Daily Download

This is for the mothers, the sisters, the wives, the daughters, the mompreneurs, the inspirational leaders, the scholars, the yoginis and athletes. The Goddesses. For all of the women who’ve inspired my life. For creating my life. For helping to make my life better. For being there in my time of need. For supporting me, …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Your greatest weakness is also your greatest strength. You just gotta let it be. Love yourself through it. Love everything about yourself including what you perceive to be weakness. And ask, was what you think of this trait affected by how others thought of you in the past? Because there’s someone out …

Daily Download

Universal love is a personal discovery. Once you get it, you get it. And you get it for good. It’s one thing to read about it. It’s another to feel it–to experience it in every bit of your presence and every cell of your being! Universal love is always present in everything. That’s because it’s …

Daily Download

In this human experience, we sometimes have the tendency to see things as good or bad. We sometimes add our judgment to color our perceptions. And there’s so much more to the picture! It’s just a simple shift of perceptual position. Any shadow–anything you might perceive as a negative–is cast by something that blocks light, …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Awareness is part of the illusion. A big part of it! The universe works on a subtle level of consciousness. Every bit of your presence is universal love projected unto you. Your subconscious mind processes infinite information, allowing your conscious mind to perceive exactly what’s perfect for your understanding at the time. …

Daily Download

It may not always seem like the lessons the universe reflects back to you are aligned with your purpose. Keep going anyway. Keep striving forward to take care of yourself. Keep putting your best self forward to take care of those in need. And even if you’re not getting the results you wanted, that’s just …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Taking things personally is a choice people make. Being offended is a choice people make for themselves. Being insulted is a choice people make. Everything is a choice for you to either react or respond. Reacting can lead down a dark path. You’ll know reactions by the perception position. Most people are …

Thank You for Being You

You are whole and complete, yet you are also part of something so much bigger. And in its entirety, the universe is projected through every single bit of your presence. It’s all energy manifesting into the physical. The underlying energy that is the basis of all attraction in the universe. Everything attracts because separation is …

Daily Download

Everything happens in time. Yes, everything! You create your reality right now in the present moment. And as you focus on manifesting, notice how everything happens at just the right time for where you are on your path. After all, it has up until now, hasn’t it? And the universe will continue to do so …

Daily Download

Space continually expands. The universal expansion accelerates to what looks like the inevitable end of the observable universe. And we’re all flying through space hurdling toward the edge of the universe! Life’s a one-way trip into the unknown. And this journey is filled with many gifts, because it’s not the destination that’s important. It’s what …

Daily Download

Everything on this planet is a gift. We have fuel, energy, food, and water, all simply here from the creative forces of the universe. All gifted. And the creative forces aren’t necessarily something that designed it that way–they’re simply the conditions that allow life to flow. Every habitable solar system has its ‘Goldilocks zone’ where …

Daily Download

Creating space for someone is more than just for their healing–you can create safe space where someone feels protected and free. Free to be themselves and do whatever they want. But here’s the thing–men must recognize when they can create safe space and protect it too. I stopped drumming the other night when a guy …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everything you experience in this universe is being filtered by your perception. Yes, everything! Everything we know about the universe has been described in this way. That also means that your perception has higher powers to process the stuff that’s going on beyond your awareness. Yes, you are a universe-processing machine! And you …

Daily Download

I know you. I know who you are. And I know you’re here. Ever-present in this field of infinite possibilities. I’m not waiting–and neither are you. I’m becoming even more ready for all of your awesomeness to manifest wholly and completely from this field of abundant love. I am aligning universes. I am programming universes. …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everything has the potential to get better. Everyfuckingthing! No matter how it’s perceived. Ever hear someone say “don’t fix it if it ain’t broke?” That’s actually a limiting belief that illuminates a resistance to change. And that leads to complacency and willingness to try to force things to stay the same, which is …

Daily Download

When it gets down to it, everything in life is about flow. The universe flows through every single grain of your existence just as life flows through every cell of your being. But where we might not realize it is in our own mind. Thoughts flow. They’re converting energy into physical patterns in the neural …

Daily Download

Spice things up. Make love the extra ingredient for life. Sprinkle that shit everywhere! Add love to the mix of your daily routine. Take love with you outside your comfort zone and spread it like butter! Put love in everything you say and everything you do. Be love, as you love yourself so much so …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: The key to intuition isn’t about predicting. It’s about creating. You have the power to shift your reality into exactly what you dream it to be simply because the universe is made that way. You’re not concerned with what’s happening in the future. You’re creating a better now! You align your intentions …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You must first empty yourself to be filled with love. Allow your heart center to be empty. Yes, you read that right! Because that’s how you get all of those emotions unstuck. That’s how you let go of any and all attachments. It’s how you let go of what’s passed. You just let …

Daily Download

Music is made by the space in between the notes. In art, it’s the space between the brush strokes. In the universe, life happens in the space between stars. Space isn’t nothing–it’s everything. All things flow through space. All energy. And it’s all available to you all the time, because the space inside you is …