Daily Download

Trust that the universe brings you exactly the right experiences at just the right time for you. Everything’s happening for your growth. Your teacher presents herself or himself to you, not coming from a place of being complete on their path, but for their learning too. You are both the student and the teacher. And …

Want to Be the Best Version of Yourself? Try These 7 Universe Hacks

What if you could just show up as the most authentic version of yourself everywhere you go? Who would you become if you fully embraced your power each and every brand new moment? What if I told you that it’s not hard at all? It’s possible. Just set the intention and work on yourself a …

Daily Download

If it is love that you seek to experience, here’s a secret: Because you are connected to all that is, it’s simply a matter of realizing within yourself that love is available. Your availability aligns you with the connectedness of all that is, making it easier for you to love. Your unconditional love raises your …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You don’t have to call yourself spiritual to be spiritual. We get it though, you’re badass. You’re gangsta. You’re out there with the colored hair and all kinds of flair. It’s good for business, isn’t it? You don’t need that to be spiritual. And that’s because you already are spirit. You are …

This One Universe Hack Creates Pure Magic

What is stillness? Why is it important to be still to meditate? It’s not. Stillness is just the consequence of meditating. It is a natural action of the mind and body experiencing silence, which opens the soul connection with your innate divine being while being consciously aware. And no, the trick isn’t to silence the …

Daily Download

Parallel universes are the infinite possibilities of our universe. It’s all available to you all the time! Made possible by quantum physics. This is just a novel way to observe and describe the universe. In 2017 it was shown that a particle exists in two locations at once. You exist within every single possibility of …

Daily Download

What if the very things you want in life are one and the same as others? How could simply knowing this one thing bridge worlds together as your understanding and compassion grow? To survive, the body needs nourishment, hydration, and breath. Energetically, we need hugs too. Everyone strives for love and success in the ways …

Daily Download

We’re all just showing up at a costume party in life, right? You have different costumes for every aspect of life, and that’s how you show up. Until you don’t. Because that’s not who you are. You are the essence, dear ones. So show up to that costume party naked, because you’re spiritual af! Guide …

Daily Download

The path to enlightenment is kinda funny. It doesn’t really have to be this dramatic stripping away of what’s not true. Unless you want to go in kicking and screaming. It’s more like accepting what is. It might not mean that you’ll see and hear angels and spirits and all kinds of stuff. But you …

5 Ways to Know You’re With a Manipulator (And How to Unfuck Yourself)

We’ve all experienced someone in our lives who’s been manipulative, either intentionally or not. It’s an unfortunate truth. And it comes with lessons learned, because now you can recognize the signs before getting pulled into someone’s scheme. Here’s how to know… First, the manipulator always has an agenda. Yes, always. There’s something they want either …

Daily Download

When you shift your physical body to look up and open your heart, you are creating magic. You’re seeing through an expanded point of view, taking you out of first person perspective. You become aligned with even more of the highest possibilities always available to you–simply because you’re not stuck on something. You have expanded …

Daily Download

When you exude gratitude, you magnetize yourself to attract exactly what your heart desires. What gift are you calling forth into this brand new present moment? With a full sense of knowing that your desired manifestations are present in the energy in and around you, give thanks and watch how you become instantly aligned with …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: The universe wants you to keep moving forward in life. You may see her working through spirit or angels guiding you. They keep nudging you forward. The catch is that they’re not focused on specifics. That’s your task in the physical. The universe provides the energy (life) and the space to conduct energy. …

Twist of Fate

Trust your intuition and let life pull you in the direction of your dreams. You don’t have to keep pushing–when you have momentum the universe takes you places. And you’re always moving forward through space. You already have momentum. Are you giving it attention? It might not be exactly what you think. There could be …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Loving yourself isn’t as simple as just saying ‘I love you’ to yourself. It’s deep introspection. It’s going way down into your psyche, analyzing what you’re critical of, and giving it even more love. It’s listening to the ego and the self doubt to find the underlying limiting beliefs to be replaced …

Daily Download

What if expansion of the universe was just the increasing awareness of the universe as its own evolution mirrors yours? The more you become aware, the more those around you become aware. It’s doesn’t take long to get the whole universe involved, seeing growth through the eyes of every living being throughout time! We now …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You are the body of love–not separate from anything, your body is of thought, of the mind, and of the soul. Your body is the connection to the realms of infinite energy surrounding you. Energy that’s transmuted to turn the universe in its entirety into each and every single grain of your existence …

Because Reasons

You might think it’s funny how I, a scientist, write about the infinite possibilities of the soul, and how to use that to hack the body, the universe, and even time. It’s all explorable. It’s in the questions you ask. It’s all observable. How open you become determines how the answers come. Everything happens for …

Daily Download

The universe loves you. That’s how it works. And the universe is you, expressed wholly within every single grain of your existence. All connected. All one. Through you, the universe is loving herself. In your eyes, the universe sees what you love. So love yourself so that the universe may fully experience herself. In doing …