Daily Download

You can look at anyone’s life and find good or bad things to say. We all have good traits and bad traits. We all make mistakes and have good intentions. Every malicious act even has a higher intent. So what controls how you view the good or the bad? You do. How you see others …

Daily Download

What is the purpose of proving something? If you have all of the power to transform massive amounts of energy into every single grain of your physical existence and can use your power for good, would you pursue something just to prove it? No, when you’re truly in your power, you pursue things to help …

Daily Download

It is my hope that I give you hope. That you can be loved exactly the way your heart desires. That you don’t have to seek it from another who’s not there when you need it. I want to give you hope that you are being prepared for something far greater. I hope to give …

Here’s Why We Haven’t Found Aliens (It’s Not What You’d Expect)

The search for extraterrestrial life is going on in more ways today then ever before. Radio signals, planet hunting, and now even laser light pulses we are searching for. All the world’s computing power is crunching away at massive amounts of data brought in every single brand new moment. And now all kinds of experts …

Daily Download

The universe being an illusion doesn’t make it any less real. Magick doesn’t mean anything is a trick. Being a part of a computer program or ‘simulation’ does not mean that any part of this creation is less real than you imagine. The truth is that it’s all real. And it’s all code. It’s all …

Daily Download

You have permission to love yourself. No matter what you’ve been through or what you’ve done, know this: Everything that happened in the past was what you attracted and what you allowed. Everything. And you know what else? NONE of that means there’s anything wrong with you. What you’ve experienced is unique to you and …

Daily Download

Whether it’s political view, religion, or spirituality, I tend to take the middle road. Ask me what side and I’ll say neutral. Because neutrality is very powerful. It doesn’t mean being passive or even ignoring arguments, discussion, or confrontation. Rather, being neutral gives you better tools to work through those. Being neutral gives you a …

Daily Download

Know that it is not the “system” that enslaved you, no matter what the system is, be it religion, corporation, or government. It is you. It is your perception that creates your own mental construct of the system of control. How far your control goes is how far you allow it to. Yes, there are …

Daily Download

The countdown to interplanetary travel starts now! Most of my downloads come from an understanding of the universe that relates to us in a way that’s uplifting and empowering, helping us evolve. Many take you into different perceptions to see things in a new way, overcoming what might have been thought to be a problem. …

Daily Download

If you pay attention to “news,” you’re bombarded by a lot of disempowering beliefs encoded in the messages. And so how do you see beyond what’s going on to get to what the universe is saying? If the message conveys lack, where in life can you attract more abundance and spread the wealth by helping …

Daily Download

Time is not running out. It never will, because time is eternal, dear ones. You are simply accessing a timeline from the time when all time exists. Your timeline is the storyline you’re creating. Your past is just a story you tell yourself. You’re not held to it in any way once you let go. …

8 Ways How the Universe is Working for You (#2 Proves that You’re Living in the Matrix)

There’s a lot of forces at play making things work for you on every level imaginable and even unimaginable. But the real magic comes from your ability to see through it all, to the native underlying foundation of everything. And that’s love. Because science… You see, the answers are already known within you in ever …

Daily Download

When I see the divine in your eyes, miracles are happening. Because through you, my own divinity is reflected back. The true connection is seeing in all others that we are all one and the same, each with our own spin on the universe in and around us. Everybody is their own energy and how …

Daily Download

You don’t have to limit yourself in any way to meet someone else’s expectations. But don’t get this part wrong—they aren’t doing anything unless you allow it. Nobody’s trying to dull your shine. They came to you to learn how to shine on their own. Their attachments are their own to transcend. And your lesson …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: You came here to live. Yet many in the living remain focused on everything but. Your purpose isn’t to leave this realm. Your purpose is to enjoy the life you’re creating every single brand new moment. Death isn’t the end. But living to die or making yourself believe this is your only …

Daily Download

I started explaining myself better when I realized that people only understand from their level of perception. Everyone has their own unique map of reality based on how their brain is wired around their lessons. When you recognize and honor someone’s map of reality, your communication improves. You speak into their level of perception for …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Expectation is attachment. It’s an attachment to a specific outcome. And the worst part is when this happens, you have no control over the outcome. That’s why people become control freaks. They try to control that which can be completely let go of instead. When you expect something to happen or someone …

The Universe Is a Conspiracy to Love Yourself

I’ve got news for you. If you think that you’ve figured out the conspiracies and realized that governments, banks, and religions are mechanisms of control, you have awakened to a new level of awareness. You may see others as sleepers or “in the matrix.” You see beyond the mechanisms of propaganda, misinformation, and control. But …

Daily Download

How to spot a free soul: Look within. Because your essence is that of freedom, love, and joy expressed infinitely through every grain of your existence. Once you acknowledge and love yourself as this, you will see free souls everywhere. And that’s because now you’re emanating pure radiance, giving the universe the opportunity to rise …