Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If you think all wo/men are the same, than that’s exactly what you’ll see. Because that’s exactly what you’re telling your subconscious mind to keep showing you. If you think it, the mind will make it real. Because that’s just what the subconscious does. The subconscious finds what’s on your mind. So …

Daily Download

Time travel is possible. The mind can take you there. Because the mind is nonphysical. The brain and body however, must apply physical agreements made with the laws of physics since the beginning of your perception of time. The mind is what takes your perception of time to create the timeline you observe. That way …

The Secret Science of Divinity, Part One

The ancient history of the world contains even deeper wisdom. But one must look beyond the surface of the mystical to open up the door to infinite possibilities. Until you do, the stories will repeat themselves. Today we retell what the mystics taught eons ago. The latest version Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Hindus tell is …

Daily Download

Once thought to drive our behaviors, the conscious mind is now known to control only about 5% of your living experience. What about the rest? The subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your thoughts, words, and actions. Your beliefs and behaviors. Your values and meta-programming. When humans mapped their DNA, something very similar happened… …

Daily Download

What you see comes from your mind, not to your mind. Before your perceptory senses pick up anything, your internal subconscious belief structure sends out your perceptory parameters. You tell the universe, ‘this is how I see,’ and then the senses pick up the data that fits your frame of reference. Your senses filter raw …

Daily Download

What if I told you that the conscious mind, aka analytical mind/ego, and the subconscious programming that drive 95% of your values, beliefs, and behaviors are the same mind? They just act differently. One holds your identity and the illusion that you actually control things. The other holds all of your programming that controls you. …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: For every negative stimulus there’s a positive response. It’s just how the brain wires itself up. The brain automatically balances itself. But the surface mind might get stuck on the negative part. What’s going on in the subconscious is that it wants to process it–for good. So it associates it with a positive …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: In order to be fully whole and complete, you’re going to have to make friends with your dark side. We don’t mean just the shadow self though. We mean what’s hidden deep within. How’s that being reflected right now in your self talk? And how is it reflected back to you by …

Daily Download

Emotions are meant to flow. And you’re meant to be the observer. The witness. Whatever comes up for you, you can follow the rabbit trail down to where it originally comes from, or you can question the highest intent to get to higher dimensions of lessons and learnings. To get the gift. There’s infinite potential …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: One of the greatest tricks of the mind is that it tries to make sense of things. And that’s great when there’s enough data to draw a complete picture. But sometimes, maybe most of the time, there’s not. So the subconscious mind finds data to try to put things together. Seemingly separate …

Daily Download

You were right. But just maybe, not for the reasons you thought you were. You were right because everything in your decision was based on your underlying beliefs. Your beliefs are the programming code in the subconscious that tell your mind what it is you want to see. So whatever it is you believe determines …

Daily Download

Doing work on oneself may lead to the release of any and all expectations. You become open to receiving lessons in any situation. Life shows up for you! In weird ways sometimes… Be ready to see your results showing up in unexpected ways. Because the expectations you may have experienced in the past might have …

Daily Download

Your soul has no identity. Just let that sink in. So then, you are not a body that has a soul–you’re a soul with a body, right? Not exactly. The soul don’t possess things. The soul doesn’t identify with things. We do that in this world. Until we wake up. The soul is a no-thing. …

Daily Download

“If you run away from pain, you also run away from love.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar The moment you turn your back on something unwanted, you’re storing it deep in your subconscious. You’re not ignoring it. You’re just pushing it away. But you’re still focusing your subconscious mind on it. So the mind brings …

The Human OS

The way neuroscientists study how information is stored in the brain is very similar to how data is stored in magnetic platters of a hard disc. The bits of data are there, arranged in specific patterns. That’s our machine language. And how we perceive that data is completely different than how it’s stored. Operating systems …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: True heroism isn’t about saving people. It’s about liberating yourself from your own social conditioning and programming so that you become free. And in doing so, others around you become free. There’s nothing to be saved from. This becomes mastery of the self. To hear one’s own thoughts–even the demons within. Especially …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: There’s a huge difference between gaining freedom by escaping from something versus just being free. It’s all about your vibration. Because escaping something, which can still be a good thing, is basically pushing away from something unwanted. That still focuses the mind on what you don’t want. The subconscious automatically goes out …

Daily Download

What is meditation? Must you silence the mind? Lol, no. Meditation is breathing. Just that. It’s like the current of the ocean. Trying to silence the mind is like trying to stop the waves on the surface. Go ahead, stand in its way. See what happens. The waves keep moving! Stillness is found when you …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Awareness is part of the illusion. A big part of it! The universe works on a subtle level of consciousness. Every bit of your presence is universal love projected unto you. Your subconscious mind processes infinite information, allowing your conscious mind to perceive exactly what’s perfect for your understanding at the time. …