
What if we could enhance our connection so much more so that every beautiful soul on our path to enlightenment delivers us in just the right direction for our forward progress with even more purposeful authenticity? Notice how easily we can recall exactly how this natural process is embodied within each and every one of …

The 7th Sense

View grandslamtheory’s profile on Facebook View @grandslamtheory’s profile on Twitter View dbertolacci’s profile on Instagram View davidbertolacci’s profile on LinkedIn View David Bertolacci’s profile on Google+ You did not come from monkeys! The fact is, you came out of your parents. You are like them in very many ways. But you are also unique in your …

Love. Just Love.

“When we recognize ourselves in each other all of our lives are enriched.” – Father Greg Boyle, founder of Homeboy Industries Ancient knowledge is resurrected with each new generation on Earth as we awaken to who we really are. And I know you. I know who you really are. It is with deep love and …

Shedding Skin

Have you ever felt that things are going exactly the way they should be going, yet you feel lost in the midst of the divine path? What if transformation actually meant that tonight I go away, never to return, and another David steps in to resume this path? What will he be like? Where is …


Life gives us amazing opportunities to grow. How can we master our perceptive abilities to recognize and capitalize on these abundant opportunities? Just like how our cell phones have apps, our minds have ‘opps.’ Information comes to us in the form of downloads that enter our thoughtstream. These become new ideas as the brain process …


We think stars make light. But they make much more. They assemble the atoms that planets and biological beings are made of and enrich them with light and electromagnetic energy. They hold the entire planetary system in the perfect orbit for each planet with their immense gravity. And they have a lot of wisdom to …

Venture Forth

This is a call to join the revolution of new science—to be on the cutting edge of thoughtnology. How can we better empower ourselves to break free of the mold cast by the past up until this point in the present moment? It’s one thing to learn the science of things, yet a whole new adventure …


What if there were parallel universes that were like all of the different outcomes of the choices we make? Can infinite possibilities of your life exist in this very universe as these parallels? What if there was a way to align yourself with the possibilities of the highest intent, to launch you forward into the …

The Cosmic Mirror Part Three

What do you get when you gaze upon yourself in the mirror? You get everything right back atcha! Every cell reflects its own light into the mirror, and when the photons dance with the quantum realm, an entirely new set of photons comes out to be that reflection. The old photons’ energy was absorbed at …

The Cosmic Mirror

When Science and perception dance together, what are the possibilities of the infinite outcomes? What kind of interaction do we really have with our quantum reality? What if it is more than we think and we really do have power over our perception-based reality? We know that the laws of physics govern our physical surroundings. …

The Soul of the Universe

Just what the actual heck are we? What is the human condition? We can easily say that we are the universe experiencing itself, but we are about to venture forth to explain what that really means! To explore the meaning of being human, let’s view from a different perceptual position. Instead of life happening to …

The Body’s Energy Centers

What if I told you that our bodies aren’t really physical at all, but instead are manifestations of energy? And that as energy transmutes, it creates what appears to be our physical reality? We are consciously observing this process all the time in every grain of our existence, yet we may not yet know how …

Akashic OS

If our consciousness works like computer code, up to and including advanced energy forms and even the laws of physics, wouldn’t it make sense that there’s some sort of filing system to the superconsciousness? Physically, we know that information can’t be lost. According to physics, everything-even energy-is broken down to pure information that can never …

Life Beyond Life

Wasn’t sixth-dimensional consciousness awesome? Isn’t it absolutely amazing knowing that these levels of consciousness are within and serve our highest and best good for even more unfoldment of the discovery of ourselves? Yet I still wonder how many of us, like me, have been tricked by our own perception, clouding the view with our understanding of …