Daily Download

What is meditation? Must you silence the mind? Lol, no. Meditation is breathing. Just that. It’s like the current of the ocean. Trying to silence the mind is like trying to stop the waves on the surface. Go ahead, stand in its way. See what happens. The waves keep moving! Stillness is found when you …

Daily Download

New growth happens all the time. You don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to force it. Growth just happens! It can be found in nature when you venture forth on your day, observing plants sprouting and flowering. Growth can be witnessed in your body’s cells as they regenerate, building a whole new …

Daily Download

Law of Attraction is a funny thing. Everyone goes around telling you what to proclaim and how to think positively. That’s not how it works. If you’re shouting out to the universe what you want, are you congruent with your core beliefs about your desire? Congruence is the key. Without it, your desire is what …

Daily Download

You will find your soul mates, soul family, and twin flames. You don’t have to seek. You embody within. It’s automatic. It’s attraction. It’s just how the universe works. But sometimes, maybe in this lifetime, or maybe another, you will come together so that you may release each other. It’s not all about romance. It’s …

Daily Download

When someone says that if something doesn’t work out, it’s because the universe is preparing you for something better, feel free to call out their bullshit. Because that’s not how it works. First of all, your focus is moving to the future, when the universe will reward you somehow. Don’t be patient. Bring your attention …

Daily Download

Everything in your life has led up to this one point. And here you are! What’s happening now will shape your future, but don’t lose sight of this moment. Because the future isn’t real. And the past doesn’t exist. The good thing is, you’ve moved on from the past. So now, notice that it’s not …

Daily Download

Omniversal Proclamation: THIS is sacred space [points to self]. I AM consciousness. I AM the body the mind and body. And I AM the invisible thread connecting the physical to the nonphysical. Anything that comes into my space will do so with my permission for my growth and evolution. That means that if I don’t …

Daily Download

Where can I love myself even more each and every brand new moment as I usher in the reality of my dreams? Think about this for a moment… I never ever would have known how much hard work goes into loving myself. This goes far deeper than mirror work. Blunt Force Truth: You can tell …

Daily Download

Every day is a new chance to perfect your craft. Your art. Your talent. Every single brand new moment is. Because each and every moment you bring into the now comes with the experience of all others before it, allowing you to build your craft as it gets better bit by bit. That’s why the …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Karma is NOT reward or punishment. It’s your lessons, and how you get them and view them is completely up to you. You have the chance to see every lesson as a chance to surrender to divine love and grow, free of expectation, or you can view it as negative. Either way, …

The Science of Deja Vu

Think Facebook algorithms are pretty crazy? Your brain uses algorithms too. It uses predictive coding to perceive outcomes before they even happen. It’s an evolutionary trait that helped humans survive. And it’s a trait the brain uses to understand language by predicting what words follow the one you just heard or read. Your mind is …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You’ve been brainwashed. We all have, by our own doing, and it’s not a conspiracy! It’s the mindset of polarization. Duality. Choose sides. Home or away. Christian or other. “Blue” or “red.” You’re on one side or the other. For example, Parkland shooting survivors protest for the value of their lives. Yet …

Daily Download

People often say don’t get attached. It’s good not to be attached to things, and that gives you even more freedom. But people get attached to people too. Maybe that’s good advice if someone treated someone like property. However, when love is pure, attachment can be a good thing. We all have strings of attachment …

The Shadow Effect

Remember the stories told by the round-earthers? You know, those who thought the world was only 3 dimensions? Remember how they made fun of and picked on flat-earthers for only seeing 2 dimensions yet tried to fit their map of reality into just 3D? Yes, they held onto their beliefs just as strongly as the …

Daily Download

Today, I invite you to step out of your box. Maybe it’s a physical box like home, office, or automobile. Could be a call to nature. Maybe it’s a comfort zone and you’ve been wanting to venture forth. This is your sign. Maybe the box is constructed of mental barriers that may have hindered you …

Daily Download

The singularity is still a concept not completely understood by the human mind. Black holes are singularities. Even the entire universe is a singularity. But physics and math can’t describe a singularity. That’s because it’s an infinity. No beginning and no end. Out so it seems. So how then dear ones, do we visualize a …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: There is no “they.” It is a mental construct with which to externalize one’s own projection of reality. Instead, reflect within. If you catch yourself saying ‘s/he’ or ‘they’ said this or did that, find out what’s going on inside you that makes you want to give others responsibility for your feelings. …

Daily Download

At any time, whether you’re dreaming or dreaming awake, you can awaken to your multiple levels of consciousness layer-by-layer or all at once. It’s just something the mind does automatically. The subconscious operates on many levels. All of your levels of higher consciousness work together for you as one consciousness–exactly like your cells work together …

Daily Download

I have decided to make friends with my sadness. Because it’s telling me something very important. The only way I’m going to get the message is by sitting with it and letting it express itself. Where is it coming from? The body sends signals of what it needs. Depression is linked to unhealthy diet, so …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Your capacity to love someone equals your ability to leave them the fuck alone. Because you accept them as they are and give them the support and freedom to be exactly who they want to be! You might feel needy–or you can know exactly what you need–and that tells you what you’re …