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Look around you. Look within you. There’s an invisible force that binds you. Like the direct observations of the cosmic web of dark matter, it is the connection between things. It is life force, and there is no end to it between you and me, for it is continuous. Scientists now know that the chemical …

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Ever wish life has a cheat code like in a video game? It does. That’s in simply knowing that the outer world is projected from within. All of your perceptions of every external stimuli are inside your retinas, eardrums, and even under your skin. Go deeper. Now your behaviors, beliefs, and values are all running …

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A much Jung-er version of self found that a person’s behavior and actions resulted from projections of the inner psyche — the subconscious mind. As Jung said, “perception is projection.” The subconscious mind filters information to match your internal code. Turns out the universe is much the same. The universe is, in fact, a projection. …

Daily Download

One of the coolest things about the secret code running in your subconscious mind is this… Every act has a highest intent. The subconscious mind seeks to gain something positive from every act, even from malintent. The same is true of consciousness… There’s a highest aspect of your consciousness. No matter how we all identify …

Daily Download

Your future is determined by your present. And right now, there are infinite possibilities in this moment. This one too 😉 This is why psychics don’t tell your future or what the lottery numbers are. Because there are infinite directions we can go from each and every brand new moment. It’s more about reading your …

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So you’re on a spiritual path… Some people might not know it (yet) or even think the path they’re on contradicts the beliefs underlying it. Science is a spiritual path. Because science is intuitive. You wanna test things, but what guides you to what and how? Intuition and knowledge. And the highest intent of science …

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Glitch in the matrix… Or cracks in the universe? For the first time ever, cracks in the universe that cause gravitational lensing were observed. This could be evidence of cosmic strings laying the framework in the early Big Bang for the expansion of space to happen. It’s another piece in the story of our creation… …

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Ever hear people say the universe is cold? Then repeat it? That’s how it becomes a limiting belief. You tell your subconscious that’s what you want to see, and your nervous system is designed to show you more. Is that reality? Or a self-fulfilling prophecy… The universe actually contains a lot of energy. All of …

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Things aren’t always what they seem. Think of an atom. Remember what they looked like in the textbooks? Well they don’t look like that. They don’t always behave like particles either. They’re just energy. The nucleus is just the universe’s primordial soup that temporarily takes form. And electrons aren’t even particles. They’re fields of energy. …

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Someone once asked if the universe can be described in one word… The answer that came to mind was oneness. It’s the original state of the universe. But the human mind, how it loves to perceive things as separate. We see stars and galaxies as far as light can travel over the linear timeline we …

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There’s two powerful universal concepts that combined will blow your mind… There’s infinite possibilities right now in your field. You might not yet be aware of all of it (except when you are), because your subconscious mind filters it for your best understanding in this moment. And there’s infinite time. Instead of the “normal” linear …

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Cool science fact: We’re all just dreaming reality. Because your mind creates a waking hallucination by reading energy stimuli, translating through your perception, then matching up to your subconscious data bank of what’s known to you. Truth is we’re just floating through space reading energy as we go. We are energy reading energy. How cool …

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You may have heard about energy transfers or ‘spiritual debris.’ It’s not just sexual partners. It’s also not just spiritual mumbo jumbo. There’s a very real science to it… And it’s much more prevalent than you might think. It’s in the media (that’s why it’s called programming). It’s in articles that you read. Even science …

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Blunt force truth: There’s no such thing as prehistory. Only the part of history we forgot. And much like our own individual journey through time and space, we’re all just remembering who we are. History never told the full story. It only started where our collective memories left off. And here’s why — one of …

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What happens when our thoughts influence our reality? The subconscious mind tunes itself to find more of what matches the internal representation of your thoughts. The brain is hardwired to do that. It’s called your reticular activating system. Whatever you focus on, your subconscious mind will find more of in your surroundings for you to …

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I read somewhere that in the past, unicorns weren’t considered literal horses with horns. They were drawn that way to represent horses as conscious beings, which is how the ancients recognized these magnificent beings. The horn symbolized its connection to the divine. It was its wifi. And that reminded me of how in this modern …

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Seems sometimes like there’s a conspiracy for just about everything these days. So much so that people try to explain why people subscribe to them. Here’s a little secret prime directive of the subconscious mind: everything (yes, everything) has a highest intent. Those who think differently may seek acceptance from like-minded individuals. Those who shame …

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Sure, the Earth may seem round, but we live in a higher-dimensional blob that’s 3D PLUS time (in multiple dimensions) AND EVEN infinite possibilities of parallel realities. And all of that is a projection from the surface of the event horizon of a white hole that spun off the singularity that the universe was created …

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Sure, close encounters with aliens are cool and all, but… Have you ever had a close encounter with a human? I mean getting really down to it to see a human exactly as they are? Prob not what most people even think human is — on the surface we’re all just running around acting like …

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What would you desire to expand in life right now? Because the universe makes it happen, and here is the secret how you do it… Universal expansion decoded — virtual pairs of positive and negative particles exert forces on each other as they go in and out of existence (aka zero point energy). The resulting …