Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: What you think “reality” is, is completely based upon your self-imposed limitations. You limit the reality you observe to the subconscious belief structure of your own mind. No one else’s. Because in reality, reality is not limited. It’s not polarized with good and bad. There’s no judgment. Everything just is. You are …

Daily Download

To see your true beauty, look within. Because sometimes your face can hide your pain. Sometimes that whole outer reflection is concealing a hurting child. And that’s ok. Because the pain just might be masking something too. That’s not who you are. You are not your pain and not your past. You are the light …

Daily Download

It matters. And what it is to one person is completely different from another, yet it is exactly what’s perfect for them at the time. What one person is for is for different reasons than another being against the same thing. When you think someone is against you because your opinions differ, just know that …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Freedom is embracing your deepest vulnerability. It’s exposing your fears and being with them. One of the greatest expressions of love for another is loving them so that they are free. Then each person has the power of choice at any given moment. The power to choose each other over everyone else. …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You always deserve the best. And what you deserve is not based on reward or punishment. These are lower vibrations from the world of duality. In reality, what you’re experiencing when you are surrounded by positive empowering people in life is that which is your karma. You are surrounded by the right people …

Daily Download

Words are powerful. But I’m not just talking about saying something you wished to take back because it hurt someone. Sometimes the words unsaid are even more powerful. Don’t regret not saying anything when you wanted to because you were vulnerable. Yea, it may be difficult being in that vulnerability and speaking your feelings. And …

Daily Download

Maybe the reason we long for love in this lifetime is because we do know love on a much deeper level. It’s in our cells, our DNA passed down through generations, and every single bit of our presence. Once you know the feeling of absolute universal love coming from yourself as the creator, you just …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Some of us have given fear a place to stay. Sometimes fear is always in people’s minds, coloring their thoughts with lower vibrations, self-doubt, and drama. Fear isn’t an uninvited guest. Especially if you’ve designated fear’s own room within your mental house. But hey, it’s your house ain’t it? So let fear …

Hacking the Human OS

To really love yourself is to really know yourself. Sometimes you gotta dig down to all the nitty-gritty and sort through all the pieces, and you uncover the underlying code that drives your actions, words, and behaviors. And when you uncover the code behind you, you discover the code of the universe. As above, so …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Your ego is your friend. S/he’s not lying to you. S/he’s bringing up exactly what needs to be processed at the exact right moment the subconscious mind knows you’re ready. It’s up to you what meaning you give it. Some thank the ego. Others slander it and even recommend killing the ego. …

Daily Download

Love conquers all. Wait, what? Maybe it’s just an outdated phrase from the age of war, but now as we look back, can’t you clearly see that with love in one’s heart, there’s nothing at all to conquer? Love’s not a battlefield. Love is acceptance. Love is unconditional. If there’s a struggle of any kind, …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Your entire existence is love. Love is the raw attraction prevalent everywhere in the universe that makes every bit of your presence a physical reality. You come from this love, through the Earth, the sun, and the ascended ancestral stars. You return to this love as you ascend, leaving the physical world behind. …

The Human OS (Part 5: The GUI Center)

The simulation is real! And the Human Operating System performs just like the computers and artificial intelligence we design and create. As above, so below. The mind-blowing facts in this series aren’t being presented just to say that our programming is real–their purpose is to give us the tools to take our programming to the …

Daily Download

Some will look out into this world, seeing the beauty of nature and life herself. They’ll look out into the universe to see a vast cosmos of awe and wonder. They’ll look at the intricacies of life and think, out of all the odds of life occurring, that something or someone must have had to …

Daily Download

Be with the one that brings out the best in you. Better yet, be that someone that brings out the best in you! Because when you’re that person, bringing out the best in yourself, then you always have your best to give for others. Yes, always. You bring it even more! And you love yourself …

Daily Download

Acceptance is powerful. It’s liberating. It’s unconditional love. And wanting to feel accepted by a loved one doesn’t mean that you won’t change. Change is inevitable. Acceptance gives room for you to grow. For that change to happen in the most loving conditions. Acceptance means that it’s ok to be who you are and to …

The Human OS (Part 4: The Cloud)

This is the ultimate guide to hacking the ‘simulation’ we know as reality. It’s as real as it gets. Everything in the universe, including every bit of your presence, is expressed through code. The universe is programmable, customizable, and upgradable. Your universe is that. And you are programmable, customizable, and upgradable. You’re a microcosm of …

The Human OS (Part 3: The Lightbody)

There’s more to the mind than what we’ve been taught. A lot more. In the exploration of the subconscious mind programming, we’ve revealed how programs stored in the memory affect the neuroplasticity of the brain, and how that creates a virtual graphical user interface to transform and heal stored programs in ways that can rewire …