Daily Download

Humans can project light through 4D space-time onto a 2D screen. You’re observing it now. We’ve even demonstrated how to ‘slice’ through frameworks of higher dimensions, effectively making a 3D screen that resembles crystals. Quasicrystals are multidimensional, and their patterns we see are slices of higher dimensions. And now scientists are creating new phases of …

Daily Download

The universe exists because it loves itself to pieces. That’s how the Big Bang happened. And now the universe loves itself through all of its seemingly separate pieces. That’s why things attract. That’s why there’s one underlying force beneath everything we know — attraction. That’s why when humans feel attraction we call it love. Because …

Daily Download

How you perceive your universe determines how you perceive your universe. So to understand how you perceive your universe, you must first understand how you perceive your universe… Humans have primary senses like visual, auditory, feeling, and understanding, each of which shapes your view of the world through filters in the mind’s hidden code. And …

Daily Download

Why’s it matter that we can see the beginnings of the observable universe with high tech like the James Webb Space Telescope? Because what’s more beautiful than seeing yourself in this reflection? What’s more spiritual than knowing that all of it — yes, everything — is within each and every bit of your presence? The …

Daily Download

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t fly. Because you’re flying through uncharted space right now on a living space rock powered by a nuclear fission reactor and gravitational warp drive. You’re making a 4D fractal spiral path through the universes with multiple core energies working for you. Electromagnetic. Nuclear. Gravitational. The great …

Daily Download

Did the recent startup of the newly upgraded Large Hadron Collider open a portal to a parallel universe like the new conspiracies claim? What’s science say? Science says yes! Because everything we observe is simply the most likely outcome or combination of outcomes out of infinite possibilities. In quantum mechanics, for an object to go …

Daily Download

We are living biological time crystals. So it just goes to say that we’re multidimensional. And there’s even more dimensions… Karma is a dimension and like time, it’s unidirectional. You can’t go back. Unless it’s to clear a karmic pattern. The patterns can be explained one dimensionally by saying it’s cause and effect. But there …

Daily Download

Have you ever used your eyes to see what happens inside the brain? How many ways do you think you can sense your own inner workings? And are we really ourselves, or is self image and identity just something made up in the brain? Do this with me. Point to yourself. Hold your hand out …

Daily Download

You are a microcosm of the universe in its entirety. Yet you are also the macrocosm, with every single grain of existence running through your veins, blooming through your presence. The key ingredient is that you’re cosmic. You are the primordial soup that matter and forces come from. You are the energy of the stars …

Daily Download

Time is cyclical. Yet perceived as linear. And yet, we also perceive time different relative to speed and gravity. So much so that time and space curve inward infinitely at the event horizon of a singularity. So why in the first place do we tell ourselves that time is constant when we know it to …

Daily Download

There’s a lot of theories about why extraterrestrials “haven’t” contacted life here (they have been). Every theory has merit, but surprisingly, science hasn’t caught up to the science of the mind in this context. 👁️What science overlooks is that human perception is not how things actually are. 👁️We only think things are the way they …

Daily Download

As it turns out, life is a consequence of physics. The building blocks are everywhere in space in cosmic dust, asteroids, comets, and planetary discs. Life follows the basic principle of the universes to always grow toward increasing entropy. Consciousness is one and the same. Except not tied completely to the physical. It’s like your …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: People argue over what they believe in the universes to be real or not. When in reality, nothing is real. 💣Not your laws of physics. 💣Not your physical structure. 💣Not even time. Even if you read that with pauses. Everything you describe is what you perceive. Is perception what’s real then? Because …

Daily Download

You are vibrations come to life. Everything about you is the perfect emanation of your vibrations all the way down to every single subsonic particle’s particles. Every bit of your presence is dancing to the tune of the universes! Because everything’s vibrating energies. Even your thought is measured in vibrations — your brain waves. And …

Daily Download

Modern physics tests have already proved the existence of parallel worlds. They just don’t know it yet. They’ve been duplicating results since the 1800s. And the only thing stopping people from seeing it is their own cognitive bias from any disruption of the frame of reference from which they viewed their world. All of the …

Daily Download

There’s a lot of crazy ideas going around about parallel universes… Mainly the false idea that parallel realities are separate from our own. Truth is, every single parallel universe converges on one single point. And that’s exactly where you are right now. That gives you a personalized view of all the universes through your perception. …

Daily Download

There is a dark side of loving yourself that no one ever talks about… Self love isn’t just about loving yourself blindly. It isn’t about shining a light on the dark parts of your psyche. It ain’t about ‘staying positive.’ Matt Kahn, an inspirational leader and huge influence of mine, says “love what arises.” And …

Daily Download

There’s something that nobody tells you about manifesting… Nobody tells you this about doing the work on yourself… They will tell you not to be attached to outcome. This is important. Doing the work on yourself to clear limiting blocks and manifest your desires may not give you the results you want. And that’s ok. …

Daily Download

The universes are on your side. The universes favor life. Sound crazy? It’s not… Our universe has one mystery scientists have been trying to solve. It’s called antimatter asymmetry. What it means is that there is an abundance of matter (so matter and antimatter don’t cancel each other out). Yes, abundance! That means chances are …

Daily Download

When you open up with awareness of the consciousness of all things (CAT), everything becomes your teacher. Just as life force flows within all beings, consciousness is the flow of this underlying universal force. And what is this force? All things attract, and in the living, we call that love. That love is the underlying …