Daily Download

Working on releasing your past shouldn’t hold you to your past. Simply allow yourself to view it just one last time so you can get the lesson and be present. Building a better future for yourself is also good, when it doesn’t take you away from the present moment. Goals, vision boards, and manifesting are …

Daily Download

Don’t judge people for where they are in their path. Everyone finds enlightenment in their own way and in their own timescale. Some learn through hardships. Some through mentors or gurus. Although they still have their own hardships on their path too. There is no one right way. There is only the way that’s right …

Daily Download

Is it cheating to love another when you wholly and completely love yourself? Is it truly monogamous to be with a lover, knowing that your relationship with self comes first? 3rd dimensional labels might not necessarily apply anymore. Because loving yourself adds new dimensions of possibilities that you bring to enrich the light and life …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Brainwashing loves company. Those that have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the mass media, religion, government, sports, corporations, etc. seem to want everyone else to be brainwashed into taking their side. It’s 1-dimensional thinking to only see polar opposites of only a single facet of what’s actually going on. Hell, at …

Daily Download

If there’s something you don’t like, then why keep putting energy into it? It seems as if everybody thinks they must be outraged about something these days, no matter what ‘side’ of the issue they’re on. What if instead, you look inward? Question why something triggers you. It is a chance for healing because it’s …

Daily Download

Your worth doesn’t come from what someone else thinks of you. And their worth has nothing to do with what you think of them. It comes from within. Your worth increases from within when you treat others better. Your value is what you give. Your success comes from how you treat others. Your money that …

Daily Download

Intelligence is sexy, yes. And emotional intelligence is sexy af. Working on yourself is hot! Not because you’re not perfect. Not because you are changing yourself, or even feel the need to do so. And not because you’re constantly striving to learn more about yourself. Working on yourself is hot because it’s an act of …

Daily Download

Neuroplasticity is real. You can rewire neural pathways. You can uninstall old pathways that no longer serve you. And you can create new ones. Just how you do that is what matters. You might have heard people say to mind your self-talk. Language is the first step, but will changing your language change your brain? …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Self-acceptance doesn’t mean you don’t want to change. Rather, self-acceptance is what has to be done to optimize change for the better! Because you’re putting yourself in a positive light, that welcomes in more light! Your vibration attracts even more vibrations just like what you’re feeling. So what do you think happens …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: The mind that seeks proof is never present. Because it is always looking for an explanation of that which is already present. Why then would the mind need proof, knowing that the proof is present right in front of it? What if instead, we ‘reversed’ this logic? Rather than seeking proof of …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: We all live and die in a day. Every day. Every breath. Each breath in brings with it new life and every exhale lets go of that which has served in the past up until now. You are a cycle of regeneration. Gut microbiome live and die each and every brand new moment. …

Daily Download

The more humanity learns about ourselves, the more spiritual science becomes. Because we are finding out just how powerful we really are. We’re discovering our connection with the universe. We’re observing the universe expressed wholly inside every single grain of existence. Every bit of your presence. You already know that each and every bit of …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Your path is a distraction from self. Religion entraps your mind. Careers enslave you. Education conforms you. Everything is dogmatic and systematic. Until you wake up. And then many walk the spiritual path. It’s still religious. It can still be dogmatic. And it can be frought with social conditioning. Whatever way you …

Daily Download

Know your worth. And also know that you are far beyond what you’re worth. Because your worth doesn’t define you. Your value is your ability to give it all away. To honor the natural cycles of universal giving and receiving. You are the universe, after all. So it just makes sense that you are an …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Any time someone tries to charge you emotionally, energetically, or resourcefully for your freedom, they’ve been brainwashed. And they’re trying to brainwash you too. Because they’ve given up their freedom to the false ideals of others. That’s not what freedom is–it’s enslavement. Freedom IS free, simply because you have freedom over your …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You create from where you’re at in life. You might be on the beginning of your path, creating higher learnings through hardships. Or you might be further along, creating more and more hardships to get those lessons lol. Ideally, we’d all like to create from a place where we’ve removed all blocks and …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: To be unattached isn’t necessarily to detach. Rather it’s to love unconditionally, observing all of your emotions that come up and letting them flow naturally. The brain actually shows all of your emotions to you so you can choose what you want to do with them. Yes, you get to choose what …

Daily Download

Question things. Question existence. That’s why life is a quest! And notice how questioning allows you to effortlessly let go of wanting the answers. Because there’s beauty in the quest. There’s magic in the mystery. Not knowing allows you to grow, to accept, and to love even more. There is beauty in not having the …

Daily Download

Two things to know: You are worthy. And know your worth. Don’t believe anybody who ever makes you feel unworthy. They will only do so if they don’t know their own worth. Knowing your worth means you don’t have to afford the time, energy, and resources to bring you down to their level. Know your …

The Center of the Universe

Universal Irony Division: If you were to travel anywhere in the universe, it would appear almost exactly the same. Only your location would change. The window with which you view the observable universe still magnifies your presence in the middle. This miracle is made possible by the illusion of distance. And the universe herself is …