Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You can’t say nobody loves you when you love yourself. Only YOU are solely responsible for giving yourself the love that you so deserve. You are the only one who is able to fully embody your self-love. And everyone can be the beneficiary of you loving yourself, because you are your highest …

Daily Download

Imagine a life where love is logical. Like, if it just makes sense that people can fit together, they can. If our directions of life are aligned, we can walk the same path. But how do you apply this logic toward your feelings of one another? This is the great cosmic monkey-wrench thrown in the …


A river carves its way from the top of a mountain. It grows as it travels downstream, always moving forward on its path. It creates valleys and it sculpts all new landscapes. It even takes the land with it as it connects to something greater. The river becomes one with the ocean. Every single water …

Daily Download

You have the power. You always have. It’s yours for good. Because everything’s happening on purpose. You have all of the power of your past/parallel lives. And then some. You don’t ever lose your power. You can only pretend that you don’t know you have it. So are you gonna keep pretending, holding onto that …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If you delete people from your life, even if they’re completely toxic, you’re cutting out part of yourself. They are there for a reason. It is a lesson for you. You didn’t find each other by accident, everything happens on purpose. By deleting them, you’re ignoring your lesson. But fear not, not …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: The subconscious mind must connect the dots. That’s why objects appear solid. Your mind projected an image to cover the space between molecules, and even the space inside of the atoms. Nothing is solid. Everything is empty. It’s just energy. Simply that. Your energy interacts with the energy of something to give the …

Daily Download

If you’re ever feeling down, notice how easily you can shift into another point of view to see yourself. You can borrow my eyes. Because here’s how I see you: I love you. I love you unconditionally. I love the challenges you’ve been through and the growth you’ve experienced. I love how you’ve changed my …

Daily Download

Be best friends with your pain. Yea, you read that right. Invite it to be with you. Take him or her with you everywhere you go. Don’t ever hide your pain. Let it be present with you. Let it tell you what you need to hear–not just what you want to hear. And how are …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Time and eternity are not different. Only your perception of it is. This is because time is an expression of eternity. Eternal time is simply what’s available to you. That means all time is available all the time. It’s not static. It’s always changing because you are conceptualizing your timeline from the …

Daily Download

There’s a lot of higher dimensions beyond our normal perception. That means there’s different ways to view what’s going on in your life right now. As we transcend our perceptual barriers into higher awareness, we must ask ourselves if we are seeking the higher truth from a place of escaping our 3rd dimensional problems. Is …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: The language of the universe is not mathematics or physics, and it’s not geometry. Sure, we may use these tools to describe our understanding of the universe. And with them, humanity has discovered miracles! What if the language is something felt rather than learned? What if it’s really that simple? The language of …

The Time is Now

Notice how as you bring in each and every brand new moment, you can stay focused in the now. It’s flowing in a river and moving forward to guide you on your path. Being present isn’t only about living in the moment. You’re present with direction. Let that direction be the highest and best from …

Daily Download

What if it’s not about avoiding the dark side anymore? Not about pushing away from what you’re afraid of? What if instead, it’s about embracing the whole of who you are at your essence and lighting up the whole damn thing! Because your light is always strong enough to light up the darkness. That’s how …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: What you think is real and what you think is not real will change. The reality you perceive through your own eyes may seem real. At first. There’s more to it than what you’ve been told. All you have to do is to step out of the same frames of reference and …

Daily Download

As the new year approaches, you’re going to hear a lot of positivity about how it will be the best year yet. There will be talk of the upcoming shift for our ascension. Don’t fall for it. Don’t put off what is available to you right fucking now! Where else in life do you see …

Daily Download

Nirvana is a state available to all of us in the now. It’s part of your journey and that means it’s available to you anytime. It’s not something you must attain. Just be. Be yourself authentically. Be love. Be who you desire. Want to be done with your past lessons? Then love them to level …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: To be fully present in the moment, embody that which you are becoming. Because you do it fully in the now. Everything happens in the present moment. Your heart beats in the present. You breathe in the moment. Your consciousness opens each and every brand new moment more and more, as you …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to her. There is no place on Earth that one people can claim as their own. Because we are one people, and we belong to her. It is in our nature to travel the world and experience all of her beauty. To love …

4 Discoveries of 2017 that Support The Omniverse

Well, 2017 was pretty fucked up in a lot of ways. But if you only focus on what’s bad, you might wanna rethink that because you attract what your subconscious mind is focused on. A lot of people have been crushing it, advancing themselves and their learnings despite the chaos. And each of us experienced …