Daily Download

You are love. Plain and simple. You are not your ego. You are not your body, or even your soul. You are timeless. Eternal. You go beyond the dimensions of the universe. Call it what you want–vibrations, frequency, attraction, God. It’s what you are. And how does this feel? You know it as love. You …

Daily Download

Enlightenment is simply that which is. What if the only thing that’s kept you from feeling enlightened is just a belief that it’s something you have to attain from learning or doing something? Wouldn’t that put the goal over there? Enlightenment is an ability you already have. You don’t need to see light beings or …

Daily Download

What if the only thing you didn’t find acceptable was your own inability in the past to accept things as they are? And now moving forward as the future is brought towards the present, do you accept yourself wholly and completely, reflecting this upon everything you come across on your path? Acceptance precedes gratitude and …

The Science of Heart

The heart is a wonderful thing. It’s more than just the life-circulating organ centered in our very being, and even more than the powerful energetic fields it generates. The heart transcends time itself as it pumps blood filled with iron forged by the stars billions upon billions of years ago. The heart even transcends space …

Daily Download

It just keeps getting better. All you have to do is allow it. You can do that, can’t you? You see, this is one of the natural laws of the universe. When you focus on self love and let go of blocks and judgments, you create space for your life in the here and now …

Daily Download

You’re Doing it Right Thank you. Because there’s something that you’re already doing that the world needs right now. Your presence benefits us all. And for that I am grateful. Each of you have special talents just as unique as you are. And these talents, when put to good use, set your soul aflame. As …

Daily Download

I invite you to be mindful of the words and actions that elicit a strong response. It is like plucking the strings of a guitar to tune it. It could be good or bad notes. And yes, even the bad notes can show you something powerful. These vibrations are showing you where your values are. …

Daily Download

Awakening Just like the body’s breathing and heartbeat, awakening is a natural process that happens automatically. You do not need to get up and think ‘I need to be awakened.’ Rather, this process happens as a result of your natural living. Your soul honors this process even more as you enjoy each moment, act with …

Daily Downloads

Introducing DAILY DOWNLOADS for inspiration from science. Subscribe below for updates and like Omniverse on facebook.com/GrandSlamTheory. With new advances in cutting edge science, notice how you can be uplifted and motivated simply by the profound meaning of this knowledge. There are two key elements of our universe. Its majestic beauty is a projection from a …


It’s true. All of it. Chakras. The source. Angels. Archangels. Ascended masters walking the earth and multidimensional shape shifters (aka light beings). We are taken care of. I invite you to create a space of gratitude for these gifts. I am truly thankful for what I witnessed. And I realized how every single life lesson …

You Are a Star

As stars live and die, the very building blocks of life are created. But you are more than the cosmic stardust in this process. So much more! You see, everything you’ve ever been told about the afterlife is true. Heaven is real. This is it! This is Heaven on Earth, and you are the afterlife of …

The Key to Enlightenment

Perched atop a high peak in a remote part of the world and isolated from society, a wise master meditated as he quietly sat with the most beautiful view of the valley below. The calm breeze gently went by as he sat undisturbed by his surroundings. He would go out of body to travel the …


Have you ever wondered what it would be like if we could see, not with or eyes, but with our hearts and minds into the souls of one another? How different would everything be? Would we treat each other better? Yes! This is all possible right here and right now by embracing this technique. View …

How to Meditate

Whenever I talk about meditation to someone, the first question is how to meditate. It’s like there’s certain steps involved. Maybe instructions were written on the box we came in, or there’s a little pamphlet that outlines how to do it step by step. Part of the process is overcoming the social conditioning we have …

The Head and the Heart

Do you ever find yourself in a space where you feel like your emotions are playing tug-of-war inside of you? What’s really going on in there? Would you be interested, right here and now, if there was an easy way to become fully aligned, so much more so than before, allowing even more intuitive ability? …

Introduce Yourself

The human body has over 300 trillion cells, each imprinted with the same identity. They all live as one community. You also have other organisms vital to the life of the whole in a symbiotic relationship. The body channels life throughout the whole. As the heart pumps blood, a magnetic field is generated. And as …

Lessons From the End of Earth

When you look around, you may see a lot of doom and gloom from our scientific community and media. Everybody loves to scare you with tales of how life will end. Fear controls and manipulates people, so naturally it makes for good exposure. That’s why there’s still so much coverage about the “asteroid that killed …

Being Omnipresent

What if you could experience expanded ways of seeing yourself, allowing understanding, love, and healing powers so much more so that your environment changes fire the better even more? Would you be open to being guided through a process that effortlessly expands your perceptual position? And are you wholly free of any objection? Great! The …