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I grew up hearing people say that everything can be explained by science. The problem with that argument was that it’s dismissive and usually spoken by people who didn’t want to explore new ideas or accept evidence that contradicted their internal beliefs. That’s not scientific. Science merely provides s framework for asking questions. The questions …

Daily Download

What if you could fall in love with yourself so much so that you become manifested as every single aspect of the divine through every living thing and every being across all of the universes simply to witness yourself through infinite ways? Many will tell you what the divine mind is. Many will tell you …

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The universes aren’t exactly the way we’re taught… Our observable universe is just a projection. Just like how the subconscious mind projects itself to view the world around it from its own frame of reference (until one realizes one’s power to create). The universe is a projection from the event horizon of a singularity, and …

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Science shows us that objects taking up space in higher dimensions can be viewed in the 3 physical dimensions humans perceive. And that time as we know it may not just be a single fixed dimension. We only perceive it that way. The science of the mind tells you that the subconscious filters data from …

Daily Download

You were taught about light wrong. And that’s ok. Because that gives you a chance to discover something new again… Mirrors don’t reflect a beam of photons. When photons strike a reflective surface, they are absorbed by the electron fields of the surface’s atoms. You were probably also taught that an electron is a particle …

Daily Download

How you perceive your universe determines how you perceive your universe. So to understand how you perceive your universe, you must first understand how you perceive your universe… Humans have primary senses like visual, auditory, feeling, and understanding, each of which shapes your view of the world through filters in the mind’s hidden code. And …

Daily Download

Time is cyclical. Yet perceived as linear. And yet, we also perceive time different relative to speed and gravity. So much so that time and space curve inward infinitely at the event horizon of a singularity. So why in the first place do we tell ourselves that time is constant when we know it to …

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There’s a lot of theories about why extraterrestrials “haven’t” contacted life here (they have been). Every theory has merit, but surprisingly, science hasn’t caught up to the science of the mind in this context. 👁️What science overlooks is that human perception is not how things actually are. 👁️We only think things are the way they …

Daily Download

Modern physics tests have already proved the existence of parallel worlds. They just don’t know it yet. They’ve been duplicating results since the 1800s. And the only thing stopping people from seeing it is their own cognitive bias from any disruption of the frame of reference from which they viewed their world. All of the …

Daily Download

When I decided to incarnate as a vessel of consciousness in physical form, the universe said to me, you must be out of your mind! That’s because in order to create a focal point of consciousness into being, I first had to create the illusion of separation from the divine mind of all that is. …

Daily Download

When you see yourself in the mirror, and the mirror shakes, do you? Or is it just your reflection? What if you look at life through this lens? Like looking at yourself in the mirror, maybe your world is getting shaken up, but as long as you’re the observer you remain unshakable. 👁️You do not …

Daily Download

You may have heard rumors. That this is the ‘one true reality.’ That ‘things don’t change.’ That someone’s master plan is your ‘destiny.’ We’ve all been exposed to at least one of these… Got any to throw in the mix? Let’s set the record clear. ✨For every possibility right now, there is a reality present …

Daily Download

The world you perceive is constantly evolving from within. Everything you see, hear, and feel are programs. It’s just as automatic as your heart beating. Your programs tell your brain how to put together your reality by filtering through infinite possibilities to give you exactly what you perceive. This programming is not permanent. It’s not …

Daily Download

Evolution got something wrong… And we were taught the wrong version as if it were written in stone. ‘Survival of the fittest’ was merely a limiting perception at the time. It just makes sense that if that’s how people were living their lives at the time, that’s the belief that was projected as bias in …

Daily Download

It takes 21 days to start a new habit. Science shows us that this happens from the subconscious mind coding the new habit through repetition. By repeating the new habit, practice makes perfect, as it is written in your brain’s secret code and made part of your automatic consciousness. This is also how the subconscious …

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This might just be the most powerful message I’ve heard… I mean, I’m open to signs but this? I’m transcending the physical symptoms I’ve been observing in my body for a very long time. I’ve taken the traditional medicine route to its completion, and there is no diagnosis. I’ve done work on myself to transform …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: The veil is there for a reason. Yes, it separates you from the true nature of the universe. But it’s within you. It’s the settings in your mind’s OS that you can’t get to without admin approval. Because the veil is operated by your subconscious mind in agreement with the laws of …

Daily Download

Stop trying to be in the moment. Sometimes, things are meant to pass. When you focus your attention on the present moment, your brain has to process the moment to portray the reality you see. The problem is, that takes a moment to process. What you’re experiencing is already in the past… You don’t have …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Whatever you give your power to, you give permission to… When you react to someone or something, you give your power to that which you are focused on. In that moment, the energy you give to someone or something, that is what you are coding in your mind to perceive more of. …

Daily Download

Omniversal truth: You’re never in the same place twice. The Earth isn’t just rotating, and it’s not revolving around a fixed Sun. Even our Sun is moving. Our entire solar system is moving around a finger of the Milky Way galaxy and rotating around its core. And the galaxy isn’t fixed either! We’re constantly moving …