Daily Download

My life in relationships was summarized to me today by Pandora in-between the songs: “Waiting for connection.” Believe it or not, that’s where life happens–in the space between the notes. Who you are in relationships doesn’t define you. Who you are when you’re yourself shows the world who you are. So take time for self-care, …

Daily Download

Make mistakes. It’s not just how you learn, it builds character. Own up to it when you have. That’s right, own it! True strength is in your vulnerability and willingness to own up to it instead of trying to cover for yourself, make excuses, or be defensive. Own that shit because that opens the door …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: To access your flow state, you must embody stillness. It’s not about hustle or any of the bs you read and hear about. Your practice makes your actions effortless. You don’t have to think anymore about how you walk. It’s muscle memory. It’s effortless. It’s flow because it keeps you moving, yet …

Daily Download

Don’t expect someone to behave a certain way because of who you think they are. Or worse, who you think they ‘should be.’ there’s far too many other possibilities available to narrow your perception in such a way. You limit what you get from one another. In doing so, you attract the very thing that …

Daily Download

Do you put conditions upon yourself? ‘If this would happen, then I could… I have to have this before… If only… then I would be happy?’ What this does to the brain is to create neural pathway associations, so you begin to think this is actually how things work. That makes you notice it more, …

Daily Download

Everybody deserves a chance. A chance at success. A chance to love. A chance at fulfilling their purpose. This is something you already know in your heart, yes? And you give chances to allow others to find their best way to gain purpose, success, and love. But when was the last time you gave yourself …

Daily Download

Don’t take on other people’s karma. Sometimes people don’t know what they’re doing, leaving a trail behind them. If they haven’t resolved their learnings from their past encounters, they’re still carrying that and projecting it onto you, unconsciously unaware of it. See where they are in their karma to know, are you being pulled in, …

5 Second Samadhi

Ever have an out-of-body experience? You can float out in consciousness, flying through the cosmos while leaving your body safely here on Earth. It can happen accidentally, and it can be done on purpose. It’s something your human body is already capable of. It’s just a matter of fine-tuning your ability to go farther. But …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You attract what you embody. That’s how the universe works. When you embody life to the highest degree, your body is constantly replenished with brand new healthy cells. When you embody love within, loving yourself through everything in this life, you attract more love around you. You’re pulling from an infinite field that’s …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: When you let go of ‘I am,’ that is when you become even greater. ‘I am’ are two of the most powerful words you can speak. You can speak things into existence. You can turn things into your identity (be careful what you speak into your identity though). You can even go …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: There are no opposites. It’s only part of the illusion. Darkness is the illusion of lack of light. Cold is the illusion of lack of heat. There is no positivity or negativity–only illusions stemming from one core essence. Positive is just a different direction of the same spin as negative. Like attracts like. …

Daily Download

Nothing grows in your comfort zone. You already know that. If so, why is it there in the first place? You created it, after all. What if it’s where you can leave things that no longer serve you in your journey? Afraid of moving on? Good, gather the lessons from your fear. What’s its highest …

Daily Download

When the soul is blind, the heart confuses love and obsession. But when the soul sees clearly, it is love that is blind. As it should be. Release the blinders. Be available to your vision. =D

Daily Download

There’s characteristics of people that we just can’t describe using our own words. Some things transcend language. Like connections. When you interact, it’s something you feel. It’s an energy. Something you just know. But you don’t know how to say. Yet. That’s because you’re evolving. You’re feeling more than you ever have in the past. …

Daily Download

The universe is magic. Science is the tool we use to explain it. Science provides the methods we use to understand everything from the very small to the very large. And that doesn’t mean that science is true–it’s the methodology that brings us to the truth. Science provides us with facts that we put together …

Yes, You Create Your Own Reality. Here’s How Science Explains It

Nothing can be created or destroyed. Yet this may destroy your concept of what reality is to you. Sorry (not sorry). Everything exists as energy, right? It’s what’s in your DNA. It’s in every subatomic particle. It’s in every force like magnetism and gravity. And energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy is everywhere! It …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: For every possibility of your life, there’s a parallel universe connected to yours where each possibility is a reality. And there’s a portal you can go through to get there. Yes, really. All you have to do is align. The infinite possibilities of you aren’t separate–it’s all within you. Your can open up …

Daily Download

You don’t have to show up any other way than exactly as you are. Wherever you are and wherever you go, you made the decision yourself. You can show up in a way that please others and that’s ok. But you’re not where you are because of them. You are exactly where you need to …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Your opinions have no consequence on anyone’s identity but your own. The opinions of others do not define who you are. Unless you allow them. In reality, it really doesn’t matter what anyone says about you. You don’t need their approval. You don’t need validation. And you don’t need permission to continue …

Daily Download

This is just a little reminder to give yourself the time you need for self-care. You have the power to slow down time, even pause, allowing you to reflect on yourself. What is it you need most in this moment? Give it to yourself. Allow yourself to receive. Honor the natural flow of the universe …