Ride the Wave

Life isn’t really that complicated. It’s just the natural result of chaos. 😉 And we love to give it all kinds of meanings. How you experience life is exactly as unique as you are, because it’s your values and beliefs programmed in your subconscious that determine your behaviors and perceptions. You are your own reality …

Daily Download

Being intuitive isn’t about being able to read people’s minds. It’s about understanding them. Understanding their emotions and feelings. Understanding their map of reality and being able to speak into that. Being psychic isn’t about seeing into the future. It’s about being able to align yourself with the infinite possibilities as you call forth the …

Daily Download

Is time travel possible? Many scientists think so. Many don’t. They’re all right. Alright? Because quantum physics. In this seemingly bizarre world of weirdness, all possibilities exist. Your brain is hardwired to filter infinite possibilities into what you perceive to be reality. What you think is reality is what you’re programmed to see by your …

Daily Download

What is the sole purpose of your soul purpose? What is your contribution to the living world? The answer might be more fucked up than you think… But the result will amaze you. You’ll bring people together. You’ll uncover deep mysteries. You’ll help end atrocities. In the end, it’s all about the love that you …

Daily Download

Many of the problems societies face today stems from inequality. That means that one group empowers themselves to become dominant. As such, modern humanity has endured patriarchal rule for thousands of years resulting in how women are treated today. This can be healed by teaching your children equally. There is a double standard when young …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: People that don’t love themselves don’t even know they don’t love themselves. That’s also the gift. Because once you know there’s more to know, it opens doors. Your subconscious’ operating system works this way. When you push away from something unwanted, it stores information behind closed doors. And there’s healing simply in …

Daily Download

Are you breaking up with Maya (the illusion)? Think she’s trying to trick you into believing what’s real? What if instead, you think of her this way: If you go to hire a Sherpa or guide to climb a mountain, is that person physically part of the underlying rock on the mountain? No, they’re just …

1,000th Blog!!!

Manifest life. It’s what you do. So why not make the most of your experience? Welcome to the maya, the illusion created for you to customize your experience. She’ll be your guide for good. She’s the universe’s graphical user interface. And you, dear one, you are here on purpose . You are the programmer, the …

Daily Download

Where do ideas come from? It’s kind of funny when you think about it, because they seemingly come out of nowhere. It’s your connectedness. You are a channel for divine flow. And the very matrix, the illusion of reality that we think is reality, is the key. Because you’re already connected on all levels of …

Daily Download

People say to not get attached to things. But then that meaning gets tied to material things. Just don’t have stuff. That’s not at all what it’s about. It’s about your identity. No, not your credit cards either. It’s about who you are. You are everything. Yet, you are nothing. The universe is wholly expressed …

Daily Download

What is it you wish to embody within yourself? Do you seek the path of the conscious or awakened wo/man? Does it ever feel like you have a long way to go to get there? Like there’s more to embody within yourself to get there? Like you’re not quite there yet on your path? Good! …

Daily Download

“Longing is the true nature of divine love.” So why doesn’t it always feel like that? In the past, I did some timeline work to clear the root cause of sadness, only to be left with a feeling of longing, and with that came more depression that prompted me to instead ask what the underlying …

Daily Download

I choose to see the world for what it is. Because that presents challenges for me. Challenges that question my ideology. If the world is inhospitable, if there is poverty and war, and if my own country drives worldwide corruption, death, and destruction, than I must act. And in doing so, finding peace within is …

Daily Download

Life’s kinda funny. Like, you can allow yourself to think you’re in control. Even though you’re not. Because another you is. You think you’re in control so as soon as you let go of the need to be in control, it becomes automatic again. You only have to know that you can be in control, …

Daily Download

This. Is. Heaven. On. Earth. Don’t believe me? Well then, you may have attachments to “external” circumstances you can’t control, like violence, hatred, even war. You may have drama. You may have your own past to deal with. Even with the things out of your control, there’s a special trick: Instead of reacting, notice how …

Daily Download

“Don’t give anyone your time and energy if they aren’t willing to do the same for you…” Really? No, DO give them your time. Do give them your energy. Give them your all. Because maybe that’s exactly what they need. And maybe they don’t even know that yet. Or maybe they’re going to do the …

Daily Download

Some think that when other peoples adopt traditions of a culture that it devalues the original culture. But this is a limited mindset people place on themselves by projecting their own beliefs towards the others based on their differences and their own inability to accept those differences. The real reality is that when more people …

Daily Download

Everybody has triggers that can be fired off if something happens. But it’s not what that something is that’s as important as the underlying value. That same value brings a lot of happiness when it’s honored. So naturally, you don’t like it when it’s crossed. And even so, I’m not advocating not feeling anger–because that …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: People unite to stand against what they oppose, attracting more of it. Right now everyone’s hating on groups that hate. They’re angry with anger. They blindly spout catch phrases inciting others to be outraged, or they’re just not paying attention. They use politics to express hatred, fear, and anger towards those who …