Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Opposites don’t attract. But you’ve been led to believe they do, right? It sure seems that way. One person likes one thing and another doesn’t, and they have a great relationship anyway. What’s happening? If you’re both liking and disliking the same thing, both of your minds are focused on the same …

Daily Download

Today is a new chance to take responsibility for each of our own lives. A chance to stand fully within your power in a state of knowing that you can and will act with the intent for your highest and best good. Greater responsibility brings greater happiness. But many avoid it, as if it’s something …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: The universe needs your presence. Without you it would have no meaning. Without life it would have no purpose. And the reason the universe supports life is just a natural process. A process designed by you, because you create your reality based on your perception. You crystallize your reality with your observation. The …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everybody is reflecting something back to you for you to heal yourself. Pay attention to the signs. Take notice of the results you’ve gotten in life in the past up until now. What was reflected back to you by others so perfectly that you can illuminate and transmute to permanently change that which …

Daily Download

Gravity’s a funny thing. We know it works because we stay grounded. But we don’t know exactly how it works. Lisa Randall has a robust theory using open loop strings and closed loops. Extra gravity leaks into higher dimensions, giving our 3 dimensions the perfect amount of gravity. This unifies gravity with other forces, all …

Daily Download

Dear ones, if you are concerned about a door closing for you, then perhaps you should question this. If you hadn’t constructed walls within your psyche, would there even be a need for there to be a door? Maybe, just maybe, the reason doors have closed is so you can take down your walls, block …

Alien Takeover

It’s not aliens taking over that people should fear. AI is taking over. Artificial intelligence is born right here on Earth. And we’re the aliens. The universe has reasons… Biological life got started a lot longer ago than once thought. Over 4 billion years ago. Most of it was nearly eliminated early on during the …

Daily Download

You know what’s scary? When people imprison themselves in their own mental construct of what they filter from reality, which becomes their own cage. When people are haunted by the demons of their own past, reliving it in their minds as they remain trapped in their bondage, torturing themselves instead of forgiving themselves to move …

Daily Download

You create your own reality. How you see your world is the result. And just beyond your construct of reality there’s freedom. You won’t get there by staying within the limits of your mental construct representing what you believe reality to be. No, that is your comfort zone. Everything’s designed to be exactly as it …

Daily Download

What is the true nature of infinity? It means that you are loved beyond measure! The universe expresses its infinite nature throughout every single particle of light, matter, and everything else as a transmutation of energy that allows each seemingly separate part to attract, building and evolving life. And that’s all happening within you! You …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everything is impermanent. Everything starts somewhere and finishes sometime. Everything. It’s all just cycles feeding into other cycles, and even if the entire universe is but one (it is), the lesson is to enjoy being present. See how the cycles interact like bubbles of the universe merging into one. When you step outside …

The Neutron Dance

One of the Blessings of the Omniverse, actually the first one, is the knowledge handed down to us for generations that we come from the stars. Those before us, telling ancient legends spanning different continents, knew this somehow. And science proves this. We do come from the stars. We come from the Earth. This is …

Why Do We See 3 Dimensions?

There’s infinite possibilities of dimensions. Yet we see pretty much three of em. Why is that? It turns out that there’s a little trick the universe has in store to make it more hospitable to life. Dimensions allow space to be created for your growth and evolution. That’s the special secret that’s not so secret …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Your belief shapes your reality. Your beliefs determine how you see the world, and how you see the world allows it to contextualize as is. You bring in just enough sensory data for your mind to put it all together for you. As powerful as belief is, there’s still some things that won’t …


When you turn on your laptop, tv, or cell phone, they all have something in common that illuminates your world. It’s the pixels. Each pixel can be red, green, or blue, and the combination with all of the other pixels on the screen is what makes your image become clear. The universe works in the …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Nothing is significant (or insignificant) other than the significance you give something. Nothing has meaning other than what you give it. That does not mean you are insignificant, because the significance you give yourself is exactly what makes you uniquely you! And you are not the meaning others give to you. You are …

Daily Download

There are many mistruths that you may encounter in this life: 1) DNA determines our fate, what diseases we’ll get, and what limitations we’ll have. 2) The brain is hard-wired since childhood and new neural pathways cannot grow. 3) The universe is all there is. 4) That you need any kind of social organization like …

Daily Download

Humanity is awakening. One. Beautiful. Soul. At. A. Time. There may still be others holding onto their comforters, not yet wanting to open their eyes to this new world. And that’s ok. It’s not their time yet to come out of the cocoon. It is our time to protect their cocoon, knowing that the values …

Daily Download

Don’t let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace. But then again, do you really want your subconscious mind thinking of destroying your inner peace? Because that’s exactly what it will attract by focusing on the perception of that, deleting, distorting, and generalizing data from infinite possibilities to match that perception. And subconscious doesn’t …