Daily Download

Forgive those who unknowingly or knowingly act upon their social conditioning, whether it be politics, religion, business, or other ideology. Create space for them to awaken from their programming on their own. You can allow them to speak freely. But you ain’t gotta listen if it don’t resonate with your soul! In another time like …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You attract what you embody. That can be a good thing. Unless you allowm what you embody to be influenced by your social conditioning. Negativity can seep in, and it may even seem normal. Until you wake the fuck up. You have the power to choose what you embody. You have the …

Daily Download

You are a person of influence that others look up to, even if you don’t know it. You are their teacher. And so it’s important to speak into someone’s understanding without your own thoughts, biases, or perceptions. We’re all making our own reality from the realm of infinite possibilities after all. So teach people how …

Daily Download

The universe is rigged in your favor! Because the laws of physics that make everything work are part of YOUR higher levels of consciousness. Everything in the realm of quantum physics is all part of YOU. Every single grain of your existence comes together through your connectedness to all that is in the universe and …

More Human than Human

What they didn’t tell you about evolution could fill a warehouse. An information warehouse, that is. There’s so much unknown, and therein lies the true beauty. Because unknown becomes known. First, you don’t know what you don’t know. Then something shifts and you know there’s more to know. And knowledge brings a greater understanding as …

Daily Download

You could argue that life happens in just an instant–a fraction of time that planets and solar systems exist. Conditions change naturally and as influenced by life. Some planets lose life as we know it almost entirely, like Mars and Venus. Makes everything seem almost pointless if we can only exist a while before facing …

Daily Download

Time spent working on yourself is time loving yourself. Everything you put into it comes bask amplified exponentially! As you grow and evolve, you get better at everything. You constantly are improving. You’re changing yourself and seeing the change in your surroundings. You are your own light! Loving life gives you the tools to see …

Daily Download

There is a beauty of science in knowing that there are infinite possibilities. What that really means is that anything is possible. And your brain is programmed to customize your experience from these possibilities of infinity. That means everything is available to you at exactly the time you’re ready to see it. Your observation contextualizes …

Daily Download

Maybe the reason some people refuse to “believe” evolution is that knowing how we came to be also shows us that we’re all related. Just about every human shares common ancestors. Kinda makes our disputes seem small. Every nationality, every skin color, facial or body structure, sex, and identity are all connected by the same …

Daily Download

Knowing all there is to enlightenment isn’t what you need. You don’t need to understand the mind of God or Christ consciousness. You don’t need to walk among the angels like the Buddha. What you need is so much simpler. You need nourishment on your path, knowing that all of this is not only available …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: You’re a simulation, yet you’re completely real. There’s actually no difference, it’s just how reality works. And the proof is inside you. The human brain, the most complicated structure we know of in the universe, is proof. Because it stores information like the universe. Both are like a hologram, encoding the image …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You are a program that’s being programmed. Everything you take in from your surroundings, the information you allow in from friends, family, and the media, and your perceptions of them are what’s programming you. Your subconscious is the computer code that runs the programs while your conscious mind may think it’s in …

Daily Download

Being empty is a good thing. It means you’ve let go of everything that weighs you down. You’ve forgiven others and yourself, so there’s absolutely nothing to hold onto. You’ve cleaned your very own vibrations, and in complete alignment, given yourself back to the universe. So being empty means there’s room. Room for the universe’s …

Daily Download

What was humanity pretending not to know to have ever thought that we are the only life in this universe? What was behind this thinking? Was it conceited to think we’re the only ones? Narcissistic? Closed-minded? And would you be open to letting go of the old values and replacing with new empowering beliefs? Because …

If You Think You’re Single Because You’re an Old Soul, This May Change Everything

You’ve been around a while, so nothing gets by you right? And I know you know all the signs that you are an old soul, which sometimes in the past may have created a vibrational mismatch (or many) in your love life, family, or even business relationships. Is it really that simple that because you’re …

Double Daily Download

What if there’s a way to allow even more healing, letting go, and manifesting what your heart desires, right now? There is! Give me your intentions and prayers. Give me your worries. Give me your fears. Notice how easily you can see that the very act of your giving facilitates release, making so much more …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: When you get down to it, all of the universe is within you. All of the forces that be are ever-present in you, binding together all of the pieces of you. The universe is wholly expressed in every single grain of your existence. You are intimately connected to all that is in …

Daily Download

Truth is greater than belief. Your belief shapes your reality, yes, carving out a magnificent sculpture from the infinite possibilities of the universe. You observe and make your reality match your beliefs. And that’s not all. There’s an underlying phenomenon going on in a sea of infinite possibilities. That’s the true reality. And at the …

Daily Download

One of the greatest miracles in life is simply getting to know yourself for who you really are. I don’t mean your weird personality quirks, although I do love them. You are more than your body–the vehicle you’ve chosen to drive you through the cosmos in this lifetime. You’re more than your soul–the bridge between …