The Soul of the Universe

Life’s kinda funny. We learn so much about being ourselves, yet not about who we really are. Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to be yourself and do what you do best, finding your talents and desires along this beautiful journey. It sure as hell beats being everyone else! But the reality is, it’s not …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everything has an ending and a beginning. That’s what the present moment is! It’s an end of something and a new beginning all in an instant. Each and every brand new moment! Now, the brain likes to conceptualize all these little moments and map together your timeline from basically infinite possibilities of brand …

Daily Download

There are many misconceptions we’re taught that we must overcome. The Big Bang wasn’t an explosion. It is an expansion. An electron does not orbit an atom. It occupies a field of energy around that atom’s nucleus. Like everything physical, the field manifests itself as particle and wave. And through experiments, even the same particle …

Daily Download

In the search for intelligent life, humans have been scanning for possible radio signals from other planets. We’ve received strange signals from stars, but nothing from planetary life. That’s because the technology we’re listening for has only been around for a fraction of time on Earth. So we’d have to be able to detect a …

Daily Download

The universe didn’t start from nothing. It started from everything. It IS everything! All of its energy was engrained inside a single point particle. That energy is still present! And the universe isn’t necessarily one advanced mind. It’s all of them! Every one of us, those before us, and every single life form on Earth. …

Daily Download

The universe is a reflection of your consciousness. Your awareness. Your awakeness. The universe presents an opportunity for every single possible choice and decision you make. Even the little stuff. Especially the little stuff! And in that sense, you are the little stuff in the universe that’s reflected onto you. It does so by projecting …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Being whole and complete does not mean you’re finished in any way. It’s all part of the journey. So when I experience your beautiful smile every day, that adds to my completeness. Yes, your smile is that powerful! So just know that you are everything you need to be whole and complete, …

Daily Download

What is the purpose of existence? The answer may be simpler than you think. The purpose of existence is life. It’s to live. That’s it! Because life is a natural consequence of the physics that govern our universe. In other words, the universe favors life! Life is the flow of natural energy. The evolution of …

Daily Download

You don’t always need a reason to cry. You’re just moving energy. So do it! You don’t have to apologize for crying. You don’t need permission. You don’t have to reason it, and others don’t even need to understand why. It just is. There’s no need to validate it. Even if others around you aren’t …

The Living Infinite

Imagine just being yourself while seeing yourself. How easy is it to imagine seeing yourself through different viewpoints? Through different eyes? At different times of your life? What if I told you there’s infinite dimensions with which to see yourself? Your identity is one. Your awareness. Your consciousness. Your physical presence. This is the surface …

Daily Download

You always have a direction. The question is, which way are you going? Are you being pulled toward your vision and your dreams with ever-increasing momentum? Or do you have to push your way though? The answer may reveal the deep core beliefs that place limitations on you or align you with your natural flow …

Daily Download

Because we’re flying through space, hurdling into the unknown, even stillness becomes an illusion. You can be still, or so it seems, relaxing in meditation. While you’re flying through space! You’re traveling through fields of energy. Fields of possibilities. Maybe that’s why reaching stillness feels like floating. Because when you see into the universe, there’s …

Daily Download

The crystal children are rising. Their consciousness is here to guide us to new ways of living as the world changes with us. They were born 2000 or later, yet even though most can’t vote, they are setting the example by standing up for peace. For life. It is our job to cherish them for …

Daily Download

You are not to seek love, only the barriers you have to love, right? But what if seeking the barriers IS the barrier? If you are focused on finding blocks, that’s exactly what you’re going to find–blocks. In many ways that’s good. But don’t let it become a never-ending-story. There’s a point where letting go …

Daily Download

If you ever need proof of the existence of God, all you have to do is look at yourself in the mirror. Not because you were created by God, because you have the power to create yourself. And in knowing this, you will see all that is within. Stare deep into your own eyes and …

Daily Download

All of infinity connects at one point. No, I don’t mean just the symbol. That’s how the universe actually works! You are that point. Everything in this divine universe is connected. Intimately entangled. Everything is flowing. And as the observer, you create the projection of your perception allowing all that is to connect in every …

Daily Download

Things get better. Always. The question then becomes, how do you read this proclamation? Do you find yourself wishing this to be true? Is it coming from a place of lack and limitation? Because you ARE manifesting, so when you’re manifesting from a place of lack, you’re going to manifest even more of what you’re …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: There is no reason to hate, only reasons to love. Hate, or other lower vibrations like judgment, revenge, justice, or righteousness, all stem from one thing–the illusion of separation. It is viewed as separation from one another. Our differences create walls within a hateful mind, whereas a loving heart sees reasons to …

Daily Download

The reward for living a great life IS living a great life! It’s up to you what to make of things. Every lesson that’s part of your plan. Every learning. Every single brand new moment knowing that the universe is working for you to match the energy you radiate! Life is a celebration of life. …

The Miracle Mindset

You can rewire your brain by seeing miracles every day. And the bonus is you get to see miracles every day! It’s really just a matter of fine-tuning your perception. When you experience more miracles happening, you’re aligning yourself with even more possibilities from unlimited opportunities. That makes you attract like a powerful magnet! Because …