Daily Download

Creating space for someone is more than just for their healing–you can create safe space where someone feels protected and free. Free to be themselves and do whatever they want. But here’s the thing–men must recognize when they can create safe space and protect it too. I stopped drumming the other night when a guy …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everything you experience in this universe is being filtered by your perception. Yes, everything! Everything we know about the universe has been described in this way. That also means that your perception has higher powers to process the stuff that’s going on beyond your awareness. Yes, you are a universe-processing machine! And you …

Daily Download

I know you. I know who you are. And I know you’re here. Ever-present in this field of infinite possibilities. I’m not waiting–and neither are you. I’m becoming even more ready for all of your awesomeness to manifest wholly and completely from this field of abundant love. I am aligning universes. I am programming universes. …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everything has the potential to get better. Everyfuckingthing! No matter how it’s perceived. Ever hear someone say “don’t fix it if it ain’t broke?” That’s actually a limiting belief that illuminates a resistance to change. And that leads to complacency and willingness to try to force things to stay the same, which is …

Daily Download

When it gets down to it, everything in life is about flow. The universe flows through every single grain of your existence just as life flows through every cell of your being. But where we might not realize it is in our own mind. Thoughts flow. They’re converting energy into physical patterns in the neural …

Daily Download

Spice things up. Make love the extra ingredient for life. Sprinkle that shit everywhere! Add love to the mix of your daily routine. Take love with you outside your comfort zone and spread it like butter! Put love in everything you say and everything you do. Be love, as you love yourself so much so …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: The key to intuition isn’t about predicting. It’s about creating. You have the power to shift your reality into exactly what you dream it to be simply because the universe is made that way. You’re not concerned with what’s happening in the future. You’re creating a better now! You align your intentions …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You must first empty yourself to be filled with love. Allow your heart center to be empty. Yes, you read that right! Because that’s how you get all of those emotions unstuck. That’s how you let go of any and all attachments. It’s how you let go of what’s passed. You just let …

Daily Download

Music is made by the space in between the notes. In art, it’s the space between the brush strokes. In the universe, life happens in the space between stars. Space isn’t nothing–it’s everything. All things flow through space. All energy. And it’s all available to you all the time, because the space inside you is …

Moments of Time

Einstein showed that space-time was actually four dimensions (3 space and 1 time). And now another physical dimension has been discovered. Time is now the fifth dimension. Feel the shift? Our collective perception is growing. Expanding. Just like space is. The universe is continually expanding, creating space for growth. And yes, space can be created …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: When people make fun of flat-earthers and still only see the world in 3 dimensions. It’s all in how you program your subconscious. Your mind automatically filters infinite data from a multiverse of possibilities. Whatever you believe, your mind will find the information that best fits. So nobody’s wrong, you see. We’re …

Daily Download

Ya know why they say to let go of things? It’s not so you just give everything up. It’s for you to release your attachments. To set your soul free! Because if you have attachments to things, people, or love you’re blocking yourself from what already has the potential to be the greatest thing to …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You give things consciousness. It’s how we interact with our environment on an intuitive level. Trust your gut and feel how this vibrates. Life evolves from simple to complex because of natural law. So does consciousness. You might think universal consciousness is this grand all-knowing all-seeing awareness, right? But you’re applying your awareness …

Daily Download

Want to guarantee that you won’t risk anything in life? Need reassurance that mistakes won’t be made? Want to make sure you don’t get hurt or don’t hurt anyone else? Then don’t do anything. If you do nothing, that is the only way to guarantee that there won’t be any risk. There won’t be any …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Love doesn’t always follow the rules. And why should it? Love is meant to be lived. To be felt. Love doesn’t need to be told what to do. It just does. It’ll pick you up and knock you out of your socks. It’ll make you head over heels. It’s the ultimate feels. …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Everything you’ve been told about competition is wrong. It’s not about us vs. them. That’s the illusion of duality. The illusion of being disconnected from the prime directive of your own subconscious mind that supports cooperation, adaption, and evolution. True competition isn’t taking all the resources from one because you want it …

Daily Download

When you love yourself, magic happens. Everything changes in the world around you because you’re seeing things through a different lens. And that means you’re attracting more of the good that you see in the world. You’re upgrading. And so is who and what you attract in life. The universe is matching you with all …

Daily Download

As you change and evolve, so does what you attract from the universe. But only you know how you desire to grow. You set intentions and practice prayer and/or meditation to tell the universe. It’s like programming code. You program, the universe compiles. All that’s needed is a declaration to say it so: I AM …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Your greatest strength can also be your greatest weakness. True strength lies not in your strength, but in your vulnerability, because that drives you to adapt. Being vulnerable doesn’t mean you’re afraid. It means you are ready to fall and get back up again. You are willing to fail and learn the …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: In a society that conditions its people with hatred of other cultures, justice for crimes committed by others, and justification for war, it is inevitable that the people will turn on themselves with hatred of one another, revenge, and righteousness. When a government, religion, or any kind of organization turns people against …