disprove quantum mechanics. Didn’t turn out like he and his colleagues planned. They found that separate particles, regardless of distance, could share the same state, and it happened instantaneously. They literally discovered quantum entanglement and tried to use it as evidence against quantum …

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Just a touch can be felt all over the body in every cell. Instantaneously. It’s like there’s some kind of quantum network making weird shit possible. There is. Through the magic of the heart’s wave signature, an electromagnetic pulse communicated by the heart, the energy can sync with the brain’s own subatomic matrix. It’s been …

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Sure, close encounters with aliens are cool and all, but… Have you ever had a close encounter with a human? I mean getting really down to it to see a human exactly as they are? Prob not what most people even think human is — on the surface we’re all just running around acting like …

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What would you desire to expand in life right now? Because the universe makes it happen, and here is the secret how you do it… Universal expansion decoded — virtual pairs of positive and negative particles exert forces on each other as they go in and out of existence (aka zero point energy). The resulting …

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I grew up hearing people say that everything can be explained by science. The problem with that argument was that it’s dismissive and usually spoken by people who didn’t want to explore new ideas or accept evidence that contradicted their internal beliefs. That’s not scientific. Science merely provides s framework for asking questions. The questions …

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We’re in a constant flux between Einstein’s general relativity, traveling less than the speed of light in 3 space dimensions and 1 of time, and superliminal relativity traveling faster than light in 1 space and 3 time dimensions. Yet we’ve programmed ourselves with the predetermined perception of only less than the speed of light, when …

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When you approach the speed of light, the laws of physics break down. Or so they said. What if they’re just ways of perceiving things? And instead of breaking down, maybe it’s just a change in perception. What we see as 3D of space with one dimension of time transforms to 3D of time and …

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It’s crazy to think how fast we’re moving through space as our solar system rotates and swings around in the Milky Way, taking us on a voyage into never-encountered space each and every brand new moment. It’s even crazier to realize how fast we travel through infinite parallel universes — infinite possibilities — all within …

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You don’t have to have it all figured out. After all, you are the evolution of primordial quarks and gluons that make matter, atoms forged by generations of stars and spread throughout the early universe, and precursor molecules to life that form everywhere there’s water. This all happened so one spinning rock can come alive …

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When people ask, why the fascination with the universe? Maybe it’s realizing a spiritual experience, as Neil DeGrasse Tyson put it, in the knowing that generations of stars before us lived and died to forge the atoms we’re made of and spread them throughout the known universe. Because then the realization is that the stars …

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If you are one of many who want to “escape the matrix” here’s a brief guide of beyond the surface consciousness. Time isn’t linear. All time exists all the time and can be perceived through any number of dimensions, not just 1. The physical world is a continuum. As above, so below. Every grain of …

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It wasn’t part of the backup data for the Omniverse model when I was writing my book — it just came to me intuitively. I described a way to perceive higher dimensions like stacking layers of maps. Then it hit me. I am not where I think I am. None of us are. The higher …

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You might think that if the human mind operates like simple computer code then it could be programmable. And that would lead to the question, is there a secret door to enter into your hidden code? It is the breath. Changing your breath patterns changes your state… and your resources available given what states you …