Daily Download

You are not the emotions you sense and feel. You are not the thoughts you think you think. You are not the physical body you perceive to be real. Those are but the ink. On the canvas of you. But you are not the identity you have come to know. And certainly not the many …

This is What’s Behind the New Downloads Coming Up (I Thought I Was Done)

It’s been over 6 years since I started this blog to write about my book, Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse. Since then my life and the Omniversal Enlightenment blog have taken dramatic turns. I was fresh on the scene and sought out ways to get the word out about my new book, so I …

Secrets of Awakening

Every time you gaze into the sky during a clear night, you see a beautiful myriad of stars and galaxies sprinkling the sky like glitter. And what you don’t see holds the answers to so many more questions… There’s black holes everywhere. In the center of ever galaxy and spread out in the vastness of …

Daily Download

Why are we conditioned to want what we don’t have when we could simply be grateful instead, attracting that which is already present? Simply realize that everything you desire is already present as an energetic field. Gratitude aligns you with this energy, and intention manifests it as reality. Thank you for your presence. ❤️ =D

Daily Download

Love without expectation. Not because it’s easy or you won’t get hurt. Neither will be true. It takes effort to reflect and recognize in yourself attachments that you are actively letting go of in this process. And yes, there’s research showing that people are happier with lowered expectations, but that’s not really getting to the …

Daily Download

“You cannot talk butterfly language with caterpillar people?” Tell me then dear ones, is the word “cannot” party of butterfly language? If you have metamorphosed and can fly freely, would you still with yourself down with self-imposed limitations? After all, wouldn’t you want to show the caterpillar people the beautiful journey that’s ahead of them …

Daily Download

Appreciators gonna appreciate. Let that be what you emanate! Attune yourself to even higher frequencies simply by being thankful for what you got. Even the challenges. Especially the challenges! You can find blessings in how you respond to challenges and how we come together. Anything going on with your mind and body can illuminate something …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Some people in this world–maybe most people–aren’t always operating on the highest frequency. It seems at times that everyone’s just out to fuck each other over. To scam one another. To rob you any chance they get. For some, building an empire helps them escape the drudgery. But for the poor, they’re …

Daily Download

I AM ready for change. For all new life adventures! New places. New people. New life lessons! Wait, you might want to say, be careful what you’re attracting, don’t you? Well I just unsubscribed to all fear theories. Fear doesn’t mean anything. Let me explain: Fear. Don’t. Mean. Shit! It ain’t about not attracting lessons. …

Daily Download

You are worthy. So much so that your value exceeds every gemstone. Every precious metal. Every rare earth element. Because there’s only one just like you. You’re a precious commodity. And in all of history there’s never been another like you. In all of the future possibilities, there will never be another just like you. …

Daily Download

Emotions aren’t meant to be held onto. They aren’t meant to be pushed down, away, or to be withheld. Emotions are simply meant to flow. Just like how time creates change with the flow of universal love, imagine a river of flowing water. You’re just standing by the banks watching the river flow. When something …

Daily Download

The body is more than a vessel. It’s even more than a temple. Your body is a metaphor for your life. Ask questions into what you feel. Where else in life do you see something coming up? Are you holding onto things resulting in excess body weight? Energy can be utilized or stored depending on …

Daily Download

When you value yourself, you’ll find value in what others give. If all you want is freebies, you might end up accumulating things without value. It is only by adding your value that things become valuable to you. And know this: Everything you do for others adds value. If and when the others know their …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Seeking proof to validate your limiting beliefs only serves to hold you down. It’s a self-serving way of limiting yourself. So in that sense, is it really serving your growth at all, or just your limiting beliefs? Don’t get me wrong, proof is good–when you allow the proof to shape your ideas …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Everything that’s happening right now is preparing you for what’s next. Even the bad stuff prepares you to handle things better! You become wiser and more knowledgeable. You become stronger and more vulnerable. And even amidst the chaos now, you’ll see how purposeful it was in the aftermath. What seemed like a …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Not believing in something doesn’t make it any less real. What it does do is prevent you from being able to see it though (so you think you’re right). That’s just how the subconscious mind works! It doesn’t negate things. It simply finds more of what’s in alignment with your current beliefs, …

Daily Download

Life is a dream. Exactly how you follow your dreams is up to you. You can be in the fullest expression of living your wildest dreams and desires. Your life is a dream come true! Or you can choose not to see things that way. Life can be a scary nightmare. It’s your choice. And …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When you make things about you, you’re setting yourself up for punishment. Taking things personally is a choice. Interpreting things about you is your choice. Reading into a situation from only this perspective limits what you will perceive and understand. Even if it is about something you said or did, you have …

Daily Download

Sometimes I wish I could just take off my skin suit and fly around this world, meeting and greeting everyone from that which is my pure essence–unconditional, unadulterated, universal love. To just let it be raw and unfiltered. To let our naked souls be free as we make every single encounter with one another the …